5 Robots From Movies We’d Love To Hang Out With (& 5 We Wouldn’t)

5 Robots From Movies We’d Love To Hang Out With (& 5 We Wouldn’t)

Robots are a risky business and bring with them an array of moral and philosophical questions. Often a reflection of ourselves, they can represent the best, or worst that humanity is capable of. Furthermore, their immense brainpower and strength mean that if they want to take you down you’re pretty much done for.

But given the artificial nature of their inception, can they really be held responsible for their actions? On the flip side, some robots can prove themselves to be harmless, even caring, and more human than those that created them. With this in mind here are 5 robots we’d love to hang out with, and 5 we wouldn’t.

Wouldn’t: Ava

5 Robots From Movies We’d Love To Hang Out With (& 5 We Wouldn’t)

Seen in 2015’s Ex Machina Ava initially presented herself as something else, but quickly showed that she was much more intelligent than she was letting on. Her deadly deception led to her killing her creator with relative ease and no remorse.

It’s uncertain if she’s evil, or simply fighting for her own freedom. But all that partnered with her sophisticated software means she’s not someone we’d want to kick back and relax with due to her scheming conniving nature.

Would: The Iron Giant

Despite his massive size and fearsome abilities, The Iron Giant is actually a pretty chill dude. He has within him the power to cause great destruction and chaos, but his humanity prevents him from using it for the wrong reasons.

He showed himself to a brave and courageous hero that anyone would admire. Couple that with his naive nature and curiosity, makes The Iron Giant a great guy that anyone would be lucky to hang with.

Wouldn’t: Roy Batty

Roy Batty in the rain

Roy Batty as seen in 1982’s Blade Runner is a deadly and cunning robot (known as Replicants in the Blade Runner films) that no one should trifle with. And although he may have found his humanity in the end, there’s no doubt that Roy’s murderous and psychopathic actions through the film are unforgivable.

Because of these reasons coupled with his anger (however justified) and volatile nature means that he would ruin the ambiance of any dinner party or social gathering.

Would: Wall-E

Shot of WALL-E from WALL-E

Despite being left alone on Earth to tidy up Wall-E kept himself busy and entertained, even making a friend. His spirit is unbreakable and his curiosity about the world around him is endless.

He’s a scrappy and resilient little guy that hasn’t got a harmful circuit in his body and is capable of deep empathy. Furthermore, his interest in films would give you yet another thing to bond over, despite the obvious communication problems you both would encounter.

Wouldn’t: Ultron

Ultron smirking in Age of Ultron

Ultron’s twisted logic means that his pure intentions to save the world and protect humanity wills him to destroy all life. Pile on top of that his lasers, jets, and vibranium finish, allowing Ultron to take on The Avengers.

And although he’s shown himself to be capable of empathy, humor, and even irony, his broken and flawed programming means that Ultron will never be your friend. His creation was a mistake and his destruction was the only option.

Would: Baymax

Another robot that possesses great power and potential to do untold harm, instead he chooses to use his array of amazing abilities for the greater good. Baymax, as seen in 2014’s Big Hero 6, is one of the few robots that are given the tools to protect and actually uses them to protect.

His nieve mind gives him a child-like innocence that makes him instantly likable. Combined with this inflatable, balloon-like appearance, Baymax is one of the cuddliest robots you’ll find.

Wouldn’t: Terminator

Whether he’s on our side or not is pretty irrelevant, The Terminator isn’t someone we’d want to hang out. Trouble always seems to follow him.

If he came over for lunch, or maybe the two of you went to a pet shop to look at the Chinchillas, it’d be only a matter of time before it was all kicking off. A portal would open, and the next thing you know you’re fighting a naked robot. We can do without the hassle thank you very much.

Would: Vision


The Vision is without a doubt one of the most human robots even to be seen in a film. His purity and inherent goodness are undeniable, even worthy of lifting Thor’s hammer. On top of all that he’s incredibly intelligent, meaning you’d have a lot to talk about.

His phasing abilities and disdain of doors could make him a tricky roommate, however. But that’s a pretty minor gripe and overall Vision’s wisdom and humanity mean he’d blend in at any social function.

Wouldn’t: Megatron

Megatron looks off into the distance menacingly in Transformers: The Last Knight.

The first thing out of the way, is Megatron a robot? He’s an alien, but also robotic. It’s tricky but he’s metal so that’s a robot in my book. The evil and cold heart nature of the Decepticon makes him someone you wouldn’t want to shoot the breeze with.

Oh and the fact he’s gigantic, yeah, that could get in the way. Might be a bit of a drag if you decide to go roller skating together or maybe take a paddleboat out onto the lake.

Would: Marvin

Marvin the Paranoid Android walks while Arthur Dent, played by Martin Freeman, and Ford Prefect, played by Mos Def, follow behind him in the 2005 movie adaptation of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Marvin, as seen in 2005’s Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and portrayed excellently by Alan Rickman, is without a doubt one of the funniest robots to ever appear in a film. Though his attitude may be constantly negative and he lacks any zest for life, Marvin shows his humanity through his misery.

His GPP (genuine person personality) makes him more human than any other robot, for good or bad. And despite his negativity, he’s the robot we’d most want to hang out with.