Warning: contains potential spoilers for X-Men Forever #4!

Hope Summers, Cyclops’ granddaughter, is a powerful, Omega-level mutant–and now she has unlocked the full extent of her powers. Hope Summers, in addition to being one of Earth’s most powerful mutants, is also one of Krakoa’s most important citizens. Now, with the Krakoa era winding down, Hope assumes her ultimate form, thanks to Legion in a preview for X-Men Forever #4.

X-Men Forever #4 is written by Keiron Gillen and drawn by Luca Maresca. While Mystique and Destiny deal with issues of prophecy on Krakoa, Hope Summers and Legion are tending to the Phoenix in the White Hot Room. Jean Grey asks Hope if she is up to the task, but Hope assures her she has this under control. Hope explains that she is an Omega-level power manipulator, and when combined with an Omega-level power manifestor like Legion, she “can do anything.”

The preview ends there, leaving fans hanging on whether Hope is successful.

Hope Summers Was Vital to the Survival of the Mutant Race

Hope Summers’ Powers Made Her a Mutant Messiah

Hope Summers, Cyclops’ adopted granddaughter, is one of the most important mutants in Marvel history. After M-Day, in which a majority of Earth’s mutants lost their powers, the X-Men were an endangered species. Hope was the first mutant born after M-Day, and thus became an important pawn in a number of schemes. In the end, Cable was able to save the infant Hope, and adopted her as his daughter. Hope grew to adulthood, and found a new purpose on Krakoa as one of the Five, who were responsible for the island nation’s Resurrection Protocols.

Since her debut, creators have been firm that Hope Summers is Omega-level, with the ability to mimic the powers of other mutants. However, it has never been established just how powerful Hope really is. On several occasions, Hope was able to not only resist Rogue’s touch, but destroyed Cerebro when she was born. Hope’s true potential was unlocked during the Krakoan era, when her power manipulation abilities landed her a spot on the Five. The sky seems to be the limit to Hope’s powers, and she will need them to tame the Phoenix Force and fight Orchis.

cable grits his teeth in a panel from a Marvel comic.


Cable’s Entire History Is Unleashed in Genius Cosplay of Cyclops’ Son

Heroes_4_hire_costumes has unveiled a genius new shoot, one celebrating the various aspects of the history of Cyclops’ son.

Hope Summers Was Important to Mutant History–And Will Be Again

Can Hope Summers Work Her Powers on The Phoenix Force?

Hope Summers with a confident smile, backlit by bright light

Working in conjunction with Legion, another powerful, Omega-level mutant, Hope has now unlocked her true potential. The Phoenix Force is perhaps the most powerful force in the Marvel Universe. Much like Hope, the upper limits of its power have yet to be revealed, but Hope has shown time, and again, she can handle any power thrown at her. There is no doubt that Hope can handle the Phoenix Force, especially with Legion by her side. If Cyclops’ granddaughter can manipulate the Phoenix Force, then no one–not even Enigma, can stop her.

X-Men Forever #4 is on sale May 15 from Marvel Comics!


  • Writer: Kieron Gillen
  • Artist: Luca Maresca
  • Colorist: Federico Blee
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: Mark Brooks