The Doomsday Cult of Antares De La Luz details an inconceivable crime that shook the Chilean community. The Netflix documentary tells the story of Antares De La Luz, whose real name was Ramon Castillo Gaete. As the special explains, he was a seemingly normal man who loved music and soccer and had a passion for social and political causes. When he was growing up, Ramon suffered from extreme physical pain, so he made it his mission to find a cure. Gaete began using ayahuasca and became extremely religious, which led to the founding of the Colliguay cult.

After Gaete rebranded himself as “Antares,” he inspired several followers with his mission to save the world. However, things began to take a dark turn when Antares started to physically and mentally abused his followers. As the leader of the Colliguay cult, Antares demanded absolute loyalty. One of many true-crime documentaries on Netflix now, The Doomsday Cult of Antares De La Luz offers a detailed look into how his obsession with saving the world from itself led Gaete and his followers to commit a heinous crime.


Antares Told His Followers He Was God

Antares had the “aura of a master”

The cult documentary highlights how cult leaders need to possess qualities that make them unique. It was established that Antares De La Luz had the aura of “a master.” He was extremely knowledgeable, had a voice that made him seem wise, and even looked like a master with his shaved head and long beard. During a meditation seminar, Gaete’s followers took ayahuasca, and he made them ask their inner selves who he was because their inner selves knew everything. “The truth is, yes, I am God,” Gaete said to Pablo Undurraga, “But I am Jesus in the sense that Jesus is an incarnation of God.”

One of his followers, Pablo Undurraga, who later became his second in command, had a vision of Gaete as God. Antares agreed with his vision and said that he was God but in the same sense that Jesus was an incarnation of God. Gaete believed that every incarnation he had gone through had a purpose. In his new incarnation, he had come to defeat darkness since, according to the Mayan calendar, the world would be ending on December 12, 2012. Like Pablo, everyone who had attended the meditation seminar was convinced that Gaete was indeed God.


Antares Had An Unnatural Control Over His Followers

Antares’ followers never questioned him

For six, seven, eight months, I had believed I had to do everything Pablo asked me to do. It’s as if… I’d lost my will.” Almendra said to the interviewer. It’s common for members of a cult to do anything that their leader tells them, but there was something unnatural about the control Antares had over his followers, especially because they helped him commit a heinous crime. When he began to order his members to do his bidding, Antares began by asking them to make small sacrifices that at the time did not seem like a big deal. For instance, he ordered them to shave their heads and get rid of their pictures, which they did.

Eventually, Antares’ orders became bigger and one member of the Colliguay cult felt that she had “Lost her will”, but she still did everything he asked because she believed he was God. Antares wanted absolute control over his followers and did not take kindly to being questioned. He asked his most loyal followers to stop seeing his son because he was distracting from his mission of saving the world. Despite some of Antares’ orders seeming like too much, none of his followers refused him because they were afraid of him.


Antares’ Believed In Destroying Dark Beings

Antares was obsessed with destroying dark beings

Pablo Undurraga stroking his cat

According to Antares’ teachings, the world was filled with pure beings, impure beings, and dark beings. Antares was especially obsessed with dark beings because he believed they were created by Lucifer and thus their sole purpose was to destroy him since he was the only one capable of saving the world. While Antares was staying with Pablo Undurraga, he took a dose of ayahuasca to help him connect to his inner self. His inner self told him that Undurraga’s cat, which was pregnant at the time, was cursed and the kittens she was carrying were created by Lucifer.

Antares put the cat in a Tupperware box, drove to the Carlos Canal, and threw her into the river. The merciless killing of Undurraga’s cat was only the beginning of Antares’ need to get rid of the dark forces sent by Lucifer. Antares killed several pets that belonged to the members of the Colliguay cult under the guise of preventing Lucifer from attacking him.

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Antares Took Control Of His Members’ Relationships

Antares was in charge of the romantic relationships in his cult

Antares De La Luz holding an unknown woman

It’s a common occurrence in cults for members to form romantic relationships and go on their newfound religious journey together, so it isn’t entirely surprising that some of Antares’ followers became couples. However, Antares’ need to control every facet of his followers’ lives prevented them from being truly happy in their relationships. He took it upon himself to make and break up relationships according to his whims since he was the only one who knew who his members belonged with and didn’t want something as trivial as love to distract them from their mission of saving the world.

