5 Ways Lucifer Is Different From Michael (& 5 Ways They’re The Same)

5 Ways Lucifer Is Different From Michael (& 5 Ways They’re The Same)

Netflix released the highly anticipated fifth season of the most talked-about show, Lucifer. Fans rallied behind the show to get a new season when it seemed as though the show would reach its end. At the end of the fourth season, Lucifer makes the hard decision to return to Hell.

The new season brings into play a character no one saw coming. Lucifer’s twin brother, Michael. While Michael plans to become superior to Lucifer, he also has some similarities to his brother. While Michael may be an angel in heaven, he harbors a bad seed within him that distinguishes him from Lucifer. Let’s take a look at how this angel twin might not be so different from his brother as he thinks he is. Warning: spoilers ahead.

THEY’RE DIFFERENT: Michael Feeds On Fear

5 Ways Lucifer Is Different From Michael (& 5 Ways They’re The Same)

As the tale goes, Lucifer (or the Devil) feeds into people’s desires; their dirtiest and most profound secret. It makes for a good tool when it comes to detective work. Lucifer’s mojo doesn’t do anyone any harm. Michael, meanwhile, has people confess their biggest fears and gets a kick out of it.

Desire is one thing but what someone fears most is another. In the show, Michael uses people’s worst fears against them to get inside their heads. This is seen with Linda when he makes her retreat back to a dark moment in her life she feels incredible guilt over. It derails her relationships.

THEY’RE THE SAME: They Manipulate & Use Maze

Lucifer pointing alongside Maze in precinct in Lucifer

As much as Lucifer has grown as a person, there’s no denying that he has done wrong by Maze. He promised her life back in Hell as long as she stuck by him on Earth. Maze held onto this promise but ends up being hurt when Lucifer pushes her away. Lucifer never thought of how Maze felt being trapped on Earth and lied to.

Michael is not different in this regard. He effectively manipulates Maze into doubting Lucifer and turns her against him. Audiences know that Michael has an end goal and only uses Maze for his own advantage. While her and Lucifer’s relationship was more personal, both ended up disregarding Maze’s real feelings.

THEY’RE DIFFERENT: Lucifer Never Lies

A big caveat of Lucifer’s character is the fact that he has no issue with letting people know the truth. He never hid that he was the Devil. He also never lies. In fact, it’s almost impossible for him to do so. He sees no point in it, even if it might rub people’s feathers the wrong way. He’s a breath of fresh air, in that sense. 

Michael is the complete opposite. For a supposedly virtuous angel, he lies a lot. The minute he arrives on Earth, Michael lies his way into Chloe’s life to gain some trust and to pass as Lucifer. This is quite the contrast between the “evil” Lucifer who can’t lie and the “heavenly” angel who loves trickery.

THEY’RE THE SAME: They Seek An Image

Michael and Lucifer aren’t so different when it comes to how they want people to see them. When audiences are first introduced to Lucifer, he’s flashy with a nice car, always in a suit and well presented. He also has a charismatic charm to him that he uses to appeal to people. Lucifer likes to portray himself with a good image.

Michael also seeks an image, but it’s not as successful as Lucifer’s. According to the show, the archangel wants to step away from his brother’s shadow and gain some recognition from heaven and his siblings. He makes this blatantly clear in the show, desiring the prowess and the attention that Lucifer easily has.

THEY’RE DIFFERENT: Their Outlook On Humanity

Since the beginning, Lucifer has a better understanding of humans than his family does. He enjoys life with them but didn’t exactly understand their reasoning and emotions. Over time, he comes to connect with people and see the humanity behind their actions. He somewhat puts himself at their level and even helps solve murders.

Compared to his brother, Michael has no regard for humanity. He sees no real purpose in fraternizing among them the way his brother does. In an episode, Lucifer questions if Michael even understands what it means to be human or their emotional state. Michael doesn’t due to his angelic superiority complex. His only real purpose on Earth is to destroy Lucifer.

THEY’RE THE SAME: They’re Mischievous

Lucifer and Michael are both mischievous in their own ways. Lucifer is the Devil and likes to have some fun every once and a while. It might mean using his powers to elicit a confession or get a kick out of things. He also likes role play and pushing people’s buttons. For example, he eats Dan’s pudding just to annoy him.

His twin also has a flair for the mischievous, but in a more twisted way. When Lucifer and Amenadiel talk about him, Lucifer recounts Michael playing pranks on the family. He always had his plan to annoy someone even though it ultimately failed. Michael has an evil Cheshire smile type of facade. After all, he did try to pretend to be Lucifer.

THEY’RE DIFFERENT: Michael Is A Puppeteer

There comes a moment in the fifth season when Michael lays down a harsh reality on Lucifer. While Lucifer is very straightforward with his actions and his plans, Michael can better be described as a puppeteer master. He lays down the seeds and the trap for someone else to fall in to.

He does this with Maze and her devotion to Lucifer, as well as Chloe in telling her the truth that hinders her in trusting her feelings for him. His biggest puppet, though, is his own brother. Major spoiler: Michael confesses to Lucifer that he planted the idea of rebellion in his mind. It was Lucifer’s decision to continue with the plan, but Michael set in motion his downfall.

THEY’RE THE SAME: They Seek A Sense Of Power

The show plays on the common tale of how Lucifer is banished from Heaven, though Michael takes it a bit further. Lucifer believed that he could do a better job than his father and sought his power or position. Back then, Lucifer wanted to be greater and acting on Michael’s suggestion, created a rebellion. Even in his new life, Lucifer still likes to have dominance, hence why he doesn’t hide who he is or tries to hide his thoughts.

It’s shown that Michael also seeks power. He planted the idea of rebellion in Lucifer’s head so he could climb the food chain to be God’s right hand. He becomes untouchable in Heaven and comes to Earth to gain an upper hand over Lucifer.

THEY’RE DIFFERENT: Revenge Vs. Redemption

A huge difference between the celestial twins is their endgame and inner turmoil. From the start, Lucifer wants redemption, despite not admitting it. He wants his father to tell him why he was cast out and to tell him that things will be okay. He also wants redemption over the fact that he really isn’t a bad person. The stories told of him have people believe him to be a torturer and pure evil. 

Meanwhile, Michael seeks revenge. He loathes Lucifer for always getting on top despite leading a rebellion and abandoning Hell. Michael lived in Lucifer’s shadow and is tired of him never being in the wrong despite what he’s done.

THEY’RE THE SAME: They Harbor Intense Anger Issues

Even though the twins claim to be different, they are both victims of intense anger. Lucifer is broken and angry at his father for banishing him to Hell and never giving him an explanation. He feels as though God doesn’t care for him. This is Lucifer’s main personal demon (heh) throughout the show.

Michaels’ anger comes from a place of jealousy. He lived his life behind Lucifer’s image, hence planting the seed for rebellion. It only intensifies when Lucifer abandons Hell, he isn’t punished. Instead, he manages to get everyone on his side. Lucifer even has Chloe, who was a gift from their father.