A new variant cover sees Lobo dish out one of the worst insults he ever has at Superman. Brainiac’s latest attack is forcing the Main Man to team up with the Man of Steel. But as a new piece of cover art shows, their partnership doesn’t mean Lobo is putting his juvenile behaviors behind him.

With summer nearly here, DC Comics has a lot of interesting things planned for June. In addition to DC Comics’ Pride specials, the publisher is reaching the end of its dramatic “House of Brainiac” crossover. As Superman and Lobo are forced to team up, a new cover is putting a comical spin on their joint misadventure.

Action Comics #1066 (2024)

Release Date:

June 18th, 2024


Joshua Williamson


Rafa Sandoval

Cover Artist:

Rafa Sandoval

Variant Covers:

Jorge Jiménez, Paolo Rivera, Mark Spears, and Betsy C

THE BRAINIAC QUEEN IS ALIVE! Now that Brainiac has created his masterpiece, all bets are off, and Superman and his family are witness to a cosmic horror unlike anything they’ve ever seen. As we learn the true history of Brainiac, the main man, Lobo, must choose what side he is on before all hell breaks loose!

Mark Spears’ variant cover for Action Comics #1066 shows the Main Main dining on some grub in the aftermath of a huge fight. But as he chows down and drinks, Lobo is seen using Superman’s iconic red cape as a bib.

Lobo Has Claimed Superman’s Cape to Use as a Napkin

Superman vs Lobo #1 cover featuring the two fighting

Lobo and Superman are hardly the best of friends. But things changed in an instant for Clark when Brainiac invaded Metropolis with an army of drones and Czarnians. The Coluan menace stole every super-powered individual in Metropolis except for Superman. Furious at Brainiac’s actions, Clark tracked down the one person he believed could help him: Lobo. The Man of Steel tracked the Main Man down in a bar and informed him of the situation. Knowing that additional Czarnians were involved, Lobo agreed and the two headed out into space to find Brainiac and stop whatever he had planned.

Lobo is crass, vulgar, and pretty much a grade-A jerk. While he’s helped out heroes from time to time and even had a short stint as a Justice Leaguer, Lobo can’t help but insult others, especially ones he finds as sanctimonious and upright as Superman. Though it’s just a variant cover and will hopefully not occur in the issue itself, this variant cover speaks volumes about who Lobo is. He’s a hard fighter, a hard drinker, and above all, the kind of person who has no respect for others, even a hero as revered as Superman.

Spears’ Variant Perfectly Captures Lobo’s Rude n’ Crude Nature

lobo in dcu

It’s hard to sum up any character in just one image, but this does a fantastic job of telling the viewer everything they need to know about Lobo. From Lobo’s huge appetite to his never-ending rivalry with Superman, this Mark Spears cover beautifully captures the Main Man’s spirit. It’s likely Lobo and Clark will do better in the “House of Brainiac” crossover than this variant implies. But are far as humorous covers go, seeing Lobo treat Superman’s cape like a napkin is pretty darn funny.

Action Comics #1066 is available on June 18th from DC Comics.