5 Things X-Men Origins: Wolverine Got Right (& 5 It Got Wrong)

5 Things X-Men Origins: Wolverine Got Right (& 5 It Got Wrong)

After completing the initial trilogy, 20th Century Fox came up with the novel idea to expand the X-Men franchise with a series of X-Men Origins movies that would tell the origin stories of various mutants. The series began and ended with X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which crashed and burned so hard that all other X-Men Origins movies were scrapped before going into production.

Hugh Jackman himself has admitted his disappointment with X-Men Origins: Wolverine. He’d hoped that a solo movie could deepen Logan’s character, but thanks to a generic blockbuster script, that didn’t happen. Still, X-Men Origins: Wolverine isn’t all bad.

Right: The “Wolverine Through The Ages” Montage

5 Things X-Men Origins: Wolverine Got Right (& 5 It Got Wrong)

Following the prologue that opens X-Men Origins: Wolverine, there’s a montage of Logan’s adventures through the ages, taking him from his childhood in 1845 to his time in Vietnam in 1973.

Wolvie spends this century-and-a-bit fighting in a bunch of wars, including the American Civil War and both World Wars, eventually settling in the Vietnam War. On top of highlighting the character’s agelessness, there’s plenty of visceral action in this montage.

Wrong: Not Focusing On Wolverine

The Weapon X team in X-Men Origins Wolverine

Hugh Jackman has said that he was disappointed with X-Men Origins: Wolverine because he wanted to make a solo movie to expand on Wolvie’s characterization, but the final product was essentially just X-Men 4 with different characters.

Wolverine isn’t the focus of this movie. Every mutant involved in the Weapon X program makes up an ensemble cast, so it’s essentially another team-up.

Right: The Vietnam War Scenes

The Vietnam War scenes in X-Men Origins Wolverine

Although it devolves into a generic PG-13 blockbuster in its second and third acts, X-Men Origins: Wolverine’s early scenes set during the Vietnam War are surprisingly dark.

Victor attempts to rape a Vietnamese civilian and murders a senior officer who tries to save her, then he and Wolvie are sent to be executed by a firing squad (although they survive, of course, because they have regenerative powers).

Wrong: Dreary Tone

Wolverine emerging from a bath in X-Men Origins Wolverine.

The premise of X-Men Origins: Wolverine is that a bunch of mutants are brought in for sadistic experimentations and then use their newfound powers to exact revenge against the bad guys who experimented on them in the first place. The film should’ve just reveled in the unbridled fun of that premise.

But director Gavin Hood apparently to think he was making a much more serious movie than he was, because he gave it a dreary, joyless tone that doesn’t take advantage of its premise’s potential.

Right: Liev Schreiber As Victor Creed

Victor Creed with fire in his hand in X-Men Origins Wolverine

Aside from maybe Hugh Jackman in the title role, the best performance in X-Men Origins: Wolverine is delivered by Liev Schreiber in the role of Victor Creed, Logan’s half-brother with whom he shares a love-hate relationship.

Schreiber was chosen specifically by his Kate & Leopold co-star Jackman, who felt that his intense edge and competitive streak would be perfect for the role — and he was right.

Wrong: One-Note Villain

Danny Huston as William Stryker using a walkie talkie in X-Men Origins Wolverine

Brian Cox played William Stryker as a complex villain in X2. He was pure evil, but there was a relatability in the hubris of a Dr. Frankenstein figure who wanted to turn human beings into weapons.

Danny Huston’s younger version of Stryker in X-Men Origins: Wolverine has no complexity. He’s a bad guy who spouts the usual bad guy nonsense and never rings true as a real person.

Right: The Helicopter Set Piece

The helicopter scene in X-Men Origins Wolverine

While a few of the action sequences in X-Men Origins: Wolverine fall flat, some of them are a lot of fun. Arguably the best set piece in the movie is the one in which Wolverine takes on a helicopter.

After evading the chopper for a while on the back of a motorcycle, looking like Steve McQueen in The Great Escape, Wolverine singlehandedly takes down the helicopter in a spectacular display.

Wrong: Overuse Of CGI

Logan fights Wilson in X-Men Origins; Wolverine

There are some scenes in X-Men Origins: Wolverine that were clearly shot entirely in front of greenscreens, especially the final fight between Logan and Deadpool. Practical stunt work and miniature effects can go a long way, but this movie takes the easy route at every turn.

Sometimes it’s hard to tell the finished product from the leaked workprint because they both contain poorly rendered CGI effects that take all the weight and impact out of the action.

Right: Wolverine And Victor’s Bromance

Wolverine and Victor in X-Men Origins Wolverine

Instead of tacking on a generic love interest, the writers of X-Men Origins: Wolverine decided to center the story around the dynamic shared by Wolverine and his mutant half-brother and comrade, Victor Creed.

The movie is essentially a superpowered bromance, and Hugh Jackman and Liev Schreiber share more than enough on-screen chemistry to make it work.

Wrong: Sewing Deadpool’s Mouth Shut

Deadpool with his mouth sewn shut in X-Men Origins Wolverine

Ryan Reynold’s now-legendary on-screen stint as Deadpool got off to a very shaky start in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. ‘Pool is characterized by his dialogue. He breaks the fourth wall and makes fun of every other character around him — he’s literally called the Merc with a Mouth.

For some reason, the powers that be in charge of the X-Men franchise thought it would be a good idea to sew Deadpool’s mouth shut. All that remained from the original character were his swords, which are nowhere near enough for a satisfying adaptation.