Warning: Spoilers ahead for The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #1!

Spider-Man‘s magic web-shooters from the MCU’s No Way Home are getting a major upgrade to kill vampires. First introduced in 2021’s Spider-Man: No Way Home, Spider-Man was given a new set of web-shooters enchanted by Doctor Strange that transported the film’s multiversal villains to the Sanctum Sanctorum. These were a fun new addition to Spider-Man’s gadgets that became instantly memorable, and now the concept is getting an amazing new upgrade in the comics.

In The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #1 by Justina Ireland, Marcelo Ferreira and Roberto Poggi, Spider-Man teams up with Misty Knight and the Lizard in a hunt to find Morbius and create a cure to stave off a vampire invasion. They eventually meet up with a priest named Father Matthias on holy ground as a sanctuary, where Misty asks him to bless her weapons to make them more formidable against vampires. While she hands them to him, she asks for Spider-Man’s webbing as well, hinting that he’ll turn them into the ultimate weapons against vampires.

While fans haven’t seen these new web-shooters in action just yet, as Spider-Man leaves early to explore an abandoned lab, it sets up an exciting new gadget for the Web-Head as he becomes Marvel’s next vampire hunter.

Spider-Man’s Webs Are Now Blessed to Fight Vampires

These Have Become the Most Lethal Gadgets in Spidey’s Arsenal

By blessing Spider-Man’s webs, Father Matthias has effectively turned them into a weapon against vampires that have the capacity to kill if necessary. The potential behind what these webs can do as the Blood Hunt event continues is exponential because of how easily Spider-Man can dispose of the vampires without one getting near him. Plus, binding villains is one of his most effective combat strategies. That means that encasing vampires in this webbing has the potential to not only subdue them but kill them as well.

This would essentially make Spider-Man’s new webbing his most lethal gadget since the MCU’s controversial “Instant Kill” mode. Of course, it’s only effective against vampires. By the time Blood Hunt comes to an end, these webs will likely be used as much as Batman’s shark repellent, but it’s still a cool way to give Spidey a fighting chance against the massive vampire attack. He’s shown to be able to hold his own for now, but with countless civilians to save, turning his most used device as a vampire hunting tool could have him make a serious dent in the undead’s plans.

Spider-Man’s New Webs Challenge His Moral Code

Spidey May Need to Break His Biggest Rule

Featured Image: Comic book Spider-Man lifting mask and crying (let); Toby MaGuire film Spidey crying (right)

The potential lethality of Spider-Man’s blessed webs will undeniably challenge the hero’s morals as he uses them against vampires. Given how impactful they are against the creatures in official lore, he could find himself breaking his “no-kill” rule. This will undeniably lead to Spidey questioning his actions as he wonders if he’s truly “killing” the undead or if he’s going too far despite the circumstances. It opens up new loopholes to his code as he considers if the undead can truly be “killed” or if he needs to treat them on the same bar as living citizens.

Regardless of what’s to come, it will be interesting to see how Spidey deals with the deadliness of these new webs when Father Matthias gives them to him in future issues. While they likely won’t make a return once Blood Hunt is over, they open the door to interesting new paths for his character. It’s an exciting new upgrade for his No Way Home magic web-shooters, adding another great gadget to Spider-Man‘s arsenal.

The Amazing Spider-Man: Blood Hunt #1

Image of Spider-Man and Morbius

  • Writer: Justina Ireland
  • Penciler: Marcelo Ferreira
  • Inker: Roberto Poggi
  • Colorist: Rachelle Rosenberg
  • Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
  • Cover Artists: Marcelo Ferreira, Roberto Poggi & Rachelle Rosenberg


Spider-Man is the name given to several individuals who have employed a spider-moniker throughout Marvel Comics. Typically gaining their powers through a bite from a radioactive spider, the different Spider-Man heroes employ super-strength, agility, and intellect while utilizing webbing to swing and tangle up their foes. The most notable of these Spider-Men is Peter Parker, who remains one of the most popular superheroes throughout the world.