The protagonist of My Hero Academia, Izuku Midoriya, initially born without a Quirk, later receives a powerful one, aiding Deku on his path to becoming the greatest hero. However, when My Hero Academia first started publication, it was clear that Deku’s journey would be one of striving to achieve greatness despite his initial lack of a Quirk.

Kohei Horikoshi’s My Hero Academia tells the story of superheroes striving to protect their country by battling villains who constantly disrupt peace. Central to the series is the journey of the main character to become the greatest hero. A key element driving this narrative is the presence of “Quirks,” supernatural abilities possessed by individuals. These Quirks play a vital role in helping heroes reach their full potential.

The series quickly diverged from its initial premise when the protagonist, Deku, gained a powerful Quirk, deviating from the original promise of his journey without one. While My Hero Academia has soared to great heights with its current plot, there was anticipation to witness Deku achieving his dream without relying on Quirks. However, recent chapters hint at a potential return to this narrative thread, adding an intriguing layer to the storyline.

My Hero Academia Will Conclude Deku’s Journey of Becoming the Greatest Hero Without A Quirk

Deku will “Save” Shigaraki without using his quirks

Young Deku approaching young shigaraki who is crying while hugging his dog

In Chapter #417 of My Hero Academia, “Shimura”, Deku shatters the final barrier to confront Shigaraki at the core, utilizing all the remaining power of One For All. Despite this desperate effort, breaking through All For One’s defenses with the accumulated Quirks of One For All proves insufficient to halt the villains’ advance, as depicted in subsequent chapters. Shigaraki, now fully possessed by All For One’s personality, poses a formidable threat to Deku and the world at large.

Then chapter #421 of My Hero Academia sees the unexpected arrival of fellow heroes and provides crucial support to Deku in his confrontation with All For One. Despite facing the villain once more, this time Deku is not standing alone. Stripped of all his Quirks and left with only the fading embers of their power, Deku’s journey takes a new turn. Kohei Horikoshi appears poised to fulfill the promise of Deku becoming the greatest hero not through reliance on his Quirk, but by embodying inspiration and serving as a symbol of peace to others.

Deku’s Journey of Becoming the Greatest Hero Was Never About His Quirk

Izuku Midoriya’s desire to help the world and aid the weak has already made him the greatest hero

From the outset, My Hero Academia heavily featured Quirks, but it’s clear that Deku’s journey to becoming the greatest hero isn’t solely reliant on his powers. Instead, it’s rooted in his kindness and unwavering desire to aid others. Inspired by All Might’s heroic deeds witnessed in his childhood, Deku harbors a deep-seated dream to follow in his idol’s footsteps. Despite the crushing realization that he lacks the innate abilities necessary to become a hero, Deku refuses to abandon his aspirations.

Instead, he seizes every opportunity to lend a helping hand, showcasing his indomitable spirit and commitment to his calling. The essence of heroism resides within Midoriya from the very start, evident even before he gains the ability to save others. In Episode #2 of Season One, My Hero Academia showcases Deku’s instinctual drive to rush to Bakugo’s aid, risking his own safety without hesitation. This act of selflessness deeply resonates with All Might, the symbol of peace and the greatest hero, prompting him to take notice and ultimately intervene.

Since its beginning, My Hero Academia has emphasized the theme of pursuing one’s dreams despite obstacles, with Izuku Midoriya embodying this ethos to its fullest. He serves as a powerful symbol of resilience and determination, inspiring viewers to reach for their aspirations regardless of the challenges they face. This is why it would be great for My Hero Academia to deliver on its initial promise by having Deku save the world while being Quirkless.

My Hero Academia (2016)


In My Hero Academia, some humans have superpowers called quirks. Izuku Midoriya, nicknamed Deku, is not one of them. Deku has always idolized heroes like the number one hero, All Might, and since he was a child, he has always wanted to be a hero. However, his lack of a quirk has always held him back, but a chance encounter with All Might after discovering a classmate in danger sets Deku on the path to becoming a true hero. My Hero Academia centers around Deku and a class of heroes-in-training at UA. This school shapes young quirk users into future heroes through fake rescue missions, combat training, and other hero-tempering tasks. With young Deku inheriting the “One-For-All” quirk, he will learn what it means to be a true hero while facing off with dastardly supervillains.

Release Date

April 3, 2016

Streaming Service(s)

, Crunchyroll


My Hero Academia

Production Company
