5 Marvel Characters Libra Will Relate To (5 They Won’t Understand)

5 Marvel Characters Libra Will Relate To (5 They Won’t Understand)

Libra is one of the most unique signs of the zodiac, which is exactly how they like to be. They are an air sign, which is the element of intellect and mental agility, and Librans typically represent their element very well. They’re probably the most socially adept of all the zodiac signs too, and it’s hard not to like any Libra.

But just because everyone feels like they can relate to them, that doesn’t mean that they feel like they can relate to everyone. So with that idea in mind, which MCU characters do Libras relate to, and which characters do they not understand in the slightest?

Relate To: Thanos

5 Marvel Characters Libra Will Relate To (5 They Won’t Understand)

Okay, so clearly no rational human being would be best buds with someone like Thanos, and Libras are pretty exceptionally rational members of the zodiac on top of that. However, Thanos is beyond obsessed with the idea of bringing the entire universe into balance.

And what is it that Libra is supposed to represent? That’s right, balance. So Thanos is a pretty perfect representation of the dark side of a Libra.

Won’t Understand: Red Skull

Red Skull from Captain America

On the other hand, one particularly imbalanced Marvel villain is obviously Red Skull. Fascism and Nazis are not looked upon favorably in general, but the hegemonic and extremely domineering ideology of Red Skull is way too extremist for someone like Libra.

They don’t tend to like anything too extreme, so the genesis of Hydra and the intensity of Red Skull is going to be exceptionally unappealing to them.

Relate To: Frigga

Rene Russo as Frigga talking to Loki while Odin is asleep in Thor

As one of the few good parents that are featured throughout the MCU, Frigga represents some of the strongest and most important qualities of any Libra.

She is incredibly understanding, caring, and kind, and most importantly, she can relate to many people and understand many perspectives. She can simultaneously love Thor and Loki because she isn’t judgmental and she accepts them both as they are, which is a hallmark of any Libran.

Won’t Understand: Black Widow

Black Widow is probably the darkest and most intense hero in the MCU. Libra can find some common ground with her in the sense that she is very good at understanding what different people want and she is good at being that for them, but the true Natasha Romanoff is a very pessimistic, violent, and grim person.

Libra couldn’t be further from those traits, so Black Widow naturally doesn’t appeal very much.

Relate To: Bucky Barnes

On the other hand, a character like Bucky Barnes easily represents the Libran ability to play the chameleon in any circumstance, but he differs from someone like Black Widow because ultimately he is a very kind, welcoming, and accepting individual.

Hydra may have tormented those qualities into the background of his personality, but the Bucky that befriended Steve Rogers is every bit the popular Libra who likes to make sure that everyone feels accepted and included.

Won’t Understand: Valkyrie

Valkyrie, MCU Side Character Heroes

One of the most noticeable qualities that typically exists on the surface level of every Libra is a strong appreciation for appearance and aesthetics.

And while Valkyrie is obviously a stunner, her attitude and behavior in social situations would make any Libran cringe with discomfort. Libras are social butterflies who place a lot of value on public perception, so a crass alcoholic is definitely not their jam.

Relate To: Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel

Although the brashness of Carol Danvers isn’t very typical of the average Libra, the qualities that exist beneath the surface of Captain Marvel are a good representation of many of Libra’s most positive qualities.

As a kree-human hybrid, she knows what it is to exist in two worlds and find a balance between one end and the other, which speaks to the heart of Libran values.

Won’t Understand: Rocket Raccoon

Rocket Raccoon clearly can’t be blamed for being cynical, prickly, and overall fed up with life given his circumstances.

But his attitude and criminal tendencies are extremely unlike a standard Libra, who tend to value their public image and who really wants everyone around them to like and admire them. They also have no patience for rudeness and aggression, so Rocket wouldn’t make a good friend for Libra.

Relate To: Spider-Man

It’s hard for anyone to resist their friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, and it is equally hard for anyone to resist their friendly neighborhood Libra too.

Spidey’s innate kindness and willingness to put himself on the line for anyone is a strong quality within Libra, and if Libra ever became a real life superhero, they would be someone as universally kind and beloved as Peter Parker.

Won’t Understand: Hela


Everything about Hela’s image is predicated on being the most threatening and intimidating version of herself that she can possibly create, and even if a Libra became a villain, they would not carry themselves in the way that Hela does.

If a Libra went bad, they would try to appear as non-threatening and socially appealing as possible, and they would prefer to do their misdeeds by infiltrating their enemies instead of just slaughtering them all.