Throughout the Harry Potter franchise, few characters have offered more prescient words of wisdom than Albus Dumbledore. While plenty of differences between the Harry Potter books and movies exist, one thing that stayed consistent throughout both versions of the story is Dumbledore’s gift of summation. The headmaster of Hogwarts is never far from a bit of life-altering advice to offer Harry and company, using his vast life experience to help guide them through the series’ tumultuous events.

Considered to be one of the wisest movie characters in general, let alone among the Harry Potter films, Dumbledore’s dialogue is rife with quotable lessons. Many of these pieces of advice are directed at Harry himself, being the obvious star of the franchise, but Dumbledore has also been known to direct his most thoughtful words at other students, or even teachers, from time to time. Regardless of how insightful his words are in the context of the films, many of Dumbledore’s lines present valuable advice that can be applied to real life, as well.


Is Dumbledore Gay? Albus’ Relationship With Grindelwald Explained

Albus Dumbledore is at the front and center of the Fantastic Beasts movies along with Gellert Grindelwald, with whom he had a romantic relationship.


“We Must All Face The Choice Between What Is Right, And What Is Easy”

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Dumbledore and Harry

One of Dumbledore’s most famous lines follows one of the most shocking deaths in the entire series, the murder of Cedric Diggory. The tragic death of Robert Pattinson’s Harry Potter character is one of the most traumatic events in the films, marking Hogwarts with the true beginning of Voldemort’s return. Dumbledore knows this, and issues a grave warning to Harry for the battles to come.

Comforting The Boy Who Lived the best he is able to in his office, Albus states “Dark times and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy.” It’s interesting that Dumbledore describes the opposite of right as “easy” here, pointing out the necessity of taking drastic action to combat the perilous forces of Voldemort. As much as one may wish to escape turbulent times, in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter or otherwise, foreshadowing Dumbledore’s conflict with the Ministry of Magic later on.


“It Takes A Great Deal Of Bravery To Stand Up To Your Enemies, But A Great Deal More To Stand Up To Your Friends”

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Dumbledore talking in The Sorcerer's Stone

Michael Gambon may be slightly better known as Dumbledore, inhabiting the character for the majority of the series, but Richard Harris’ Dumbledore in the first two films still managed to fire off some quotable lines. In a rousing speech addressed to the entirety of Hogwarts, both faculty and students, Dumbledore offers a sage bit of advice — “It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.” The gravity of this line isn’t lost on Professor McGonagall, who seems to have a particularly harrowing reaction.

Within the narrative of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Dumbledore makes this remark when awarding his signature bonus points to Gryffindor following the brave actions of the normally timid Neville Longbottom. However, this line also reflects on Dumbledore’s own life, describing his willingness to stand up to his old friend Grindelwald in the wake of his horrific actions in the past. Indeed, voicing conscientious objection to a close friend can often be more intimidating than standing up to an unfamiliar enemy, as one risks losing a close relationship in the name of ethics.


“Do Not Pity The Dead, Harry. Pity The Living, And, Above All, Those Who Live Without Love”

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2

harry and dumbledore dead

Death has cast a consistent shadow on Harry’s life ever since he was a child, enduring countless losses beginning with the untimely murder of his parents at a young age. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2, Harry gets a brief chance to speak to one of his deceased loved ones a final time, none other than Dumbledore himself. The final sentiment the late headmaster decides to imprint upon his student is a hopeful one, even if Harry doesn’t fully appreciate it right away.

By telling Harry to pity the living rather than the dead, Dumbledore is advising him to move on and focus on protecting that which is worth saving. That is to say, Harry should focus on preserving the loved ones he does have rather than losing himself in mourning those which he has lost, even Dumbledore himself. This lesson might be the single most significant takeaway Harry has from his time in limbo, and is made all the more harrowing to hear following the passing of Dumbledore actor Michael Gambon in real life.


“Just Like Your Mother, You’re Unfailingly Kind. A Trait People Never Fail To Undervalue, I’m Afraid”

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

An image of Dumbledore and Harry standing in a tower in Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince

Despite all he had been through, from losing his parents to enduring a miserable upbringing with the Dursleys, Harry Potter remained a polite and kindhearted boy throughout his schooling at Hogwarts. Evidently, this trait reminded Dumbledore of Potter’s late mother, Lily. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, he tells him as much before the two set out to search for Voldemort’s Horcruxes, stating “Just like your mother, you’re unfailingly kind. A trait people never fail to undervalue, I’m afraid.”

