5 Things Confirmed (& 5 Things We Hope To See) In The Live Action Remake Of Lady And The Tramp

5 Things Confirmed (& 5 Things We Hope To See) In The Live Action Remake Of Lady And The Tramp

Disney fans recently got to watch the first trailer for the live-action remake of Lady And The Tramp. Disney has been turning many of their classic animated films into live-action movies, and it seems that they don’t plan on stopping with this one.

Since the first trailer for the film was just released, not much is known about it. But there are a few things that have already been confirmed. Here are some of the things fans know for sure about the film, as well as some things they are hopeful about.

Confirmed: The Dogs Are Rescues

5 Things Confirmed (& 5 Things We Hope To See) In The Live Action Remake Of Lady And The Tramp

One of the best things about this new film is the fact that some of the stars of it are actually rescue dogs. That means that because of the creators of this movie, the canine cast members went from looking for a home to being loved and adored by people all over the world.

Monte, who plays Tramp in this updated version of Lady And The Tramp, previously lived at HALO Animal Rescue, which is in Phoenix, Arizona. The animal trainer who worked on the film ended up adopting him, and the rest of the canine cast members found homes as well.

Hope: Those Who Watch It Will See A Film That Lives Up To The Original

The original version of Lady And The Tramp is considered a classic by many, and lots of people are not sure whether or not this new version of it will be as good as the first one. The legendary spaghetti scene, and the love that the two main characters share for one another might not seem as great in a live-action film as it does in the cartoon.

This is actually a very big concern amongst fans. But since there is very little information known about the updated version right now, fans can still hold onto some hope for now.

Confirmed: It Will Release In November

Lady And The Tramp will be released on November 12, 2019. The only catch is that it is not coming to any movie theaters.

Instead, it will be featured on the Disney streaming service, Disney+. But that was not always the plan. In the beginning, the company did plan on giving it a theatrical release, but they thought that putting it on their new streaming service would give people more of an incentive to subscribe to it.

This is actually the first film Disney has done this with. But there will be lots of other great things to watch on Disney+ as well.

Hope: The Film Doesn’t Make Being A Stray Dog Look Fun

In Lady And The Tramp, Tramp has a few lines that make it seem like he is enjoying living the life of a stray dog, and some fans hope the movie does not make being a stray, homeless animal look like a fun life for a pet.

Living as a stray dog is definitely hard, but there are still lots of abandoned animals out there, and no one wants to see those numbers rise. Hopefully, Lady And The Tramp will show just how hard life is on the streets for dogs who have nowhere to call home. It is possible that this film could teach people about why they should never abandon their animals, but the trailer kind of makes it look like a fun and thrilling lifestyle, since Tramp enjoys it so much.

Confirmed: It Has A Star-Studded Cast

There are a few reasons to check this movie out, and one of them is the fact that the cast is full of well-known actors and actresses. Actress Tessa Thompson is the voice behind Lady, and she has been in lots of popular films, such as Creed and Thor: Ragnarok. Thompson was also in Dear White People.

The actor who provided the voice for Tramp is Justin Theroux, who is known for films such as Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle, Mulholland Drive, and American Psycho. Actor Sam Elliott is also part of the cast, and he provided the voice for a character named Trusty. Any film with a cast like that is sure to be a fantastic film.

Hope: The Animation Won’t Make It Seem Creepy

There is still some animation in this film, and some fans are worried that it will make the movie seem a bit creepy. This new version of Lady And The Tramp might be live-action, but some special effects were still used since the canines in the film speak to one another, and they have the voices of well-known movie stars.

That is causing a problem for some moviegoers because it makes the faces of the dogs look a little awkward. Maybe after some time passes, audiences will be used to seeing them talk, and it will seem less creepy to them. But for now, this is kind of a big concern.

Confirmed: One Of The Characters’ Genders Was Switched

Jock’s gender was switched, and then his name was changed. The character was a male in the original version of this movie, but in the updated version, Jock is a female named Jackie.

Actress Ashley Jensen provided the voice for this character. The star has been very busy lately, since she has been working on Afterlife, which is a Netflix series.

This was the second time Disney did this to one of their male animated characters. The same thing happened to Kaa, who was a character in The Jungle Book. In the 2016 version of that film, the character was voiced by actress Scarlet Johansen.

Hope: It Won’t Be Very Similar To Homeward Bound

The new Lady And The Tramp looks a lot like Homeward Bound, which is another live-action movie that features talking animals. As great as Homeward Bound is, no one wants this film to share too many similarities with it.

Audiences have already seen that movie, and they do not want another version of it. But perhaps only time will tell fans whether or not these two movies will have a similar tone. Even if they do, maybe it will still be enjoyable, since Homeward Bound is a good movie. Even if the film isn’t good, audiences still get to look at adorable dogs for a couple of hours, which is always nice.

Confirmed: The Siamese Cats Are Gone

The two Siamese cats that appeared in the animated version of Lady And The Tramp will not be making any appearances in the new version. Some of Disney’s older content is very controversial these days, and these cats are definitely part of the controversy.

They were cut from the film because they present a very racist image of Asian culture. That means that any Lady And The Tramp fans that were looking forward to hearing their song “The Siamese Cat Song” will have to stick with the cartoon, since it won’t be in the new version.

Hope: It Will Have A Bit More Humor In It Than The Trailer Does

The new Lady And The Tramp film looks very serious, so hopefully there will be a few light, fun scenes in it to lighten the mood up. Based off of the trailer, this movie has the tone of a slightly somber romantic drama, but the part that makes it really weird is the fact that it is about dogs.

The original movie was very serious as well, but the animated nature of it made it seem as though it was a bit more lighthearted and kid-friendly. Since this movie stars real people and real animals, there is no animation that can make it feel a bit less serious. But since the movie has not been released yet, fans can still hope that the romance between Lady and Tramp won’t seem too strange to watch.