6 Theories That Will Make You Excited For Wheel Of Time Season 3

6 Theories That Will Make You Excited For Wheel Of Time Season 3

Some of the more plausible theories about The Wheel of Time season 3 do much to build excitement for the next entry in Amazon’s show. Based on what’s known about the third chapter in the live-action adaptation of Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time books, the events of The Shadow Rising will follow season 2’s ending. What happens in The Shadow Rising, the fourth book in the series, naturally creates a blueprint for The Wheel of Time season 3’s story.

Thanks to The Wheel of Time season 2’s ending, the foundation has been laid for several character arcs from the source material to unfold when the show returns. Rand’s journey into the Aiel Waste, Perrin’s conflict with the Whitecloaks in the Two Rivers, and Nynaeve and Elayne’s battle with Moghedien, are all events seemingly set up by developments that have already taken place in the show. However, that’s not to say the entire storyline for season 3 can easily be mapped out by the books. Quite a lot about season 3 remains open to speculation. However, multiple theories – which go beyond the direct setup in season 2 – offered potential explanations as to where the story may go from here.

6 The Main Characters Fight 4 Forsaken In Wheel of Time Season 3

6 Theories That Will Make You Excited For Wheel Of Time Season 3

Rather than focusing on one or two major villains, The Wheel of Time season 3 could see four members of the Forsaken occupy the main characters’ attention. If The Wheel of Time’s hints are anything to go on, there are only eight Forsaken in the show, and seven are still alive after Ishamael’s death. The last scene confirmed that before his demise, Ishamael released the rest of them, including Moghedien. For that reason, Moghedien may only be one of their season 3 rivals. That makes sense, considering that Moghedien is the villain of only Nynaeve, Elayne, Juilin Sander, and Thom Merrilin’s arc in The Shadow Rising.

It’s worth noting that Asmodean is the Forsaken that Rand fights at the end of The Shadow Rising, meaning he could be the villain of the Aiel Waste story. Queen Morgase is expected to appear in The Wheel of Time season 3, which makes it likely that Rahvin, who became her lover under the guise of Lord Gaebril, will also be on hand. Adding to all that is the fact that Lanfear is still lurking, and though she did help Rand at the end of season 2, she’s hardly someone who should be counted as an ally.

5 Siuan Sanche Is Replaced By Liandrin As The Amylrin Seat (Not Elaida)

Liandrin looking sternly at someone in Wheel of Time season 2

Liandrin is on track to take a major character’s place in The Shadow Rising’s story in The Wheel of Time season 3. In the books, Siuan Sanche is removed from power during an Aes Sedai coup spearheaded by Elaida, and with Shohreh Aghdashloo heavily rumored to play the character, her debut looks imminent. Even so, Elaida may not get this role, given that there’s no existing setup for it to happen. The books build up to the scheming Elaida overthrowing Siuan gradually, but as it stands, another character – Liandrin – is in a much better position to go down this path.

Having been around since season 1, Liandrin has been shown interacting with various figures within the White Tower and also hasn’t concealed her interest in seeing someone else take over as the Amylin Seat. Liandrin using the forthcoming uncertainty surrounding Siuan’s knowledge of Moiraine’s activities to put herself in control of the White Tower would feel like a natural evolution of her villain arc, even if it would break with the books.

4 Logain & Siuan Team-Up Earlier Than Expected

One of the most interesting team-ups ever to occur in The Wheel of Time books could occur much sooner than anticipated. In the books, being stilled by the Aes Sedai culminates in Siuan escaping the White Tower with Logain, a person whose gentling she caused. Their team-up is the basis of their respective book 5 arcs, but with the show already building toward Siuan’s downfall, it may not take long at all for the show to reach this point. Moving this story forward by several episodes would go hand-in-hand with The Wheel of Time’s efforts to make Logain more involved with the narrative. After all, there wouldn’t be much else for him to do in a story based on The Shadow Rising.

3 Rand Takes The Stone of Tear At The Start Of Wheel Of Time Season 3

wheel of time dragon reborn cover

One of the biggest questions about season 3 pertains to how it’ll deal with the battle at the Stone of Tear where Rand famously claims Callandor, the weapon he’s destined to fight the Dark One with. It’s a vital part of The Dragon Reborn, a story that transpires before the book season 3 is adapting. As a pivotal story moment, it’s arguably too important to skip. Theoretically, it could be saved for a later season. But rather than prolong the long-awaited scene of Rand hoisting up Callandor, The Wheel of Time season 3 could open with Rand taking the Stone of Tear after a short time skip, allowing it to kick off with a bang and move forward without further re-arranging the timeline.

2 Perrin Reunites With Hopper In The Wolf Dream

Hopper and Perrin looking at each other outdoors in Wheel of Time season 2.

Perhaps the most heartbreaking death in The Wheel of Time’s run thus far could receive an emotional twist in season 3. Hopper, Perrin’s new wolf friend, met a tragic end at the hands of Geofram Bornhald in the season 2 finale. In the source material, Hopper is the dead wolf that Perrin meets in the Wolf Dream a.k.a. Tel’aran’rhiod. Since the concept of Tel’aran’rhiod has been introduced, there’s a strong likelihood that Perrin’s next arc will involve him discovering the Wolfbrothers’ ability to enter the Wolf Dream. When that happens, he’ll be able to share a meaningful reunion with Hopper, who can teach him how to navigate the dream world and his new power.

1 Mat Fights Galad & Gawyn In Caemyln

Mat standing in front of the Heroes of the Horn In Wheel of Time

Since Mat has seemingly overcome his obsession with the ruby-hilted dagger, he presumably has no reason to return to Tar Valon, which means an exact recreation of his famous fight with Gawyn and Galad isn’t likely to happen. However, given that beating both with a quarterstaff at the White Tower is a fan-favorite moment from the books, it’s hard to imagine the show cutting it altogether. As for where it can fit into the narrative, it’s possible that as opposed to giving Mat his Shadow Rising arc as it looks set to do with Rand and several of the others, the show may send Mat to Caemyln, where Galad and Gawyn are at the start of the Wheel of Time books.

Caemlyn is where Mat goes in The Dragon Reborn. During this trip, he teams up with Thom and gets thrust into the middle of a conspiracy to kill Queen Morgase. Doing this story would not only grant The Wheel of Time an organic way to bring in Morgase and the other characters tied to her family, but it would also present the series with an opportunity for Mat to fight Gawyn and Galad, especially since they both live there as Morgase’s son and step-son respectively.

Wheel of Time Season 2 Poster

The Wheel of Time

Release Date
November 19, 2021

Barney Harris , Zoe Robins , Madeleine Madden , Marcus Rutherford , Daniel Henney , Rosamund Pike , Josha Stradowski , Kate Fleetwood , Priyanka Bose , Hammed Animashaun
