5 Reasons Why Rocky Is The Best Boxing Movie (& 5 Why It’s Raging Bull)

5 Reasons Why Rocky Is The Best Boxing Movie (& 5 Why It’s Raging Bull)

There are a number of great boxing movies out there, but when talking about the best of the best, the debate is always between Rocky and Raging Bull. Rocky is the story of Rocky Balboa, a small-time Philadelphia boxer who gets the shot at the heavyweight title. Raging Bull is the real-life story of Jake LaMotta, whose violence and anger made him a star of the sport while destroying all other aspects of his life.

Though both are boxing movies, they tell very different stories about very different men. But which is the better boxing film? Fans certainly have their own preferences, but let’s have a look at the areas in which each of the movies excels above the other. Here are some reasons Rocky is the best boxing movie and some reasons it is Raging Bull.

Rocky: The Theme Song

5 Reasons Why Rocky Is The Best Boxing Movie (& 5 Why It’s Raging Bull)


There are few movie scores as iconic as the Rocky theme. As soon as that music kicks in, it immediately gets the heart pumping. The music has been used to perfect effect throughout the franchise, coming in at exactly the right moment and sending chills down the spines of the audience.

Raging Bull certainly has its share of great music, but there’s nothing that compares to the Rocky theme. The music has become a soundtrack to people pushing themselves as far and as high as they can in any endeavors.

Raging Bull: Boxing Scenes

Raging Bull Jake Punch

The actual boxing scenes in these movies are not necessarily the draw or what makes them special, but they are, of course, important to the story. Like the movies themselves, the approaches to these scenes are very different.

Rocky, for as good as it is, portrays the fights in pretty unrealistic ways. The two fighters do nothing to protect their heads and they trade blows to the face and is filmed as if you were watching the match on television. Raging Bull, on the other hand, puts you in the ring and doesn’t let you escape the brutal violence that is on display.

Rocky: The Love Story

Sylvester Stallone in Rocky - Best Thanksgiving Movies

Those watching Rocky for the first time might be surprised how much of the film focuses on Rocky and Adrian rather than the boxing. Rocky’s courtship and eventual romance with the socially reserved Adrian seems as important to him as winning the title.

Their romance is awkward and unconventional but very sweet and moving. The fact that they are together at the end is the real victory. By contrast, nothing in Raging Bull could be considered romantic. Of course, that’s not the story being told, but it does make Rocky a more pleasant story.

Raging Bull: Robert De Niro


It’s hard to compare two performances that are so different, but the brilliance of Robert De Niro in Raging Bull is undeniable. A lot is said about his immense weight-gain for the role but it goes far beyond that. He is so compelling and engrossing even in those scenes that are hard to watch.

Sylvester Stallone is incredible in Rocky as well and it remains probably his best performance to date. But so much more is required of De Niro to play this complex and unlikable character. This is the performance that cemented him as one of the greatest actors of all time.

Rocky: The Inspiration

Sylvester Stallone Rocky

The feelings that you’re left with after these two movies could not be further apart. And it is pretty evident which is the more feel-good movie. Rocky ends in a boxing defeat but the movie leaves you with a sense of triumph that he went the distance.

The story, and especially that ending, are so uplifting, it makes the movie so rewatchable. It is a story that has continued to inspire people for years to come. As amazing as Raging Bull is, it is not an easy movie to watch and you certainly don’t leave with a smile on your face.

Raging Bull: The Dark Side

Raging Bull Jake Talking With Joey


Though it might not be as pleasant or inspiring a story as Rocky, Raging Bull probably has a more interesting story about the world of boxing. Rocky presents boxing as an escape from the real world and Rocky’s shot at success.

Raging Bull is more about the dark side of the sport and the men who participate in it. There is as much violence outside the ring as there is inside the ring. As LaMotta’s success as a fighter increases, the rest of his world falls apart.

Rocky: The Montage

While the boxing sequences are the climax to all of the Rocky films, the training montages are just as important. While they have become something of a gimmick and a joke at this point, the training sequence in the original film is still as epic as always.

Again, this is a movie that really knows how to lift your spirits and cheer for this man. There are so many great moments from the egg breakfast to the iconic running up the steps. Regardless of how many films have copied it, this remains a thrilling moment.

Raging Bull: Fall From Grace

Raging Bull Jake Resting On Ring

Looking at these two films side-by-side, they are actually telling very opposite stories and both are telling them extremely well. Raging Bull is a story about a devastating fall from grace. This seems to be a theme of many of Martin Scorsese’s films and he excels at telling these stories.

Jake LaMotta is someone who had the potential and the success but lost it all and there was no one to blame but himself. It is a tragedy in that the kind of man LaMotta was made him a success in the sport but also made him lose it all. The final moments of the film cement how far this man fell.

Rocky: The Underdog

Sylvester Stallone in Rocky

By contrast to Raging Bull‘s amazing depiction of a fall from grace, Rocky is the ultimate underdog story. There have been so many of these David versus Goliath stories, but few are as powerful and memorable as Rocky.

The movie does a tremendous job of establishing Rocky as the true underdog, not just in the ring but in all aspects of his life. He is also an easy guy to root for even if we don’t think he can win. And the film brilliantly plays against expectations with its ending while still making it a victory.

Raging Bull: Martin Scorsese

Robert De Niro in Raging Bull - Best Boxing Movies

There are few directors around who have had such an impressive and acclaimed career as Martin Scorsese. Even now, he manages to create modern masterpieces. While he has many contenders for his best film, there are a lot of people who would say Raging Bull and it’s easy to see why.

Scorsese composes the most beautiful shots, collaborates with his actors to bring out the best performances and infuses authenticity to every movie he makes. No one could have made Raging Bull as brilliantly as Martin Scorsese and that can be said about pretty much all his films.