One day after taking ayahuasca, Antares announced to the group that Natalia, Undurraga’s ex, was his woman, and therefore had to be in a relationship with him. However, Natalia was not interested in being his woman and refused him on several occasions, but she gave in when Antares threatened her that his inner self would burn her alive on judgment day. To everyone’s surprise, Natalia got pregnant, and it became a problem for Antares since he had told his followers that he couldn’t have children because his mission was to save the world.


Antares Believed That His Unborn Child Was Lucifer

Antares believed his son was a dark being

Alexander Saravia smiling

Natalia’s pregnancy caused Antares’ followers to doubt some of the things he had told them, which led him to come up with a solution that would explain why the reincarnation of the messiah was capable of having children. Once again, Antares used his inner self and explained to his followers that the child Natalia was carrying was Lucifer. It wasn’t a coincidence that his unborn child was a dark being, because if Natalia was carrying him, then Lucifer was trapped inside her, which meant that Antares could save the world by killing him.

Antares convinced his followers that his unborn baby would be a miracle child that would be born after 10 months, and so, until that moment came, Natalia had to leave the house until Antares was sure if his child was a light being or a dark being. Unfortunately for Antares, Natalia went into labor a month before she was supposed to give birth to the miracle child, which once again caused Antares’ followers to question him. After being in labor for three long days, Natalia gave birth to a healthy baby boy whom she named Jesus as per Antares’ orders.


Antares Performed A Human Sacrifice

Antares murdered his son

Jaime Undurruga being interviewed in The Doomsday Cult Of Antares De La Luz

Perhaps the most shocking reveal from The Doomsday Cult Of Antares De La Luz was that Antares killed his child. Three days after Jesus was born, Antares ordered Undurrugas to drive Natalia and the baby to the shack in Colliguay where they had been staying. Antares had started a fire in a pit latrine and then ordered Natalia to take off the baby’s clothes, tie his hands and legs, and put a sock in his mouth. Undurrugas and Natalia handed the baby to Antares, and he threw him into the fire.

After throwing his son into the raging fire, Antares ordered Undurrugas to feed the fire and keep it burning, but once he got there, he realized that there was no sound, which led him to the conclusion that Antares had killed his son before throwing him into the fire. It was because of Jesus’s death that the members of the Colliguay cult realized what they had done, but it was unfortunately too late because the worst thing that could happen already had.



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A Member Of The Cult Reported Antares To The Police

Antares’ followers remained loyal to him

After being subjected to physical, emotional, and mental abuse, one member of the Colliguay cult decided she couldn’t take it anymore and decided to break free from Antares. After she left the cult, the unknown member went to the police and told them everything that had been going on in the cult, including Natalia’s pregnancy, the physical abuse, and Antares’ tendency to kill animals he claimed were dark beings.

The unknown member became a protected witness and was the reason the police began looking into the Colliguay cult. Investigating the Colliguay cult was not an easy task because most of Antares’ followers still believed he was God. It was only because of the unknown witness’s testimony, Natalia’s pregnancy, and the use of ayahuasca that the police were able to track down Antares’ followers and make charges against them.


Antares’ Followers Were Sent To Prison

Antares committed suicide

When the police went to the shack in Colliguay where Antares and his followers had been staying, they discovered the pit latrine where Antares had murdered his child. They found a hip bone whose DNA matched Natalia’s. At that point, Pablo Undurruga decided he couldn’t live with what he had done, so he turned himself in. He and other members of the cult were subsequently put through a criminal trial. Their defense lawyers made an argument that Antares’ followers were under destructive mind control, so they shouldn’t be arrested for their crimes because they held no criminal responsibility.

However, the judge did not agree with that argument; Pablo and Natalia were sentenced to five years in prison and the rest of the cult members were sentenced to three years in prison. Instead of serving her sentence, though, Natalia went on the run and changed her appearance, but the police managed to catch up to her and make an arrest. After discovering that the police were after him, Antares went on the run and escaped to Peru, where he took his own life.

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