5 Questions The Wynonna Earp Special Can Finally Answer

5 Questions The Wynonna Earp Special Can Finally Answer

Unlike other shows that were canceled unexpectedly, Wynonna Earp didn’t end on a massive cliffhanger. For the most part, the cult hit series used its season-four finale to give its beloved characters happy endings. However, there are still questions that the one-off special Wynonna Earp: Vengeance needs to answer. Instead of remaining plot-driven, Wynonna Earp‘s series finale honed in on its characters, giving most of them a proper sendoff. Of course, in the Ghost River Triangle, happy endings don’t equate to idyllic, demon-free lives.

While it didn’t pose a cliffhanger ending, Wynonna Earp season 4 certainly left the door open to future adventures. On the heels of the special’s announcement, the team behind Vengeance hasn’t released much information about the Tubi-commissioned movie’s plot. Since Wynonna Earp season 5 felt like a possibility for a while, there are plenty of compelling threads worth delving into in the 90-minute special, especially since series creator and finale writer Emily Andras is returning for Wynonna Earp: Vengeance alongside Paolo Barzman, one of the show’s most prolific directors.

5 Where Have Wynonna & Doc Been?

The Couple Left Purgatory For New Adventures In The Wynonna Earp Finale

5 Questions The Wynonna Earp Special Can Finally Answer

Throughout its four-season run, Wynonna Earp‘s most hot-and-cold romance unfolded between the show’s titular character (Melanie Scrofano) and Doc Holliday (Tim Rozon) — the immortal ally of Wynonna’s great-great-grandfather, Wyatt Earp. Ahead of the season finale, the duo’s frustrations with one another came to a head again, briefly leaving their post-series fate up in the air. However, how each Wynonna Earp character’s story ended was overwhelmingly positive, even in the case of Doc and Wynonna.

At first, it seems like Doc and Wynonna are going their separate ways. While the Earp family’s heroic gunslinger looks to be staying in Purgatory, Doc is ready to leave the Ghost River Triangle and explore other 21st-century wonders. As he’s driving out of town, Wynonna shoots out his tires. The hot-headed partners finally decide to choose each other and literally ride off into the sunset on Wynonna’s motorcycle. Clearly, Wynonna Earp: Vengeance needs to let viewers know what the two got up to in between season 4 and the special.

Melanie Scofano as Wynonna Earp and Anna Silk as Bo from Lost Girl


The Wynonna Earp Special Makes A Case For This Queer Supernatural Show’s Return

Despite ending in 2021, cult hit Wynonna Earp is returning with a 90-minute special, which could be good news for another queer supernatural show.

4 Did Wynonna & Doc Successfully Reunite With Their Daughter?

Doc Wondered If Alice Michelle Would Even Remember Them

In the second season of Wynonna Earp, the titular gunslinger learns she’s pregnant with Doc’s child after a demon possesses her body and pronounces it “too crowded.” From there on out, Wynonna’s pregnancy is marked by all sorts of supernatural goings-on. After Wynonna gives birth to Alice Michelle — the Earp baby is named after her parents’ mothers — Waverly and Nicole whisk the newborn to the border of the Ghost River Triangle. While Wynonna is enamored with her child, she knows Alice Michelle won’t be safe in Purgatory.

wynonna earp season 1 poster


The Father Of Wynonna Earp’s Baby Explained

Wynonna Earp became pregnant during the second season of the popular SYFY series, and here’s the father of her baby explained.

The plan is for Wynonna’s aunt, Gus McCready, to raise Alice until Purgatory is a safer place. Although she’s mentioned a handful of times, Alice Michelle doesn’t make another on-screen appearance in Wynonna Earp. However, in the series finale, Wynonna and Doc decide to start their grand adventure with a pit-stop in Miracles, Montana. Doc fears Alice Michelle won’t remember her parents, but Wynonna insists that she will. Needless to say, Wynonna Earp: Vengeance must include an older Alice Michelle.

3 Are Waverly & Nicole Really Happy Being Stuck In Purgatory?

Wayhaught Vowed To Never Leave The Ghost River Triangle

There’s no denying that the Wynonna Earp special is good news for LGBTQ+ TV shows, especially in a year that’s seen so many out-of-left-field cancelations. Across its four seasons, Wynonna Earp‘s romantic stories were anchored by one crucial couple: Waverly Earp (Dominique Provost-Chalkley), Wynonna’s half-angel sister, and Officer Nicole Haught (Katherine Barrell). Unlike other couples on the show — and on TV at large — Wayhaught never dipped into unforgivable toxic territory. Long story short, the couple’s arc made for groundbreaking queer representation.

One of TV’s most important relationships, Wayhaught lasted the test of time. In the series finale, Nicole and Waverly exchange vows. Of course, the two seemed primed for marriage for a while, but Nicole, who became the Ghost River Triangle’s shield, committed herself to protecting Waverly and Purgatory — forever. That means the couple can’t leave town like Wynonna and Doc. While they get a happy ending, it remains to be seen if Wayhaught is completely satisfied with living out their days at the Earp homestead or not.

2 Is Jeremy Chetri Still Deputy Chief Of The Black Badge Division?

Jeremy Was Also Pursuing A New Love Interest In The Wynonna Earp Finale

Jeremy in Wynonna Earp

Introduced in Wynonna Earp season 2, Jeremy Chetri (Varun Saranga) starts out as a Black Badge Division scientist who aids the Earp sisters and their allies. Able to sense when his friends are scared, Jeremy isn’t completely human, which makes him a great fit for Wynonna’s rag-tag crew. In the series finale, Jeremy becomes deputy director of BBD, setting him up for a promising and incredibly influential future. However, he’s the only core character who doesn’t wind up with a long-standing partner. Instead, the show hints at a potential relationship between Jeremy and Damon.



The Wynonna Earp: Vengeance Special Shows How Fandoms Can Win (Without Being Toxic)

A Wynonna Earp movie special is confirmed to be in the works, which is solid proof of how successful fandoms can be without resorting to toxicity.

1 What Have Rachel & Nedley Been Up To?

Wynonna Earp’s Supporting Characters Need To Appear In Vengeance

So far, every character returning for Wynonna Earp: Vengeance is part of the main cast of characters. With Wynonna, Doc, Waverly, and Nicole all set to come back for the one-off special, fans are hoping some of the series’ most beloved supporting characters will join in on the fun. Nedley (Greg Lawson), the former Ghost River County sheriff, becomes an instrumental peripheral member of Wynonna’s demon-fighting team. Plus, Rachel Valdez (Martina Ortiz-Luis), a smart-mouthed teenager who first appeared in season 4, seemed like a promising new addition, making her return in Wynonna Earp: Vengeance a must.

  • Wynonna Earp Revenge temp movie poster

    Wynonna Earp: Vengeance
    emily andras

    Melanie Scrofano, Tim Rozon, Dom Provost-Chalkley, Paolo Barzman

    Not Yet Rated

    90 Minutes

    Action, Drama, Western

    emily andras

    Creator :
    Emily Andras


    Where To Stream: