Warning! Spoilers ahead for Shazam #11!The DC Universe is about to face its own version of “Secret Invasion” with a dark twist. One of the most important days in the Shazam Family’s life is here and everyone is on edge. But a magical threat is hiding in plain sight that threatens to change the entire world for the worse.

In Shazam #11 by Josie Campbell and Emanuela Lupacchino, Child Protective Services is coming by to conduct a house check and interviews. Mary Marvel assigns her siblings various duties to ensure the day goes off without a hitch. Unfortunately, the Shazam Family’s neighborhood comes under attack by a group of bat-like monsters known as Jeepers.

Mary Marvel fights the Jeepers and discovers that a long time ago, ancient Jeepers created hybrids whose magic lay dormant in their descendants. With the Rock of Eternity leaking magic, the Jeepers are starting to awaken, with ambitions of taking over the entire world.

The DC Universe is Secretly Populated by Monstrous Sleeper Agents

Jeepers Attack the Shazam Family DC

The Shazam Family is used to magic weirdness in their lives, but things got crazier than usual after Billy found his alter ego the Captain become the plaything of the gods. Thankfully, things seemingly went back to normal when the family moved into a new house that had been ‘improved’ by Zeus after a fight between the Captain and Black Adam. However, something about the home was off (and not just because Zeus and several other gods attached their domains to the building). Monsters began invading and attacking, with the Shazam Family having no clue where they came from.

Fans all remember Marvel’s “Secret Invasion” when there was no telling who was a Skrull and who was the hero they appeared to be. As bad as “Secret Invasion” was for certain heroes, those who had been replaced by Skrulls eventually made their way back home. But the Jeepers began creating hybrids centuries ago, and those affected by the Rock of Eternity’s leak had no clue what they were until they were transformed into bat creatures. Knowing that there are unsuspecting sleeper agents out there, the question must be asked: What DC heroes are actually Jeepers in disguise?

Can the Shazam Family Stop the Jeepers Before It’s Too Late?

Jeepers Attack Billy and Mary DC

With the Rock of Eternity leaking magic, it’s only a matter of time before more Jeepers unveil themselves. What’s going to happen if someone like the Flash or Black Canary is revealed to be a secret hybrid? The Shazam Family needs to find and stop the leak immediately because the idea of unsuspecting people being Jeepers is bad enough. The last thing the world needs is for these terrifying creatures to get access to a powerful hero’s ability. Hopefully, the Shazam Family can stop DC Comics’ ‘Secret Invasion’ before it progresses any further.

Shazam #11 is available now from DC Comics.

Shazam #11 (2024)

Shazam 11 Cover Fighting Jeepers DC

  • Writer: Josie Campbell
  • Artist: Emanuela Lupacchino
  • Colorist: Trish Mulvihill
  • Letterer: Troy Peteri
  • Cover Artist: Dan Mora