The cast of My Adventures of Superman teases the new arcs in season 2 of the DC animated series. One of the new superhero properties in 2023 was My Adventures with Superman season 1, serving as a new animated exploration of Clark Kent, Lois Lane, and Jimmy Olsen during their early years in Metropolis. As Clark is figuring himself out as Superman, Lois is on her journey to become one of DC Universe’s most iconic reporters, while Jimmy is coming into his own as a media creator.

The ending of the first season teased that Brainiac is on its way, alongside a mysterious Kryptonian who is meant to be General Zod, setting up new and higher stakes in My Adventures with Superman season 2. For the sophomore season, My Adventures of Superman has been teasing that Krypton is coming, although how this will be executed remains to be seen. As old players are coming back, new faces are also making their debut in this continuity, including Kara Zor-El, a.k.a. Supergirl.


7 My Adventures With Superman Season 2 Theories We Actually Believe

My Adventures With Superman season 2 is happening. From Brainiac’s purpose to General Zod’s plan, here are the biggest theories for what happens next.

With My Adventures with Superman season 2 set to premiere May 25, Screen Rant interviewed the show’s leading trio. Jack Quaid, Alice Lee, and Ishmel Sahid previewed what is coming up in the new season for their characters, teasing how My Adventures with Superman season 2 will flesh out the three iconic DC leads, as well as who they would love to see from past Superman properties show up in the animated series and a possible future within James Gunn’s DC Universe.

Jack Quaid Previews Season 2 Arc With Superman & Supergirl

Screen Rant: Jack, one of the dynamics we are going to get to see this season is, of course, Superman and Supergirl. We’ve seen very different takes on their dynamic before. How do they initially get along?

Jack Quaid: Oh, man, it’s really amazing. Once they actually do meet – I don’t want to spoil too much – I will say that what I love about our show is that it takes kind of the Superman formula that we’re all used to, it turns it on its head sometimes, while still like staying true to all the history. We definitely mix things up a little bit, but she’s just such a cool addition to the cast. I’m really excited for you guys to see Kara, it’s wonderful.

Alice Lee Addresses Lois Lane’s Evolution As A Reporter

Lois Laine in Superman & Lois, My Adventures With Superman, and Smallville

Alice, as a reporter myself, I love seeing Lois as a journalist and seeing her grow. We know eventually she will become that Pulitzer-winning journalist, so where do we see her go this season?

Alice Lee: Yeah, I think what’s really fun is now we finally see her becoming an official reporter right at the end of season one. So now, she’ll be competing for stories with Vicki Vale, which is very interesting because that was like her idol. Now to see her becoming like her own and actually competing with her idol for the same stories is going to be really fun. That’s just on the reporting side. On the personal side, [there is] also a lot of growth happening, a lot of doubt, but it’ll be cool to see how she kind of gets through it all.

Ishmel Sahid Talks Jimmy Olsen’s Rise In The Media

Clark Kent and Lois Lane looking at a notepad and Jimmy Olsen smiling in My Adventures with Superman

Ishmel, I’m loving seeing Jimmy as like the media king that we have never seen before. He’s running his own team now, so how does he juggle those responsibilities? A year ago, he was an intern, but now he’s being put in that other position.

Ishmel Sahid: Jimmy relies a lot on his friends to help him through the day to day. He has a lot of gumption, he has that inner drive to just push him through all the ups and downs. He comes into a little bit of wealth as well, too, so that’s awesome, that also helps.

Dream Appearance Of Superman, Lois Lane & Jimmy Olsen Legacy Actors

David Corenswet's looking downwards dressed in Superman costume with a purple beam flashing behind him

One of my favorite episodes last season was the League of Lois Lanes and the whole Multiverse aspect. I’m hoping we may get to see that again at some point. If you guys could, because there have been a lot of actors who played all three of your characters, are there any Superman, Lois, and Jimmy actors you would love to have come on the show and kind of play their own character in animation, as a crossover?

Jack Quaid: That’s a really good question. Forever ago I did this pilot that never got picked up with David Corenswet, who is about to be Superman in James Gunn’s movie, so I just want to work with David again, because he’s awesome. So bring him bring him in there, that’s my easy answer.

Ishmel Sahid: That’s a really good question. I would bring myself in it!

Jack Quaid: Live-action Ishmel [as Jimmy] playing yourself, I just need that!

Alice Lee: Yeah, that’d be sick! I guess for me, anyone from the Smallville world would be cool, just because I watched it growing up, so any of them would be super cool. And also Rachel Brosnahan, I think she’s amazing, so that would also be very cool.

Jack Quaid: I would also say Superman, who was briefly glimpsed in that episode to make a return in some way. Mister Mxyzptlk – I got through that, alright! – he snaps his fingers a bunch of times, and in the end, it’s just a version of Superman that’s a crab with a cape. That’s hilarious, and I want him to have his own spin-off series. That’s what I want.

Reprising Superman Roles In James Gunn’s DC Universe

The cast of Creature Commandos next to John Cena's Peacemaker

Custom image by Andy Behbakht

I would love to see you guys even play your own characters in live-action. With crossovers being possible now between animation and live-action, would you want to take part, at some point, in James Gunn’s DC Universe?

