5 Period Drama Sagittarius Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

5 Period Drama Sagittarius Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

Sagittarius individuals are those who like adventure, travel, and ideas, and while they aren’t the emotional or romantic sign of the zodiac, they can be surprisingly interested in stories that explore different time periods or cultures.

As such, a Sagittarius person is just as likely to enjoy a good period drama film as any other sign. However, there are certain films in the genre that would appeal to them more than others.

Hate: Sense and Sensibility

5 Period Drama Sagittarius Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

Jane Austen’s books and films are staples of the period drama genre, but, overall, these movies wouldn’t appeal to a Sagittarius. While they have some progressive elements for their time, there is something rather stifling and traditional about Sense and Sensibility especially that would turn them off.

They would be frustrated by the constraints of money and gender.

Love: Wilde

Many of the period films that would appeal the most to a Sagittarius are those that explore individuals who were particularly independent, original, and authentic to who they are.

This film about Oscar Wilde has a lot of heartbreak, humor, and originality, and they would love that the story isn’t your traditional heterosexual romance set in the Regency era.

Hate: Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is another classic period piece story that has many intense and dramatic elements. While it has many merits, it’s the type of classic that the Sagittarius would find a bit oppressive.

There are way too many themes of traditional values and conservatism to appeal to this sign. They would also be frustrated by the lack of authenticity from characters such as Mr. Rochester.

Love: Little Women

While the original book and earlier version of Little Women might not appeal to the Sagittarius so much, the newest version by Greta Gerwig definitely would. They would enjoy the independence of Jo and the fresh take on the story that leaves the ending a bit more open to interpretation.

As people who want to live expansive, original lives, they could definitely relate to Jo’s struggle to make something of herself beyond what was expected of her.

Hate: Pride & Prejudice

While Pride & Prejudice is a story that many people enjoy, it would be the favorite film of most Sagittarius individuals. While Elizabeth is a progressive woman for her day, in the end, this is a pretty typical romance story.

Sagittarius individuals don’t love the idea of being tied down into stereotypical roles of romance and partnership, so they wouldn’t feel particularly compelled by this love story.

Love: Portrait of A Lady On Fire

Portrait of a Lady on Fire is a love story, but it’s not a typical one. The exploration of an intense but fleeting romance is something that would appeal to many people of this sign.

Sagittarius individuals can be very intense and fiery, but, in the end, they are determined to follow their own goals and dreams. They would find this film’s aesthetics, especially the bonfire scene, very appealing to their aesthetic.

Hate: Young Victoria

The Young Victoria

Young Victoria is a film that explores the life and love story of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. It’s a rather sweet and endearing film, but the Sagittarius individual would be annoyed by the fact that it isn’t very historically accurate.

This movie makes Victoria seem like a hero when in actuality she was responsible for bringing forth a very traditional and oppressive period in British history. Sagittarius individuals love authenticity, and so they wouldn’t appreciate this.

Love: Beloved

Three women look back towards the camera from Beloved

Beloved is a movie based on the well-renowned novel by Toni Morrison. Starring Oprah Winfrey, it’s an intense and powerful story.

The Sagittarius person would enjoy the brutal honesty of the film and also that it prompts deep thinking and exploration of the historical realities of slavery and equal rights. As the philosophers of the zodiac, this would appeal to them.

Hate: Atonement

This film is a period piece that takes place in the 30s and 40s. It’s an emotional story of misunderstandings and heartbreak. However, the Sagittarius would absolutely find this film frustrating. The entire plot revolves around a miscommunication that ends up ruining the lives of two people.

They would hate that things aren’t solved by honesty and owning mistakes. They would likely feel really frustrated and annoyed while watching the movie and wish things could be resolved in a better way.

Love: The Favourite

Olvia Coleman stares while dressed in royal garb in The Favourite.

The Favourite is a period drama that would definitely appeal to the Sagittarius individual because of the humorous elements. It takes costumes and sets that are very familiar to people who watch these films, but it turns many tropes on their head.

It’s artistic, hilarious, and original, and a Sagittarius would love all of these things about this film. It’s definitely a great match for anyone with this sign. While they might not like the more abstract ending, they would enjoy the journey this film takes viewers on.