6 Reasons Why X-Men Origins: Wolverine Isn’t As Bad As People Say It Is (& 4 Reasons It Is)

6 Reasons Why X-Men Origins: Wolverine Isn’t As Bad As People Say It Is (& 4 Reasons It Is)

Though 2009’s X-Men Origins: Wolverine has never been accused of being one of the best comic book movies ever made, it has a number of fans out there that defy its low critical rating.

The movie is often seen as somewhat of a joke within the genre for its evident flaws but, aside from a number of them being quite amusing, they don’t spoil the movie’s achievements for some fans. Let’s look at why the movie isn’t as bad as its reputation suggests as well as why the critics have a point.

Isn’t: It Gave The World Ryan Reynolds As Deadpool

6 Reasons Why X-Men Origins: Wolverine Isn’t As Bad As People Say It Is (& 4 Reasons It Is)

Fox has had a number of hits with their Marvel properties over the years but none quite as significant–at least, in today’s world–as with Ryan Reynolds’ tenure as fan-favorite character Deadpool.

Though his ultimately disappointing appearance in the movie became a joke even within the Deadpool movies themselves, fans have X-Men Origins: Wolverine to thank for beginning Reynolds’ stint as the so-called Merc with a Mouth.

Is: A Waste of Great Actors 

While Reynolds never truly shines as fans knew he could in the role of Wade Wilson within X-Men Origins: Wolverine, he wasn’t the only one performing below expectations.

Liev Schreiber and Danny Huston get to have some fun as over the top villains, but actors like Kevin Durand, Taylor Kitsch and Dominic Monaghan all feel like they’re essentially just making cameos and it’s hard not to feel like they could have contributed so much more to the movie with their evident talents.

Isn’t: The Movie Has Its Own Unique Character

One of the biggest selling points of Fox’s X-Men movies, in general, is how different they each feel from one another. The three Wolverine movies alone are all vastly different in terms of look, tone, and story.

While it may not be the most accomplished piece of cinema, X-Men Origins: Wolverine is able to do something that none of the MCU movies really can. It stands out from the crowd.

Is: A Waste of Great Mutants

The world of mutants from the overarching X-Men franchise is one of the most varied and detailed in all of mainstream comics. It’s no wonder that Fox’s movie universe was able to stay detached from the wider world of Marvel for so long. The Avengers movies ended up needing mutant characters long before the X-Men movies needed non-mutants.

With so many great characters to spare, that’s perhaps why X-Men Origins: Wolverine wastes so many fascinating mutants but you can’t help but notice the disappointment it produces.

Isn’t: A Quick Pace

They say the cardinal sin of movies is boredom and X-Men Origins: Wolverine never slows down for long enough for it to settle in.

The movie zips along at a quick enough pace that you may ultimately just be baffled by the experience but you’ll never be too far away from something entertaining, in a good or bad sense, and, in a world where superhero movies are pushing closer and closer to the 3-hour mark in runtime, it makes X-Men Origins: Wolverine somewhat of a rare treat.

Is: Will.I.Am’s Performance

As mentioned, there are a number of great actors scattered throughout X-Men Origins: Wolverine. This is most noticeably seen in the all-star Team X, in which Black Eyed Peas singer Will.I.Am stands out like a sore thumb.

How exactly the professional singer/novice actor landed such a prominent part in the movie is still somewhat of a mystery but his lack of big-screen credits since speaks to his performance.

Isn’t: Period Detail

X-Men Origins: Wolverine benefits from various time jumps throughout history near the beginning of the movie before settling on a primary time period in the late 1970s. It really affords costume and set designers a unique opportunity to cram in various details to different period vignettes in a short space and the flourishes in each of them are very well thought-out and fun to observe.

The movie begins in a country manor in the late 19th century before moving through the American Civil War, the two World Wars, and the Vietnam war all in the space of a few minutes but a good deal of care is taken in each instance to reflect the look of each snippet of time.

Is: The Effects

The fault for which the movie is most often mercilessly, and rightfully, ridiculed is its computer-generated effects. The once intimidating claws of the great Wolverine are reduced to being actual cartoons that look as if they were ripped straight out of Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

It’s possible that the studio just never saw the point in finishing them after a workprint was leaked online before the movie’s release, but they certainly don’t match up with the movie’s $150 million dollar budget at all.

Isn’t: Ridiculous Tongue-In-Cheek Action

The point where the cheesiness of the effects ceases to matter is the point where you give in to X-Men Origins: Wolverine‘s sheer ridiculousness.

Perhaps as a result of being born out of the earliest days of the modern superhero movie boom, Fox’s X-Men movies had typically been more grounded in the everyday world until X-Men Origins: Wolverine but the movie lets loose with some wild, and memorable, sequences.

Isn’t: It Redefined Wolverine As A Main Character

Even though Hugh Jackman’s iteration of Wolverine had always been the breakout star of the original X-Men movies, he was still always a part of the ensemble rather than the out and out main character.

Whether you enjoy X-Men Origins: Wolverine or not, credit has to be given to the movie for successfully starting Jackman down the road of solo superhero stardom which would eventually lead him to the Oscar-nominated Logan.