Jack Quaid: A resounding yes! [laughs] Yeah. I’d do it in any way, it’s so cool. [If it’s] animation or live-action, I think we’re all down, yeah.

Alice Lee: Also, I think for me, I haven’t seen an actual Asian Lois Lane, so [to play her] in live-action, that would be cool. So yes, resounding yes, like Jack said.

Love Is In The Air In My Adventures With Superman Season 2

The General, Lois Lane, and Clark Kent in My Adventures With Superman

Jack and Alice, I’m a huge Clois shipper, if it hasn’t been made clear enough already. In those first episodes, they’re juggling a lot. Where do we see them go in terms of having to balance all of that with both their personal lives as well as being a couple at the same time?

Alice Lee: Well, they are so cute. [laughs] I think at the beginning of season two, we’re going to see them actually together. We love it. But obviously, just like in any relationship, they have their conflicts and I think the more Clark is like leaning into his Superman identity, Lois starts to also get insecure about her worth, and like ‘Oh, my God, I’m dating a superhero. Can I keep up with that?’ Which is interesting, because she’s amazing, but everyone always has their doubts, so we’ll see them kind of go through that as well but in a cute way.

Jack Quaid: It’s very cute. I love that this season, they’re firmly a couple and last season we were seeing them get together and work through all that. But yeah, I echo what Alice said, the adorableness does not stop, like it does not stop at season one, It continues for sure.

Ishmel, what about Jimmy, does he get some love this season? I’m just saying there’s been a lot of versions where Supergirl and Jimmy get together and she’s coming to the show, so…

Ishmel Sahid: Yeah, you know what? Jimmy has his eye on a special someone, you would just have to watch to see but he gets some love. He finds himself a certain somebody so yeah, he’s not the only one left out of this love triangle.

Superman Vs. Homelander: Who Wins?

Jack Quaid as Hughie from The Boys with in Henry Cavill's Superman and Antony Starr's Homelander on his left and right

Custom Image by Simone Ashmoore

I have to ask you, Jack because I’m a huge The Boys fan.

Jack Quaid: Very different show!

Yes, very different indeed! Now that you have played Superman – and let’s say if you had this conversation with Antony Starr, I don’t know if he’ll be watching this – would you say to Superman beats Homelander in a showdown?

Jack Quaid: He has to, right? Like if he doesn’t, we’re all in trouble. I think my particular version of Superman has a lot of growing to do, and he still needs to discovers some more of the powers that we all know are in there. But give him a few seasons, and he can take Homelaner, for sure.

The Healing In The Lane Family

The General in My Adventures With Superman episode 9

Alice, because we get a little sense of the dynamic with her and General Lane this season, do you think there’s going to be some healing between them or does it get rougher before we get to the better part?

Alice Lee: Yeah, I think there’s the storm before the calm – obviously, we saw her dad actually listen to her and kind of sacrifice where he’s at in Task Force X. So I think that changes the dynamic, like Lois goes, ‘Oh, wow, my dad did that for me.’ It’s still strange, but I do think there is going to be some healing.

Final Teases For My Adventures With Superman Season 2

Superman winking in My Adventures with Superman

Any additional teasing that you guys want to give us about season two that fans should look forward to as we get ready for the season premiere?

Jack Quaid: Well, there is teasing, and then there is spoiling…

I will take the latter.

Jack Quaid: [Laughs] No, I will not, come on, don’t do that to me! I don’t know what I could tease because none of us could really talk about this show right before it came out in season one. So I just wanted to say, like we did a little bit of press but not a lot, I just want to say thank you for watching it. To all the fans for checking it out, it’s not lost on us, getting a season two is a huge, huge deal. We’re so happy to be back. I think it’s even better than last season, so I think everybody has a lot to be excited about.

Ishmel Sahid: I will say, unequivocally, there will be – write this down – a lot of aliens. There will be some extra terrestrials.

About My Adventures With Superman Season 2

In the latest season, the three best friends face a host of new threats. Powerful foes will emerge from Clark’s alien past, Amanda Waller will take aim at Superman, Lois will grapple with the future, and Jimmy Olsen will spend an unbelievable amount of money. Krypton is coming for our young heroes, and its arrival will test their strength, loyalty, and love like never before.

Check back soon for other My Adventures with Superman season 2 interview here:

  • Co-Executive Producer/Showrunner Jake Wyatt, Co-Executive Producer Brendan Clogher & Co-Producer Josie Campbell

Source: Screen Rant Plus

My Adventures with Superman TV Series Poster

My Adventures With Superman


My Adventures with Superman is an animated action-adventure superhero series that follows the Man of Steel in an all-new origin story. Focusing on the light-hearted side of DC’s hero, the series follows Clark Kent’s journey of self-discovery of what it means to be a hero while trying to blend in with society. With his best friend and his crush, Lois Lane, the trio will strike out to cover the most significant stories – all while trying to keep the city of Metropolis safe from giant robots and super-powered villains.


Jack Quaid
, Alice Lee
, Ishmel Sahid
, Kari Wahlgren

Release Date

July 6, 2023




Adult Swim

Streaming Service(s)



, DC Universe


Jake Wyatt