Sadly, Dumbledore’s sentiment here is all to accurate for the world of Muggles as well, with kindness being an often disregarded strength, especially in the wake of the masculinity expected from a central figure like Harry Potter. Luckily, Dumbledore is able to recognize the value of Harry’s ability to retain his humanity, not becoming bitter with the world even after suffering so much at the hands of Voldemort and even Hogwarts itself. Dumbledore may have gambled by allowing him to stay with the Dursleys, but Harry’s relentless kindness kept him from succumbing to Voldemort’s corruption.


“It Does Not Do To Dwell On Dreams, Harry, And Forget To Live”

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Dumbledore talking to Harry at the Mirror of Erised

The wizards of Hogwarts have no shortage of incredible magical artifacts that could easily ruin the lives of any less-than-willful users. One such magical item used by Harry is the Mirror of Erised, a magical reflective surface that showed its user the deepest desires of his or her heart. As Harry uses the mirror, he grows increasingly inquisitive of its nature, only for Dumbledore to warn him of the effects unchecked desire, informing him “It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live.”

Dumbledore warns Harry that many men have wasted away in front of the mirror, going mad with visions of what could be. His warning is a foreboding one, but extends past the context of interacting with enchanted home goods, as well. It’s easy for anyone to become embroiled with thoughts of what could’ve been, only to miss out on the life unfolding around them. Dumbledore’s words are a reminder that it is wise to live in the present, first and foremost.

Collage of Harry Potter and the Invisibility Cloak Story.


Why Dumbledore Gave Harry Potter The Invisibility Cloak In The Sorcerer’s Stone

“Who gave Harry Potter the Invisibility Cloak?” is a question Harry Potter fans may have if they’ve only watched the movies and not read the books.


“It Is Not Our Abilities That Show What We Truly Are. It Is Our Choices”

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


Although being one of, if not the single most powerful wizard in Harry Potter history, Dumbledore is well-familiar with the upsides of vast magical power. Despite all his status and ability, however, Dumbledore is quick to dispel the notion that might makes right, telling Harry as much in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Specifically, Dumbledore uses this line to discredit Harry’s comparison to himself and Tom Riddle, shocked at his own magical prowess and ability so early in his wizarding career.

While it’s true that both Tom Riddle and Harry may have been gifted wizards at an early age, with both even able to employ the use of Parseltongue, Harry is very clearly nothing like you-know-who in the ways that matter. Dumbledore is able to recognize this, being an unfathomably powerful mage himself, and assures Harry that simply being blessed with magical talent isn’t the same as putting that ability to the wrong ends. Harry’s own actions up until this moment are proof enough of that.


“Words Are, In My Not-So-Humble Opinion, Our Most Inexhaustible Form Of Magic”

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2

dumbledore limbo

Dumbledore seems to be aware of his penchant for quotable lines, as demonstrated in his final conversation with Harry in the series in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2. He more or less directly states as much, musing “I’ve always prized myself of my ability to turn a phrase.” Albus then goes on to do just that, telling Harry that “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic.”

In the context of the scene, Dumbledore tells Harry this in order to encourage him to seek help from his allies in the wake of Voldemort’s worrying threat. Yet the line could also be seen as a sort of meta-commentary on the Harry Potter book series itself, having had such a profound influence on the lives of many readers. Regardless of the intention, Dumbledore’s words ring true, emphasizing the value of communication even within a world as rife with magic as Harry Potter’s.


“This Kind Of Mark Cannot Be Seen. It Lives In Your Very Skin”

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

harry and dumbledore in the first harry potter

All his life, Harry has been defined by his iconic lightning bolt-shaped scar embedded on his forehead, forever marked by the malice of Voldemort. Fortunately, this is far from the only legacy from Harry’s parentage that left a lasting mark on his skin, as evidenced in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. After the scheming Professor Quirrell is burned to cinders upon laying hands on Harry, the boy was left afraid and confused, seeking counsel in Dumbledore for the first of many times.

After Dumbledore explains that it was a lasting mark left on him that protected him from Quirrell, he reaches for his scar, only for the headmaster to shake his head, clarifying “This kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin.” When Harry asks what it is, Dumbledore can only smile, revealing it was “Love, Harry. Love.” Long before the script of Interstellar pulled a similar bait-and-switch on the topic of love, Dumbledore was assuring Harry of his parents’ lasting love with physical evidence.



