The upcoming Creed 4 movie should copy many good qualities from Rocky IV, but there are also plenty of aspects it should avoid. The Creed series has always been intrinsically linked to the Rocky franchise, and each installment included interesting parallels to its corresponding film. With enjoyable callbacks, returning characters, and many of the same thematic concepts and ideas, these connections always felt like enjoyable homages to the beloved movies that came before. However, it’s also imperative that Creed 4 does not repeat the mistakes of the past and acknowledges the lessons to be gained from Rocky IV.

The legacy of Rocky IV has only continued to grow over the years, and with the release of Sylvester Stallone’s directors’ cut, viewers have reappraised the film for its good and bad qualities. Creed 4 should take what was best about Rocky IV and bring it into this latest installment for a new generation while also disposing of the parts that haven’t aged well, are no longer relevant, or don’t serve the franchise moving forward. There were many lessons to be gained by Creed 4 from its corresponding Rocky movie.


Should: The Political Themes

Rocky IV presented a Cold War narrative

What set Rocky IV apart from all the movies before it was its Cold War themes, as Rocky Balboa represented the United States and Ivan Drago was a sinister force hailing the Soviet Union. The symbolism of these two fighters was abundantly clear, as the Soviet crowd’s support for Rocky’s win against Drago represented the dissolution of the Soviet Union itself and the desire for incoming democracy. These themes were highly relevant in 1985 when Rocky IV was released, and Creed 4 should follow a similar trajectory by weaving contemporary political issues into its story.

While the world has changed a lot since 1985, political tensions between the United States and Russia have reignited in a way that’s not dissimilar from the Cold War era, as the Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused animosity between the countries to grow. While Creed 4 does not necessarily need to address these same themes, it should take a page from Rocky IV’s book to highlight the relevant issues for contemporary viewers. With large parts of the world in economic and political turmoil, there’s no shortage of grand societal problems that Creed 4 could address.


Shouldn’t: Paulie’s Robot

Creed 4 does not need this dated plotline

In many ways, Rocky IV was a timeless story of overcoming adversity, but in others, it was painfully dated and rooted firmly in 1985. Nothing encapsulated this better than the robot Rocky Balboa gifted to Paulie Pennino for his birthday, which of all the things Creed 4 should avoid repeating, was perhaps the most pressing. As the most surreal moment in Rocky IV, the robot was named Sico and even Paulie referred to it as “his lady” after programming it to have more feminine characteristics.

It’s unlikely Creed 4 will copy this aspect of Rocky IV, as even Sylvester Stallone cut the robot from the Rocky IV director’s cut. While the Sico scenes were amusing and sentimental, they heightened some of Rocky IV’s more ridiculous aspects, which would not align well with the tone set by the Creed movies. It’s true that audiences look back fondly on Rocky IV, but it may be best to let this 1980s robot remain in the past.


Should: The Memorable Antagonist

Rocky IV featured Ivan Drago

In terms of the antagonists that Rocky Balboa faced off against throughout the Rocky franchise, Ivan Drago remained one of the most memorable. A truly terrifying threat, Drago not only had the potential to defeat Rocky in the ring, but could also lead to his ultimate end as Drago killed Apollo Creed after brutally defeating him in a match. With a strong presence in stark contrast to the bombastic, over-the-top brashness of previous villains like Apollo and Clubber Lang, Creed 4 would greatly benefit from including a new memorable antagonist like this.

Of course, Creed II reintroduced Ivan Drago to the franchise, and it’s not out of the question that he could appear again, but what Creed 4 should copy was not Drago himself but just how effective a villain he was. Instead of reliving past glories, Creed 4 could find a new villain who can stand the test of time in the same way. If Creed 4 could pull that off, audiences might still be talking about their new antagonist almost 40 years later, just like they do about Drago.


Shouldn’t: A Major Character’s Death

Creed 4 can be impactful without a significant death

For the past three movies, the Creed series has consistently taken influence from its corresponding Rocky film, but Creed 4 can do without suffering a significant character’s death. In Rocky IV, this came with the untimely demise of Apollo Creed in the ring against Ivan Drago, a death whose ripple effects can still be felt in the franchise today. While this was a powerful and impactful turn of events, Creed 4 should not repeat this same narrative structure just for the sake of aligning with Rocky IV.

When a major character dies in a long-running franchise, it affects the movie but also has long-lasting consequences that could remain relevant decades later. Creed III already featured the death of Adonis’s mom, and to have another major death reoccur so soon would lessen the impact of that storyline. The characters across the Rocky and Creed series hold real meaning for viewers, and if a major character were to die in Creed 4, it should happen not because it mirrors the events of Rocky IV but because it was a necessary part of the movie’s narrative.


Should: The Strong Emotional Core

Rocky IV’s emotional resonance came from the death of Apollo Creed

While Rocky IV was remembered as a movie with strong characters and an interesting Cold War narrative, its emotional core contributed to its long-lasting reputation. The death of Apollo Creed and the effect that this had on Rocky pushed the story of Rocky IV forward and gave it an emotional resonance that made it more vulnerable and sentimental than the average boxing movie. Creed 4 should copy this aspect of the fourth Rocky movie and ensure that its fast-paced boxing matches and interesting character dynamics are paired with a story that connects with audiences emotionally.

If the previous Creed movies were anything to go by, the upcoming installment should not have any trouble on this front. For the past three films that have focused on Adonis Creed, his backstory, motivations, and emotional wants and desires have been the primary focus of the plot. The Rocky franchise has always been good at ensuring its stories were packed with emotional resonance, and Creed 4, like Rocky IV before it, should continue this positive tradition.


