5 Comedy Movies Aquarius Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

5 Comedy Movies Aquarius Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

Comedy is one of those genres that has been around since the beginning of cinema, and while the styles have changed, it still remains insanely popular. Something about the genre just seems to call to an inner need that most of us, at one time or another, experience, the need to lose ourselves in the pure joy of laughter.

Though Aquarius isn’t always noted for being a sign with a particularly developed sense of humor, they just have to know what particular comedic elements will tickle their demanding fancy. Here are 5 comedies that an Aquarius individual will love and 5 more they’ll absolutely hate.

LOVE: Bridesmaids (2011)

5 Comedy Movies Aquarius Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

It’s no secret that men in comedy films have a lot of opportunities to be gross. In fact, the gross-out comedy has almost always been associated with men. Judd Apatow, however, decided to flip the script in this ribald comedy, giving the women the chance to be just as gross and unruly as the men.

It’s precisely this film’s originality in doing so that makes it a perfect choice for the Aquarius, who loves originality and unpredictability. 

HATE: Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure (1985)

PeeWee's Big Adventure

It’s a well-known fact that the Aquarius can be a bit condescending. Sometimes, this air sign likes to indulge in the belief that it is better than everyone else. Thus, this film, which stars the titular Pee-Wee (who also had a very popular kids’ show), is not an ideal choice.

For one thing, it’s simply too good-hearted. For another, the character himself is far too easy for Aquarius to feel superior to, meaning that they would spend too much of the film looking down on Pee-Wee rather than laughing with him.

LOVE: Ace Ventura, Pet Detective (1994)

Ace Ventura - Jim Carrey and Sean Young

This was the film that launched comedian Jim Carrey into his position as one of the biggest comedy stars of the ’90s. The film is a strange mix of both over-the-top comedy and mystery-solving.

What really sets the film apart is, of course, Carrey’s particular style of acting, which is like almost nothing else that Hollywood has seen. It is precisely its explosive unpredictability that makes this the ideal choice for an Aquarius in search of a good laugh.

HATE: Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery (1997)

Austin Powers flirting in his car.

This film is a send-up of the spy movies that were such a key part of the 1960s and which, to some extent, are still with us today. The titular character is a sort of deranged and hypersexual James Bond, though without the suave demeanor. Though he’s an adequate spy, there’s something irredeemably goofy and about the title character.

The condescending Aquarius will find themselves looking down on Austin Powers, and they will probably be underwhelmed by the predictable nature of the film’s story.

LOVE: The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)

Of all of the directors working in Hollywood today, Wes Anderson has perhaps done the most to establish himself as an artist with his own particular vision that is like almost no one else’s. The Royal Tenenbaums is a perfect example of Anderson’s particularly strange, off-beat, and sometimes downright whimsical sense of humor.

It was, in many ways, unlike almost anything else that was made at the time, and it is precisely the film’s, and the director’s, willingness to work outside of the rules that makes it a good choice for Aquarius. 

HATE: The Pink Panther (1963)

There is, seemingly, something innately pleasurable about the farce, which takes an established character type or genre and sends it up in relentless fashion. That is precisely what this film does with the character of the detective.

Contrary to popular belief, the title doesn’t refer to the detective himself (whose name is Clouseau) but instead to the rare diamond that is the center of the story. The bumbling detective might be appealing to some, but Aquarius individuals will find themselves sneering at his inadequacies and downright foolishness. 

LOVE: His Girl Friday (1940)

Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell in His Girl Friday

This film is a bit of a throw-back, but sometimes it’s a good idea to go back to classic Hollywood, where some of the finest comedies are to be found. This is one of the finest of the form, which is to be expected, considering the fact that it stars Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell, two of the finest talents of that period of filmmaking.

It’s a whip-smart and admittedly rather cynical comedy, but Aquarius will enjoy the ways in which, in its originality, it paved the way for many of the directions that comedy would take.

HATE: Elf (2003)

Will Ferrell and Ed Asner in Elf

There’s an earnestness to this film that’s rather refreshing, especially since the title character is played by Will Farrell. Though it is in many ways an entertaining film, it isn’t truly original, following most of the beats that you associate with a comedy from the early 2000s.

Aquarius will soon find themselves feeling a little bored at the ways in which the film doesn’t really break any of the rules, to say nothing of the fact that they will also look down on the rather foolish elf.

LOVE: Arsenic & Old Lace (1944)

In the annals of Hollywood, perhaps no actor shines quite as brightly as Cary Grant. Part of his tremendous star appeal was that he had charisma and charm in spades. An equally strong part, however, stems from the fact that he had a phenomenal ability to deliver a comedic line.

His skills were put on perfect display in this film, which is a dark and biting comedy with a truly strong script. Aquarius folks will appreciate both the performances and the strength of the narrative. 

HATE: Dumb & Dumber (1994)

The ’90s was a decade that seemed to relish and wallow in a particular form of adolescent male foolishness, even though the men playing such foolish characters were full-grown adults. That is certainly the case with Dumb and Dumber. 

Though Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels have a lot of charm and charisma, even they can’t make this film one that is destined to appeal to an Aquarius. Even the most patient one will find themselves taxed by the zany antics of the two bozos that star in this film.