7 Ways The Suits L.A. Spinoff Is Already Different From Suits

7 Ways The Suits L.A. Spinoff Is Already Different From Suits

Although much has yet to be revealed about Suits L.A., the upcoming Suits spinoff is already different from the original show in a few ways. After Suits’ phenomenal streaming success, particularly in 2023, it was only a matter of time before the franchise continued in some form. Suits season 10 is not happening, but the show’s legacy will continue to expand with the upcoming Suits L.A. spinoff, whose pilot is currently being filmed. Official character descriptions for Suits L.A.’s pilot help put together what the new show will be about, and how it will differ from Suits.

Suits’ nine-season run had highs and lows, but it cannot be denied that the series’ formula worked. Combining drama, romance, comedy, and plenty of TV procedural tropes, Suits was a highly entertaining series that continues to find new audiences almost five years after it ended. Those who only recently got into Suits thanks to streaming will not have to wait very long to revisit that world, albeit with new characters and a new setting. Even if some Suits actors do appear in Suits L.A., the spinoff will be its own thing.

Suits: L.A. Characters Confirmed So Far


Ted Black

Stephen Amell

Stuart Lane

Josh McDermitt


Troy Winbush

Erica Rollins

Lex Scott Davis

Rick Dodson

Bryan Greenberg


Alice Lee


Suits L.A. Will Be Set On The West Coast

Suits was set in New York

One obvious but important difference between Suits and Suits L.A. is that the latter will be set in Los Angeles, whereas the former takes place in New York. By separating itself from the main show geographically, Suits L.A. is making sure it will be different enough from Suits. After nine seasons, Suits had created a world from which viewers already knew what to expect, such as the fact that Harvey Specter was the best closer in New York. Suits L.A. will have a blank slate to start from thanks to its new setting, allowing it to create new stories and characters.

Suits L.A.’s setting also signs that, even if there are crossovers between the spinoff and the original show, those will be the exception rather than the rule. Of course, lawyers from New York can be doing business in Los Angeles, but the chances of Suits L.A.’s characters running into characters from Suits will be very low. Interestingly, though, Stephen Amell’s Ted Black was once a prosecutor in New York, suggesting he may have a shared history with Suits’ Harvey Specter. Suits was filmed mostly in Toronto, Canada, whereas Suits L.A.’s pilot is being shot in Vancouver.


Suits L.A. Will Be About An Entertainment Law Firm

Suits was about corporate law

Ted Black and Stuart Lane (Josh McDermitt) will be the co-founders of Black Lane Law, a firm that specializes in “criminal and entertainment law.” Those are very different areas from what Suits’ Pearson & Hardman (which went through several name changes) covered. Suits was all about corporate law, focusing on settlements and court battles involving big players of the East Coast’s corporate world. As the best closer in New York, Harvey Specter would work for some of the most successful businesspeople in America, with his list of clients even including Michael Jordan.

7 Ways The Suits L.A. Spinoff Is Already Different From Suits


Every Suits Main Character Who Left The Show Early & Why

Sharp dialogue and complex characters made Suits popular with millions. However, some main characters left the show earlier than expected.

As an entertainment law firm, Suits L.A.’s Black Lane Law will most likely deal with issues regarding intellectual property, contracts between studios and talent, and anything else that ties into the entertainment industry. Suits L.A. even has the chance to include some meta-commentary on how the industry works, as it will be a TV show set in one of the most important locations in the world when it comes to producing content for film and television. Suits L.A. might even namedrop some studios and actors, similar to how Suits would sometimes address real companies and celebrities.


None Of Suits L.A.’s Characters Have A Gimmick Like Mike’s (That We Know Of)

Mike Ross had a superhuman photographic memory

Multiple character descriptions for Suits L.A. have been revealed so far, but none of them includes anything that can be compared to Mike Ross’ photographic memory. Mike’s extraordinary ability to memorize things was not only Suits’ main gimmick, but it was also the basis of the show’s entire premise. The only reason why Harvey hired Mike is because the latter could do things no one else could do thanks to his unique memory skill. Mike’s gimmick made Suits even less realistic than what a legal drama would naturally be and sometimes used as a cheap plot device.



All 6 Suits L.A. Characters Revealed So Far (& Who Plays Them)

Suits: L.A. will be the second spin-off of Suits, with a brand new cast and location set to expand the world established in the original series.

While it is difficult to imagine what Mike’s character and Suits as a whole would have been without the photographic memory premise, Suits L.A. would benefit from not having any gimmicks at all. The best things about Suits had nothing to do with Mike’s memory tricks, as the true heart of the show was the interactions between the characters and how strong the dialogue was. Suits L.A. should have extraordinary characters in the sense that they are special for a reason, but the spinoff can do without its version of Mike’s photographic memory.


