WARNING! Spoilers ahead for FCBD 2024: Energon Universe 2024 Special #1Skybound’s recent Duke miniseries ended with the official formation of the G.I. Joe team in the Energon Universe, and now they have a surprising new member: long-time franchise villain Baroness, who gets recruited into the fold by none other than Duke himself. First appearing in Duke #2, the Baroness helped Duke escape from a dangerous attack, and now it looks like G.I. Joe’s field team leader is willing to return the favor.

Appearing in the FCBD Energon Universe 2024 Special #1 story by Joshua Williamson, Jason Howard, Mike Spicer and Rus Wooton, Baroness finds herself under attack by two hi-tech assailants while on the run. Just as it looks like she’s about to be overpowered, she’s rescued by Duke, who comes to her with an offer.

Although reluctant at first, Baroness decides to accept Duke’s offer to join the all-new G.I. Joe strike team. She even goes so far as to incorporate a red, white and blue design into her armored battle-suit.

Baroness Is the Newest Member of the G.I. Joe Team

FCBD Energon Universe Special #1 Baroness debuts new GI Joe Costume

Even though the Baroness has a shady background as a terrorist and mercenary, Duke points out to his superior Col. Hawk that it’s better to have the Baroness working for them as opposed to any other organizations out there. “If we don’t get her,” Duke explains, “someone else will.” Her experience and skill on the battlefield make her an ideal candidate, but Duke tells the Baroness herself that he’s not after someone who will follow orders blindly. I need someone who will question authority,” Duke says. “Test us. Keep us honest and on edge.

It’s one of the most interesting twists in the Energon Universe so far, and raises the stakes for the G.I. Joe titles going forward. Since the new Joe team has been formed with the express purpose of hunting down the Transformers, it makes sense that Duke would pull from every resource he has in order to accomplish his mission. Also, since the Cobra terrorist organization doesn’t exist in the Energon Universe just yet, it gives the creators ample opportunity to play around in the new world they’ve built, and Baroness’ face turn is the perfect example of how Skybound is subverting reader expectations.

Baroness Is Now One of the Good Guys… But Can She Be Trusted?

FCBD Energon Universe Special #1 Duke rescues Baroness

Having the long-time villain join the G.I. Joe team also acts as something of a narrative ticking time bomb, as her true loyalties will always be in doubt. In previous continuities, Baroness was constantly scheming with her lover Destro to wrest power away from Cobra Commander. Can fans expect similar power plays against the likes of Duke and Col. Hawk? There is also the possibility of Baroness betraying and defecting to Cobra Commander or Destro down the line, which should add an intriguing layer of tension to all future storylines in the G.I. Joe corner of the Energon Universe.

Aside from all that, Baroness working with the good guys (for now) should be exciting to read for fans both new and old, and her new Joe-themed battle-suit is just crying out for a G.I. Joe: Classified action figure. With the Destro and Scarlett miniseries set to be released this summer, fans can hope that it’s all leading to a new G.I. Joe ongoing title set in the Energon Universe, one in which the Baroness will hopefully play a large role.

The FCBD 2024: Energon Universe 2024 Special #1 is available now from Skybound Entertainment.

Free Comic Book Day 2024: Energon Universe 2024 Special #1

FCBD Energon Universe Special 1 Main Cover: a Transformer standing in the shadows holding a large gun.

  • Writers: Daniel Warren Johnson, Robert Kirkman, Joshua Williamson
  • Artists: Ryan Ottley, Lorenzo de Felici, Josh Howard
  • Colorists: Annalisa Leoni, Matheus Lopes, Mike Spicer
  • Letterer: Rus Wooton