Warning: contains spoilers for Blood Hunt #1!

A new Avengers foe has Marvel’s best new set of claws, ones that make Wolverine’s adamantium ones look pathetic. In Blood Hunt #1, the Bloodcoven, a powerful new team of vampires in the Marvel Universe, makes their debut. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are in for the fight of their lives, however, as one member of the Bloodcoven possesses what might be Marvel’s best claws.

Blood Hunt #1 is written by Jed MacKay and drawn by Pepe Larraz. The Bloodcoven manage to infiltrate the Impossible City, the Avengers’ new headquarters. The two teams fight, and it quickly becomes clear the Bloodcoven have the upper hand. The Damascene, one of the Bloodcoven’s members, attacks Thor. His claws cut through Odinson’s flesh, much to his surprise.

Bloodstorm One, another member of the coven, tells the Avengers Damascene’s claws can cut through anything.

Four panels of Damascene fighting the Avengers

To prove his point, the Damascene manages to damage not only Vision in his intangible state, but also Iron Man’s mysterium armor.

Many Villains Rightfully Fear Wolverine’s Claws

Wolverine’s Claws Can Cut Through Metal As Easy As Flesh

Wolverine as Old Man Logan brandishing his claws.

These feats are impressive, terrifying, and firmly beyond anything Wolverine can do with his claws. Along with his healing factor, Wolverine’s claws make him one of the most dangerous men in the Marvel Universe. Just as every bone in Wolverine’s body is laced with adamantium, so are his claws. Being made of adamantium, one of the strongest substances known to science, makes them ideal weapons, particularly for someone who largely fights with their hands. Whether they are bone or adamantium, Wolverine’s claws give him an advantage.

Now, Damascene and the Blood Coven have possession of claws that surpass those of Wolverine’s. Thanks to adamantium being the strongest metal on the planet, Wolverine’s claws can cut through nearly anything. However, there are limits and Damascene exceeds them. He drew blood from Thor, no easy feat in itself, but cutting Vision while in his intangible state is next level. Finally, Iron Man’s mysterium armor, which was resistant to Wolverine’s claws, gets sliced up here as well by Damascene. Wolverine’s claws are instruments of carnage and violence, and Damascene fulfills their destructive potential.

Wolverine with his children behind him.


Wolverine’s Unofficial Son Finally Gets His Own Claws – But They’re Nothing Like Adamantium

Wolverine’s unofficial son in the ‘Snikt Family’ just got his own set of claws, only his claws are made of something far stronger than adamantium.

Damascene’s Claws Have Supplanted Wolverine’s

Damascene’s Claws Are Marvel’s Newest Deadly Weapon

marverl bloodcoven vampire damascene

The upper limit of how strong Damascene’s claws are has yet to be revealed, but in their first appearance, they make a strong impression, slicing right through every surface thought impenetrable. The Avengers will now have to find a way to resist Damascene’s power, assuming such a thing is possible. There could possibly be substances and metals Damascene cannot cut through, but the Avengers will not have time to find them as the vampires continue their assault on Earth. With claws stronger than Wolverine, Damascene is one of the most dangerous villains in the Marvel Universe.

Blood Hunt #1 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!

Blood Hunt #1 (2024)

(left) The Avengers stand in a lineup. (right) The shadowy figure of Blade looks ahead.

  • Writer: Jed MacKay
  • Artist: Pepe Larraz
  • Colorist: Marte Garcia
  • Letterer: Cory Petit
  • Cover Artist: Pepe Larraz & Marte Garcia