Shouldn’t: Ivan Drago

Creed 4 does not need to relive the past

Ivan Drago was an incredible villain in Rocky IV, but that’s no reason for him to reappear in Creed 4, especially considering Drago and his son Viktor were already in previous Creed movies. Over the course of the first three Creed films, this boxing series has carved out a legacy for itself that can stand apart from the Rocky franchise. Adonis Creed has become a compelling protagonist in his own right and does not need to continually fight opponents audiences associate with the boxing career of Rocky Balboa.

Creed II and Creed III have already given enough time to explore Ivan Drago’s legacy and, in the process, have given new significance to his story. While the previous films have reignited interest in the character of Drago, this would be better followed up in a spin-off movie rather than being shoehorned into Creed 4. In an interview with Screen Rant, Ivan’s actor, Dolph Lungren, even outlined details of a potential Drago spinoff film.



“It Was Pretty Cool”: Rocky’s Drago Spinoff Movie Story Details Revealed By Dolph Lundgren

Exclusive: Dolph Lundgren shares new details on the Rocky franchise’s Drago spinoff and offers an optimistic update on the project’s development.


Should: The Training Montage

Rocky IV had one of the most memorable montages

Every movie in the Rocky and Creed franchises has included a training montage of some description, and the upcoming Creed 4 should be no different. As an essential component of the series, the montage sequences have featured countless iconic film moments with incredibly beloved songs like Survivor’s “Eye of the Tiger.” The montages in Rocky IV were particularly effective, as a bearded Rocky Balboa trained in the snow-covered mountains and pushed himself to the absolute limit to prepare for his match against Ivan Drago.

Creed 4 should mimic these iconic sequences and once again showcase Adonis Creed’s need to train intensely, overcome adversity, and become a stronger fighter in the process. While the montages in the Rocky franchise have often been the target of parodies, they serve a powerful purpose in the story and act as a necessary moment to represent the passage of time and Rocky and Creed’s dedication to their goals. It would be a major surprise if Creed 4 did not feature a montage, so this should definitely be copied from Rocky IV.


Shouldn’t: Rocky Balboa

Creed 4 can work without the inclusion of Rocky

The legacy of Rocky Balboa has always loomed large over the Creed series, and it was amazing to see Sylvester Stallone reprise his role in Creed and Creed II. However, Creed III did not feature Rocky at all, which helped the series stand on its own two feet and allow viewers to truly accept Adonis Creed as the protagonist who did not require anybody else to prop up his story. For this reason, one thing Creed 4 should not copy from Rocky IV was the inclusion of Rocky himself.

While behind-the-scenes conflict and creative disagreements contributed to Rocky’s absence in Creed III (via Variety), it also felt like an important moment of growth for the franchise. Rocky shouldn’t appear in Creed 4, although that’s not to say he should be exiled from the franchise forever, as his role was also incredibly significant. The door should remain open for Stallone’s return to the role, but it’s not something that needs to happen in every movie, and allowing Creed some more time to flourish on its own would be good.

Sylvester Stallone as Rocky Balboa and Michael B. Jordan as Adonis Creed


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Sylvester Stallone’s work as Rocky is iconic, but the direction the Creed movies are heading in proves a harsh truth about the Rocky franchise.


Should: Compelled Out Of Retirement

Rocky IV convinced Rocky to get back in the ring

While Rocky Balboa retired numerous times throughout the franchise, he was always compelled to step back into the ring to face off against a worthy opponent. This happened with Ivan Drago in Rocky IV, whom he felt he needed to defeat to avenge the death of his friend and old rival, Apollo Creed. Similarly, Adonis Creed also retired, but in Creed III, was coaxed back into fighting his childhood friend Damien Anderson, which left the door open on whether he would be forced to come out of retirement yet again in Creed 4.

This was an aspect of Rocky IV that it almost went without saying that Creed 4 should copy, as there won’t be much of a movie to watch if some circumstance does not force Adonis into getting back in the ring. While Adonis will surely rethink his retirement plans in Creed 4, the most interesting question was related to what will inspire him to make that decision. If the instigating event turns out to be anything like Rocky IV, viewers should prepare for a thrilling story.


Shouldn’t: The Lack Of Realism

Creed 4 needs to maintain its grounding in reality

The legacy of Rocky IV has only grown in the years since its release, but it must be admitted that its story has an over-the-top nature and suffers from a lack of realism. The extreme violence of characters like Ivan Drago and the threat of Rocky being killed in the ring pushed it beyond what could be expected in the real world of professional boxing. These developments came from the need for franchises to outdo themselves with every entry, but a grounding in realism was lost in the process.

This was an aspect of Rocky IV that Creed 4 should do everything possible to avoid. Audiences have connected so well with the Creed franchise because of its humanity, and although the boxing matches were intense, they never spilled over into unbelievable territory. The tone of the Creed movies has been more grounded than many of the Rocky films, and this must remain the case for the upcoming entry.

Source: Variety

Rocky Franchise Poster


Created by

Sylvester Stallone

First Film



Sylvester Stallone
, Michael B. Jordan
, Talia Shire
, Burt Young
, Carl Weathers
, Burgess Meredith
, Tony Burton
, Mr. T
, Brigitte Nielsen
, Dolph Lundgren
, Tommy Morrison
, Antonio Tarver
, Tessa Thompson