One of the most iconic Power Rangers of the franchise may be about to meet their ultimate fate. Previously, BOOM! Studios announced that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will be ending as a comic book series at the conclusion of its “Darkest Hour” event. As the ending draws near, the series is in a position where anything can happen and anyone can die, including Billy Cranston, the original Blue Ranger.

There is evidence to suggest that such a theory has been foreshadowed several times in the past year,. One hint came in a variant cover by Mateus Manhanini (as seen below) for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #120 by Melissa Flores, Valeria Favoccia, Valentina Pinto, and Ed Dukeshire, first revealed by AIPT Comics.

The cover features Billy posing in front of the Blue Emissary in a significant Morphin Grid connection. Readers shouldn’t expect a permanent death for Billy Cranston as much as a Morphinominal ascent into the Morphin Grid upon the end of his physical existence.



Power Rangers: 10 Ways Billy Cranston Proved He’s the Ultimate Blue Ranger (AFTER Mighty Morphin)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers introduced Billy Cranston as the first Blue Ranger, but in his hero career since, he’s also become the best.

The Blue Ranger’s Death Could Launch Him into the Morphin Grid

Billy Cranston Has Been Tied to the Morphin Grid for a Year

Almost an entire year ago, at the beginning of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers’ “Darkest Hour” arc, Billy finds himself inside the Morphin Grid. There he’s told that as the Problem Solver of the team, it’s the Blue Ranger’s mission to repair the Grid from Dark Specter’s infection. Since then, Billy has been teased as being the last hope to save the universe, and the most important Power Ranger in relation to the Morphin Grid. Such a sentiment has not been constricted to just Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, as several Rangers books have carried the same message.

The 30th Anniversary comic sees Billy visited by the Headmaster of Ranger Academy with the proposition of becoming a mentor, which Billy accepts and executes by way of time travel, as seen in Ranger Academy #3. Elsewhere, in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return, Billy continues dabbling with the Morphin Grid, using it to craft the ultimate Z-Wave-esque weapon. Finally, Power Rangers Unlimited: The Morphin Masters #1 reveals the prospect of Billy being brought back after death by the Morphin Masters and revived into the Morphin Grid as a reward for his time as the Blue Ranger.

The Series Might Kill the Blue Ranger…

…But the Morphin Grid Could Save His Life

Blue Ranger uses old Mighty Morphin Power Rangers tech

Although the last example turned out to be a ruse on behalf of a Blue Emissary corrupted by Dark Specter’s infection, the concept of such a thing happening was nonetheless introduced and may prove to be foreshadowing by the series’ end. Both in the show and in multiple comics for the franchise, Billy has been closely tied to the Morphin Grid in one way or another. If the end is nigh for Billy, potentially giving his life to stop Dark Specter and save the Power Rangers could convince the Morphin Masters to give him a second chance in the Grid.

Source: AIPT Comics

Power Rangers

Created by

Haim Saban
, Shuki Levy

First TV Show

Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers

Video Game(s)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle