WARNING: Potential Spoilers for The Boy Wonder #1!

Red Hood is undoubtedly an exceptionally skilled combatant, but according to Robin, there is one skill set in which Jason Todd surpasses every member of the Bat-Family. Damian Wayne’s admiration for his adoptive brother’s expertise in this domain has led the fifth Robin to bestow upon Red Hood a new title – Hunter.

Juni Ba’s new Black Label series, The Boy Wonder, presents a fantastical retelling of Damian Wayne’s Robin origin story. In this unique narrative approach, Damian himself recounts the tale in a fairytale-like manner.

Issue #1 follows the fifth Robin as he embarks on a quest to confront the “demons” haunting Gotham—a metaphor for his grandfather’s League of Assassins, cleverly depicted as actual demons by Ba. However, Damian quickly realizes that he can’t face this demonic threat alone and that if he has any hope of succeeding, he’ll need a “hunter.

Damian Wayne Acknowledges Jason Todd Is the Best Tracker in the Bat-Family

The Boy Wonder #1 featuring Damian Wayne Robin mention Red Hood

After failing to rescue an elderly woman from a demon’s clutches, Damian acknowledges that his mission to hunt down his grandfather’s operatives is more challenging than he anticipated. Realizing this, Damian’s internal dialogue emphasizes his need for someone familiar with Gotham and possessing the instincts of a tracker. He concludes with an internal declaration that he requires a hunter. The scene ends with a “Next Time” stamp, teasing the next installment: The Rageful Red Hood. It’s evident from these context clues that the hunter Damian has in mind is Red Hood.

The Boy Wonder features a lineup of Bat-Family members, including Nightwing, Batgirl, Batman, Red Hood, Alfred Pennyworth, and Red Robin, who have all been confirmed to make an appearance at some point in the series. However, it’s Red Hood whom Robin opts to enlist for help, signaling, from Damian’s perspective, that Jason possesses the greatest knowledge of Gotham and the keenest tracking skills within the family. Considering Damian’s background with the League of Assassins, his current role as Robin, and his discerning nature, this proclamation of Jason’s expertise stems from a place of authority rather than admiration.




“Man, I Hate Him”: Red Hood Admits He Hates the DCU’s Most Beloved Superhero

There isn’t a soul in the DCU that hates this hero… Well, except Red Hood, who proves that even the most likable heroes have at least one hater.

The Boy Wonder Has the Potential to Redefine Red Hood and Robin’s Relationship

Jason Todd Vs Damian Wayne as Red Hood and Robin

The conclusion of The Boy Wonder’s first issue, coupled with the hints from the solicitation for the upcoming second installment, foreshadows an upcoming storyline focusing on Red Hood and Robin. Among the Bat-Family dynamics, Jason and Damian’s relationship stands out as particularly intriguing, given their shared past with the League of Assassins and how their interactions are often portrayed as fiercely antagonistic. However, Damian’s acknowledgment of Red Hood’s tracking skills hints at some level of respect. Hence, it will be interesting to see how Ba portrays Robin and Red Hood’s dynamic in The Boy Wonder.

The Boy Wonder #1 is available now from DC Comics!

THE BOY WONDER #1 (2024)

The Boy Wonder #1 1

  • Writer: Juni Ba
  • Artist: Juni Ba
  • Colorist: Chris O’Halloran
  • Letterer: Aditya Bidikar
  • Cover Artist: Juni Ba


Red Hood