Warning! Spoilers ahead for The Flash 2024 Annual #1!One of the Flash’s most out-there villains has returned with an upgrade that is making him a bigger threat than he’s ever been. The DC Universe’s speedsters are in crisis mode as cosmic disasters begin piling up and making things worse is one villain whose new powers are endangering the fastest men and women alive.

In The Flash Annual 2024 Annual #1 by Simon Spurrier, Tom Derenick, Scott Koblish, George Kambadais, and Amancay Nahuelpan, Wally West is missing and the rest of the Flash Family is responding to cosmic upheavals worldwide. Avery Ho and Wallace West search for Wally, unaware they’re being followed by villains.

The speedsters detect strange vibrations played by a hooded figure before they’re sent to a strange void. In this void, they discover that the hooded figure is Abra Kadabra, who used powerful vibrations to make it seem like Flash and other speedsters were damaging the universe’s stability.

Abra Kadabra Has Returned to Torment the Flash Family

Abra Kadabra Talks with Folded Man DC

As if things weren’t bad enough with the Flash struggling to understand the odd layers of reality known as the SpectraVerse, Wally’s been having to deal with several of his greatest villains. Gorilla Grodd, the Folded Man, and Mirror Master had all returned, armed with upgrades that made them more powerful than ever. Also in the crew was a disguised figure who used a flute to create vibrations that negatively affected the speedsters. Unbeknownst to Flash, these villains were all working together under the direction of a mysterious presence who’d created a powerful weapon known as the Crown of Thawnes.

Though the hooded figure was assumed to be Pied Piper due to the flute, Abra Kadabra is arguably worse. Aside from possessing a mastery of 64th-century technology and an ego that drives him to do the most unbelievable things, Kadabra is extremely dangerous. It was Kadabra who removed Wally from the timeline during the New 52 years, as well as erasing every connection he had in the DC Universe to prevent him from returning. Now he’s been armed with tech that can damage the unseen layers of reality, making him far more dangerous to the Flash Family than before.

Abra Kadabra is Becoming the Flash Threat He Was Meant to Be

Abra Kadabra DC Comics

With his magician gimmick, Abra Kadabra might seem like a joke, but he’s a madman who was already one of Flash’s most intimidating, if underrated threats. Now he’s a crucial member of the cabal of villains that’s manipulating the entire Flash Family and he’s helping organize an attack that could end up destroying the DC Universe. While the full extent of Abra Kadabra’s upgrade is yet to be seen, the Flash is going to be extremely creative and careful when facing his new and improved rogue.

The Flash 2024 Annual #1 is available now from DC Comics.

The Flash Annual 2024 Annual #1 (2024)

flash annual 1 cover flash on a mountaintop

  • Writer: Simon Spurrier
  • Artists: Tom Derenick, Scott Koblish, George Kambadais, and Amancay Nahuelpan
  • Colorists: Lee Loughridge, Matt Herms, and Marissa Louise
  • Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
  • Cover Artist: Mike Deodato Jr.