In May 2024, it was announced that a Tomb Raider TV show was coming to Amazon Prime Video, and there have been plenty of amazing mysteries from the games from which the new project could take inspiration. The Tomb Raider games launched with the 1996 game of the same name, and since then, the franchise expanded hugely. The Tomb Raider films were also very popular, and Angelina Jolie portrayed Lara Croft in the 2001 release of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider.

Each installment of Tomb Raider followed archaeologist Lara Croft all over the world as she battled various enemies, human and supernatural while searching for a mythological location or artifact. The combination of action and puzzles made the titles a massive hit in the video game world, so avid players of the game series welcomed the upcoming Tomb Raider TV show, especially as Fleabag’s Phoebe Waller-Bridge signed on to write the project. There were plenty of amazing mysteries in the games that the TV show could implement for a brand new generation of Tomb Raider.


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Relevant Tomb Raider Games

Original Timeline

Legend Timeline

Survivor Timeline

Tomb Raider (1996)

Tomb Raider: Underworld (2008)

Tomb Raider (2013)

Tomb Raider II (1997)

Rise of the Tomb Raider (2015)

Tomb Raider III (1998)

Shadow of the Tomb Raider (2018)


Lord Croft’s Mysterious Death

The Survivor Timeline Trilogy

  • Rise of the Tomb RaiderShadow of the Tomb Raider
    FranchiseTomb RaiderTomb Raider
    Platform(s)PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PC, Xbox OnePlayStation 4, PC, Stadia, Xbox One

An emotional and important storyline that was present throughout the Survivor trilogy of the Tomb Raider games was how Lara’s father, Lord Richard Croft, had died when she was a child and how the loss impacted her. In the 2013 Tomb Raider, the game began by setting Lara up as an enthusiastic researcher who had followed in her father’s footsteps. Despite losing Richard at a young age, Lara remembered him fondly, and she often made decisions based on what she believed he would do. However, her admiration for him went no further than his work.

After her mother’s death, Richard became reclusive and borderline neglectful of Lara. Because of their riches, she was fed and clothed, but he failed to spend enough time with her or even notice her climbing across the roof of their home, which players experienced in a fun level of Shadow of the Tomb Raider. The second game of the trilogy, Rise of the Tomb Raider, delved deeply into Lord Croft’s death and Lara’s realization that his demise wasn’t the simple suicide she was led to believe.

Curious about the promise of immortality in Richard’s notes, Lara set off to learn more about the mythical city of Kitezh. Over time, players uncovered how The Order of Trinity was connected to Richard’s death. After Richard refused to work with Trinity, they tanked his reputation and sent an agent to get closer to him. The agent, Ana, became Richard’s girlfriend and kept a close eye on Lara into her adulthood. Lara also slowly discovered that Ana’s motivation for finding “The Source” was because she was dying from a terminal illness and wanted to live forever.

Although Lord Croft’s personality and effect on Lara’s life were covered in different ways throughout the franchise, the mystery of his suicide and Trinity’s involvement allowed some extensive character development for both father and daughter – an excellent storyline for the TV show to cover. If this story were included, the emotional impact it could provide would be stellar. Lara being betrayed by Ana would be heartbreaking to watch on the screen, as well as the gradual reveal of Lord Croft’s parenting abilities and death. Lara’s characterization was a crucial part of the games, and the show should be the same.


Yamatai And The Sun Queen Himiko’s Prophecy

Tomb Raider (2016)

Another mystery in the 2013 Tomb Raider was the prophecy of the Sun Queen of Yamatai. Lara and her group, which included her best friend and documentary maker Sam Nishimura, crashed in Japanese waters and found themselves shipwrecked on Yamatai. Lara was mainly intrigued by the legend of Himiko, the ancient Sun Queen who could control the weather supernaturally. Himiko’s influence on Yamatai stopped the group from leaving because of the constant storms, which destroyed a rescue helicopter and almost killed Lara in the process. Their struggle to escape was what motivated the plot of the game.

This storyline introduced the villainous Mathias, a man whom Lara encountered after the Endurance ship crashed, and the Solarii Brotherhood cult, who were dedicated to reviving their Queen. Mathias initially appeared to be a lifeline for the group, but he ended up kidnapping Sam and taking her to be sacrificed to the Sun Queen. Both Mathias and the Solarii Brotherhood would be fascinating antagonists for the new TV show to delve into, especially because of their ritualistic ways and violent beliefs. However, there was a reason that Sam was taken and not Lara.

Unbeknownst to the two women, Sam’s ancestors escaped Yamatai generations previously, just before Himiko was trapped in a decaying body. Because of Sam’s connection to the island, Himiko’s spirit manipulated Mathias and the Brotherhood so she could use her as a host. As she dodged Trinity’s forces, Lara tracked Sam across the island and attempted to save her several times. Unfortunately, Himiko was successful in controlling Sam and went on a killing spree. This led to the climax of the game, and Lara’s final battle resulted in freeing Sam from Himiko’s wrath and bringing the horrific storms to an end.

