WARNING: Potential Spoilers for The Boy Wonder #1!

DC’s new Black Label series, while primarily focused on Damian Wayne’s Robin origin story from his perspective, contains a surprising revelation about Batgirl and Nightwing tucked away in its first issue. Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon are officially revealed to be the proud parents of a new baby. As most fans know, this isn’t the first child born to the lovebirds. Nevertheless, this new Bat-Family addition has taken many fans off-guard.

Juni Ba’s The Boy Wonder injects a fantastical twist into modern-day Gotham, placing Robin squarely at the heart of the action. However, Dick and Barbara steal the spotlight in the first issue with an unexpected revelation: they have a baby together. While the infant remains unseen, a revealing exchange unfolds during a battle against demons.

Mid-fight, Batgirl asks Nightwing if he remembered to buy baby formula, to which Dick responds, “Yup, and money for the sitter,” leaving no doubt about their shared child in this universe. Consequently, fans are now desperate for a glimpse of the Bat-Family’s newest addition.

Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon Have a Baby Together in DC’s New Black Label Series–The Boy Wonder

Considering that the solicitations for the next two issues tease to focus on Robin’s relationship with Red Hood and Red Robin, it’s unlikely that a glimpse of the baby will occur anytime soon; however, this is such a huge reveal that it would be odd for Ba not to come back and revisit the latest addition to the Bat-Family. This development also finally settles the love triangle between Starfire, Nightwing, and Batgirl (at least in this universe), as the baby makes it clear that Dick chose Barbara over Kori. It is a sad day, no doubt, for NightFire fans.

While this new baby is a major reveal, it isn’t the first time Nightwing and Batgirl have been depicted having a child together. Perhaps their most well-known child among fans was John Grayson, who is primarily featured in Earth-2 storylines but also appeared in Convergence under the name Thomas “Tommy” Grayson. Other children shared by Batgirl and Nightwing include John Grayson (Earth-50), who first appeared in Batman Beyond 2.0 #23 (Digital), Bryce Grayson featured in Batman: Last Knight on Earth (2019), and Jimmy, who like Bryce, was an Elseworlds child featured in Batman: Beyond the White Knight (2022).

Sorry, Batgirl! Nightwing and Starfire’s Baby Is Still the Fan-Favorite Dick Grayson Child

Nightstar Mar'i Grayson Starfire Nightwing baby

Among all of Dick Grayson’s alternate universe children, his most well-known child is Mar’i Grayson, his shared daughter with fellow Titan, Starfire. Mar’i is Kori and Dick’s Earth-22 daughter who made her first appearance in Kingdom Come #1 (May, 1996), created by Mark Waid and Alex Ross. Like her parents, she is a hero under the name Nightstar. Raised by her parents and her adoptive grandfather, Bruce Wayne, she enjoyed a family-centric childhood. Mar’i is a favorite among fans, so it will be interesting to see how Batgirl and Nightwing’s baby compares in the hearts of fans to Starfire’s daughter.

The Boy Wonder #1 is available now from DC Comics!

THE BOY WONDER #1 (2024)

The Boy Wonder #1 1

  • Writer: Juni Ba
  • Artist: Juni Ba
  • Colorist: Chris O’Halloran
  • Letterer: Aditya Bidikar
  • Cover Artist: Juni Ba




Nightwing is the superhero moniker given to various vigilante heroes in the D.C. universe. Nightwing is depicted as a warrior who fights from the shadows, utilizes near-superhuman agility and expert combat skills, and tends to have several tools at their disposal. Though Nightwing began with Kal El/Clark Kent, Nightwing has since been primarily associated with Dick Grayson, a former Robin who grew into the new role.