Why Dumbledore Left Ron The Deluminator In Harry Potter (& How It Worked)

The Deluminator proved useful to Ron Weasley in Harry Potter, but why had Dumbledore invented such an item and left it to the boy to begin with?


“Happiness Can Be Found, Even In The Darkest Of Times, If One Only Remembers To Turn On The Light”

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

dumbledore in harry potter 3

Dumbledore’s many rousing speeches to Hogwarts’ student body are often the source of his greatest quotes, including a rousing line from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. This particular speech comes in the wake of the appearance of the Dementors, ghastly spectral jailers normally confined to the grounds of Azkaban that have somehow begun terrorizing the school’s students.

Despite the danger, Dumbledore implores his students to look on the bright side, punctuating his words with a wave of his hand that magically illuminates an unlit candle. This particular line from Dumbledore might not be the deepest, but that doesn’t diminish its value as an important reminder to wield optimism when necessary.

This rings especially true when examining the Dementors as a symbol of depression, literally draining the happiness from their victims. Luckily, this cheery, oft-repeated quote is there to remind the wizards and witches of Hogwarts that wallowing in doom and gloom isn’t the answer.


“Harry…It Isn’t How You Are Alike. It’s How You Are Not.”

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Dumbledore’s advice has always been there to aid Harry throughout the various films, but one of his most powerful lines was able to straight-up embolden him in fighting a dark curse. In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry struggles to stave off the effects of Voldemort’s possession, emboldened by Harry’s status as a living Horcrux. Luckily, Dumbledore is there to help him through one of his most dangerous encounters with the dark lord yet.

As Voldemort spits vile words from Harry’s mouth, Dumbledore remains unphased, instead addressing his vessel directly, urging “Harry…it isn’t how you are alike. It’s how you are not.” This point served to further drive home the differences between Harry and Voldemort, despite the former’s continued struggle with fearing he could become the latter. As Dumbledore was well familiar with Voldemort when he was just Tom Riddle, before the events of Harry Potter, no one could’ve been better to make such a call.

Evil Dumbledore vs Voldemort


HBO’s Harry Potter Remake Needs More Duels Like Dumbledore vs. Voldemort To Fix One The Movies’ Worst Mistakes

The Harry Potter movies’ duels were lackluster, with Dumbledore vs. Voldemort standing out as the only one like the books. HBO’s remake can fix this.

Harry Potter Franchise Poster

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a multimedia franchise about an orphaned boy who enrolls at Hogwarts School of Wizardry, where he learns the truth about himself, his family, and the terrible evil that haunts the magical world. Adapted from the novels, Harry Potter is an eight-episode film saga that follows the journey of Harry Potter and his friends, Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley, as they navigate the tricky world of growing up, school life, and magic. Starting from year one and moving to their seventh year, the films chronicle the students’ time at Hogwarts while unfurling a sinister plot that centers around the unsuspecting Harry. With the return of the dark wizard, Voldemort, the students and professors at Hogwarts will fight to carry on as the world around them may change forever. Harry Potter has expanded beyond the world of its films and novels with several video games, a spin-off film series titled Fantastic Beasts, and even attractions at Universal Studios.

Created by

J.K. Rowling


Daniel Radcliffe
, Emma Watson
, Rupert Grint
, Tom Felton
, Alan Rickman
, Matthew Lewis
, Bonnie Wright
, Evanna Lynch
, Maggie Smith
, Michael Gambon
, Richard Harris
, Ralph Fiennes
, Helena Bonham Carter
, Alfred Enoch
, Harry Melling
, Gary Oldman
, Robert Pattinson
, Warwick Davis
, Oliver Phelps
, James Phelps
, David Bradley
, David Thewlis
, Katie Leung
, Jason Isaacs
, Imelda Staunton
, David Tennant
, Jamie Campbell Bower
, Timothy Spall
, Robbie Coltrane
, Eddie Redmayne
, Jude Law
, Katherine Waterston
, Ezra Miller
, Dan Fogler
, Alison Sudol
, Johnny Depp
, Mads Mikkelsen


Harry Potter
, Hermione Granger
, Ron Weasley
, Dumbledore
, Minerva McGonagall
, Rubeus Hagrid
, Dobby the House Elf
, Draco Malfoy
, Sirius Black
, Ginny Weasley
, Voldemort