WARNING: Potential Spoilers for DC’s Spring Breakout #1!Superman has officially declared baseball as his favorite sport, and his reasoning behind this choice is beautifully wholesome, likely resonating with many fans who also claim this sport as their favorite. This tribute to the classic American pastime also serves as a reminder of Superman’s deep connection to America, despite recent changes in DC canon.

Opening Day by Cameron Chittock and Marco Santucci is one of the eight short stories featured in DC’s Spring Breakout anthology. This Superman-centric tale follows the Man of Steel as he accompanies photojournalist and longtime friend Jimmy Olsen to a Metropolis baseball game.

While Jimmy openly admits his lack of interest in the game itself, Superman holds a different opinion when it comes to the sport. Kal-El shares that the classic American pastime holds a special place in his heart, as baseball was one of the first experiences in Metropolis that made him feel like he belonged.

Superman Reveals Baseball Is His Favorite Sport Because It Makes Him Feel Like He Belongs

DC's Spring Breakout featuring Superman and lois lane

During their conversation about baseball, Jimmy admits that ballgames are the one thing that makes him feel like an “alien,” explaining that he has never understood why baseball would be something a city would rally around. Superman, however, acknowledges the charm that the game holds and shares his personal experience with it, revealing that when he first arrived in Metropolis, he felt like an outsider. However, attending his first baseball game in the city with Lois unexpectedly provided him with a place where he felt he belonged. This revelation offers insight into why baseball will always be Superman’s favorite sport.

Clark’s explanation for his love of baseball beautifully reflects the essence of the sport and underscores why it holds such significance in real life. Baseball has always been revered as a cherished and quintessentially American pastime, ingrained deeply in the nation’s cultural tapestry. Whether fans are cheering on their local team or reminiscing about games of past, baseball cultivates a feeling of camaraderie among its followers. Therefore, Opening Day isn’t just a lighthearted Superman story; it’s also a tribute to a pastime that has brought people together, transcended boundaries, and instilled a sense of pride and belonging in communities throughout America.

Opening Day Pays Tribute to Superman’s American Roots Despite Recent Changes in DC Canon

An image of Superman with a finger on his lips in American Alien

Recently, DC has seemingly taken steps to distance Superman from his American association by changing his original slogan, “Truth, Justice, and the American Way,” to “Truth, Justice, and a Better Tomorrow.” While the original slogan will always be a classic, this new motto makes the Man of Steel a hero for all people, which is undoubtedly a positive change. However, whether intended or not by Chittock, it’s refreshing to see Opening Day pay tribute to the Man of Steel’s American roots by presenting a story that celebrates Superman’s connection to an American pastime that celebrates community and belonging.

DC’s Spring Breakout! #1 is available now from DC Comcis!


DC's Spring Breakout 1 Main Cover featuring Batman Katana Nightwing Harley Quinn Freeze

  • Story: Opening Day
  • Writer: Cameron Chittock
  • Artist: Marco Santucci
  • Colorist: Arif Prianto
  • Letterer: Carlos M. Mangual
  • Cover Artist: John Timms

Superman Deflecting Bullets in Comic Art by Jorge Jimenez


The icon who launched the entire world of superheroes, the last son of Krypton escaped his dying world to crash land on Earth and be raised as Clark Kent. The world knows him better as Superman, the Man of Steel, the leader of the Justice League, and the most well-known hero in the DC Comics Universe. Blessed with the powers of a demigod, Kal-El of Krypton fights enemies both small and cosmic in his endless pursuit of truth, justice, and a better tomorrow.