There were plenty of great aspects of this mystery that would translate well to the new TV show. The prophecy of the Sun Queen Himiko mixed elements of real-world myths and fictional stories together in an endearing way and brilliantly deepened the game’s lore. Lara’s characterization was also fascinating during this time. She showed off her physical prowess and intelligence, but her journey to rescue Sam also demonstrated Lara’s dedication to her friends and archaeological research.


The Dagger of Xian

Tomb Raider II (1997)

The quest for the Dagger of Xian in Tomb Raider II encapsulated the game series as a whole. The ancient weapon granted its user incredible power, and whoever wielded it could transform into a dragon. The artifact once belonged to the Dragon Emperor of China, who used the blade to conquer his enemies. After a battle with the Monks of Tibet, the Emperor was defeated, the flesh from his bones disintegrated, and his death brought peace to China once again. The dagger was locked away and forgotten, but when Lara learned of the myth, she set out to find it.

Lara traveled across the globe in search of the dagger throughout Tomb Raider II, yet was unsure if it existed or not. Lara’s journey took her to some iconic locations worldwide, including the Great Wall of China, Venice, and Tibet. All of these places, especially their famous landmarks, would be brilliant additions to the Tomb Raider TV show. As Lara’s journey progressed, she frequently faced the nefarious Marco Bartoli, the leader of the Fiamma Nera cult. Bartoli believed that if he plunged the dagger into his heart and absorbed the power of the dragon, he could dominate the world.

Both Bartoli and the Fiamma Nera cult were interesting figures who could be ideal villains in the new show. Bartoli had an incredibly fascinating backstory. Tomb Raider II explained how Bartoli succeeded his late father as cult leader after Tibetan monks bombed his ship. Bartoli’s motivation was fueled by his search for the remains of the boat and his hope of receiving closure by finding his father’s watery grave. While there was a primary focus on Lara in Tomb Raider, there was still plenty of character development for the villains, too, which the TV show could investigate further.

Bartoli was eventually successful in his plan, and at the end of Tomb Raider II, Lara watched him turn into a petrifying dragon that breathed fire and towered over her. After she managed to stun the beast, Lara was able to remove the dagger from Bartoli, which caused him to perish in a brilliant reflection of the Emperor’s demise. This would be a wild and action-packed scene for the TV show to implement, as well as an excellent excuse for beautiful cinematography and special effects.

There was also a complex layer to this narrative. Lara battled with a massive ethical dilemma, and she was forced to ensure that the Dagger of Xian didn’t fall into the wrong hands. Lara’s moral compass was a prominent theme throughout Tomb Raider II, and over the years, several successful action thriller TV shows have relied on this same concept. The Dagger of Xian mystery integrated Chinese mythology. It became an iconic reference in the Tomb Raider franchise, and after Lara survived with the artifact in hand, it was seen in the Croft Manor trophy room in Tomb Raider III.

Lara Croft from Tomb Raider sitting on a fountain in front of her house


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The Atlantean Scion

Tomb Raider (1996)

The Atlantean Scion enigma from the 1996 Tomb Raider could cover an entire season of the upcoming TV show. The Atlantean Scion was an artifact that was split into multiple pieces and scattered across the world in various tombs, which launched Lara’s first-ever adventure in pursuit of it. The Scion pendant supposedly held the power of God in its core and was divided into three pieces by the rulers of the ancient kingdom of Atlantis. However, the ruler Natla abused the Scion’s strength and was frozen by her counterparts to protect the world.

Natla was a brilliant and fascinating villain in the Tomb Raider series. After she was resurrected, Natla sought out the remaining pieces of the Scion but was stopped by Lara, making her Lara’s first and possibly ultimate enemy. Reimagined versions of Natla also appeared in Tomb Raider: Underworld and the mobile game Tomb Raider Reloaded. Because of Natla’s maddened desire to improve the Atlean race, she created a race of mutant beasts to wipe out her people and start again, which could be a fantastic and fearful addition to the Tomb Raider show.

The trek to find the Scion could be an ideal launching point for the show. Lara’s journey to places like India, Peru, Greece, and Egypt could provide Tomb Raider with an array of picturesque scenes from all over the world. There were also bizarre moments in Tomb Raider that made sense for the game but would translate as funny on the TV screen, such as when Lara fought a velociraptor in the Lost World. If the TV show began with Lara’s search for the Scion, it could set up the overall Tomb Raider tone for any future seasons.

Like many other artifacts in the Tomb Raider games, Lara was faced with moral complexity regarding the Scion and its abilities. However, there were more layers to this. The Scion had more catastrophic consequences than any other threat in the series because its power was limitless. The strength of God had no end and could be used for good or bad, but Natla proved just how easily the best of intentions could be warped. The Tomb Raider TV show could have a brand new storyline, but if not, the mystery of the Atlantean Scion would be a perfect starting point.

Tomb Raider