It’s easy to assume that four years after Animal Crossing: New Horizons released to the world, players would’ve found most of the Easter eggs and hidden secrets throughout the game. But anyone who hasn’t spent enough time at Katrina’s Fortune Shop has probably missed just how important she is to the game.

Reddit user Leenierz shared that after three years of playing, they just now realized that the gibberish Katrina shouts at the end of a fortune is a secret message spelled backward. In the image, the panther is shouting “LLA SWONK LATSYRC EHT,” which, when turned around, reads “THE CRYSTAL KNOWS ALL.”

There are actually different secret messages hidden in these faux spells. Players asking her to bless a friend will receive the line “SELUR PIHSDNEIRF,” translating to “FRIENDSHIP RULES.” Those receiving a bad fortune and wanting to turn it around will receive the shouted message “RETSASID DIOVA,” or “AVOID DISASTER.”


Seasoned Animal Crossing Players Are Just Now Finding Out Their Wealth Is A Problem

Finding exploits for Bells has always been the game in Animal Crossing New Horizons, but there is a cap to how many Bells players can have.

Visiting Katrina Affects A Player’s Luck For The Day

She Can Turn Your Luck Around — For A Price

Katrina Animal Crossing Fortune Teller Crystal Ball

Visiting Harv’s Island and asking Katrina for a fortune may seem like one of the more menial (and expensive) things to do, but it can actually significantly impact a player’s day. Though the villager cannot ask Katrina to look into a specific fortune for them beyond assessing a player’s friendship with a specific character, spending the 1,000 Bells will reveal an area where the player will be particularly lucky — or unlucky. Every fortune Katrina reads has a different meaning.

Positive luck with belongings will increase the chances of a villager selling or gifting the player an item, as well as prevent tools from breaking for the day. Good Luck with Bells increases the amount of money a player can find around their islands, either by shaking trees or popping passing balloons. Good fortune in friendship increases a player’s friendship level with a random villager, while luck with health doubles the power eating food gives a player. A negative reading for any of these categories, understandably, results in the opposite effects.

Receiving a negative fortune doesn’t doom the player to a day of broken tools and tripping over themselves, though. Katrina will offer to purify the player’s luck for 10,000 Bells. It’s a hefty sum, but accepting her offer isn’t just to prevent the aforementioned bad things. As a thank you for visiting her shop (and spending an abhorrent number of Bells), she’ll mail the player a gift the following day. This gift can be any item from the catalog, giving them a little added bonus for getting their fortune read.

It seems even the Fortune Shop isn’t immune to inflation, though. Reading a player’s fortune would once only cost them a meager 50 Bells. In New Horizons, a player has to fork over 1,000 Bells just to learn what her crystal ball predicts. For those bad at math, that’s a 1,900 percent increase! This doesn’t even account for the fees that are added for those who receive a bad fortune and want to turn their luck around. Safe to say it’s best to stock up on Bells before visiting Katrina.

Source: Leenierz/Reddit

Animal Crossing New Horizons


Animal Crossing


Nintendo Switch


March 20, 2020


Nintendo EPD







How Long To Beat

68-600 hours


Nintendo Switch