Suits L.A.’s Ted Black Has His Name On The Door (Unlike Harvey Specter)

Ted Black is the co-founder of Black Lane Law

It is impossible not to associate Suits L.A.’s Ted Black with Suits’ Harvey Specter, as Amell’s character is described as a “force of nature” and a top-level attorney whose talent and ambition led to where he is. Even Ted Black’s past as a prosecutor on the East Coast resembles Harvey’s backstory. However, there is one major difference between Ted Black and Harvey Specter already. Whereas Harvey was a senior partner at Pearson & Hardman during the first couple of seasons of Suits, Ted has his name on the door from the start as the co-founder of Black Lane Law.

This means that the challenges Ted Black will face in Suits L.A. will be very different from those encountered by Harvey Specter in Suits, at least initially. Part of Harvey’s arc in the first three seasons of Suits had to do with whether he would become a name partner, which even led to some tension between him and Jessica Pearson that almost ended in betrayal. Despite sharing some traits with Harvey based on his description, Ted Black might be more similar to Jessica in terms of his position in the firm and his role as leader.


Ted Black & Stuart Lane’s Dynamic Is Different From Harvey & Mike’s

Will Ted and Stuart be the new Harvey and Mike?

Although it may be too soon to draw parallels between the Suits characters and the ones from the spinoff, Suits L.A.’s “main duo” seems to be Ted Black and Stuart Lane. Suits also had a main duo, yet the dynamic between Harvey Specter and Mike Ross was completely different from the one Ted Black and Stuart Lane appear to have. Harvey and Mike were not equals for most of Suits, with the latter working under the guidance of the former. Ted and Stuart, on the other hand, are on the same level as the co-founders of their own firm.

Mike owed his career to Harvey and only remained at Pearson & Hardman initially because Harvey put his career on the line for his prodigious associate. Even though Harvey respected Mike’s intelligence, it took a while before they truly became partners rather than just boss and employee. Mike often did the heavy lifting, working hours to discover something to help them win the case while Harvey dealt with more important things. There was also the element of Mike’s secret, which, at first, only Harvey and Donna were aware of.


Suits L.A. Seems To Be Focusing On More Than Just 2 Characters

Suits L.A. may not have a “main duo” like Suits after all

Suits had a great ensemble, but the show’s first seven seasons were mainly focused on Mike Ross and Harvey Spector. The dynamic between Harvey and his associate, as well as the ultimate secret they were keeping from the rest of the firm, set the tone for Suits and served as the driving force for the show’s plot. Suits L.A., however, seems to be about more than just a main duo. Ted Black and Stuart Lane have their name on the door, but the pilot’s confirmed cast also includes many other characters that could be front and center.

Stephen Amell in front of the cast of Suits


Stephen Amell’s Suits L.A. Update Reveals The Spinoff Is Bringing Back What Made Suits Great

Stephen Amell, who will in star in Suits L.A., has shared some exciting details on the upcoming spinoff that will try to recapture Suits’ magic.

For example, Lex Scott Davis’s Erica Rollins is described as a rising star at the firm with a savvy and shrewd personality. Her character will be climbing the corporate ladder at the firm while also testing the loyalty of the associates. Rollins will have a rival in Rick Dodsen, played by Bryan Greenberg, described as Ted Black’s protégée. With multiple characters on which the show could focus, Suits L.A. is shaping up to be very different from Suits, whose original premise was all about Mike and Harvey.


Suits L.A. Faces Different Expectations From Suits

The bar is higher for Suits L.A.

Perhaps the biggest difference between Suits and Suits L.A. is the level of expectation and anticipation with which they had to deal with. Whereas Suits premiered as just another drama among countless TV procedurals, Suits L.A. will release as the legacy sequel to a highly successful show whose popularity massively increased in the last couple of years. Suits L.A. will have to deal not only with the Suits comparisons but also with the expectations set by the original show. Suits’ Netflix success means the spinoff series will be expected to deliver something equally good.

The TV landscape now is also very different from when Suits debuted in 2011. Streaming services have changed how audiences consume television, and while network shows continue to bring in millions of viewers, there is a broader range of options now when it comes to entertainment than there was 13 years ago. Suits L.A. will have to recapture the magic of the original series while also standing out amongst newer streaming hits. It is no exaggeration to say that the bar will be much higher for Suits L.A. than it was for Suits season 1.

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  • Suits TV Show Poster



    Suits follows Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams), who, despite never attending law school, is able to use his photographic memory to become a lawyer. The legal drama ran from 2011 to 2019 for a total of nine seasons and also starred Gabriel Macht, Meghan Markle, Sarah Rafferty, and Rick Hoffman.


    Patrick J. Adams
    , Sarah Rafferty
    , Gabriel Macht
    , Meghan Markle
    , Rick Hoffman
    , Gina Torres
    , Amanda Schull
    , Dule Hill
    , Katherine Heigl






    Aaron Korsh

  • Suits LA TV Series temp logo poster

    Suits L.A.


    Suits L.A. is a legal drama series spun off from the original franchise and will see Aaron Korsh return as the creator. Stephen Amell will take the role of Ted Black, a lawyer who must guide his legal firm out of a period of impending collapse.


    Stephen Amell






    Aaron Korsh