5 Action Movies Gemini Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

5 Action Movies Gemini Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

Action is a broad term when it comes to movies. Obviously, there is a lot of variation within the wide-ranging and somewhat vague genre. Some action films are goofy and fun. Others are dark and sinister. Some sport supernaturalism and fantasy. Others are steadfastly grounded in reality.

At the end of the day, what constitutes an action film, let alone a quality action film, is up to the audience. Gemini personalities are very unique and have particular, sometimes erratic, tastes. Here are five action movies that a Gemini audience will surely appreciate, and five others that they might want to skip.

Love: Inception

5 Action Movies Gemini Will Love (& 5 They Will Hate)

Christopher Nolan’s 2010 neo-noir dream epic may not be a poster action movie, but with some of the coolest fight sequences to take place in the past decade, Inception certainly has enough iconography to fit the genre’s bill. Inception‘s unconventionality might just be the thing that could draw a Gemini to the film, though. Gemini being curious and intellectual people, they will take pleasure in unraveling the layered plot and surrealist form that sets Inception apart from many other action flicks. Plus, the movie’s breathtaking IMAX visuals will certainly appeal to a Gemini’s adventurous spirit.

Hate: Mad Max: Fury Road

Mad Max Fury Road Tom Hardy

2015’s late addition to the Mad Max franchise is undeniably a stunning action movie. Nevertheless, it may fail to hit the mark for a Gemini audience. Despite everything exceptional about George Miller’s Fury Road, it is one of the most linear stories to ever grace the silver screen. The entire narrative is basically one long elaborate car chase through the desert. Although this car chase is infinitely awesome and features some of the best practical effects ever seen in a blockbuster action film, Gemini might find themselves bored with the simplicity of it all and pine for something more thought provoking.

Love: The Matrix

Like Inception, the Wachowski siblings’ groundbreaking 1999 cyberpunk movie The Matrix strays a bit far from the conventional action movie. Yet again, that eccentricity may be the very thing that most attracts Gemini to The Matrix. This time twisting, reality-defying movie is an absolute mind-scrambler, and yet, its every detail is riddled with philosophical questions and profound messages that still puzzle audiences to this day. The Matrix will undoubtedly appeal to a Gemini’s taste for worldly mystery, intellectual stimulation, and simple weirdness. Simultaneously, the movie’s relentless pace and unmatched intensity is enough keep anyone (of any Zodiac sign) on the edge of their seats.

Hate: Moonraker

Moonraker poster

With twenty-four movies and counting, MGM’s acclaimed James Bond franchise has certainly offered a variety of qualities and tones over the past fifty-eight years. Some of 007’s campiest entires came about in the late seventies and early eighties, when Roger Moore played the titular hero.

The cheesiness hit an all time high when Bond went on a space adventure in 1979’s Moonraker. While Geminis usually have a fascination with adventure, Moonraker falls short when trying to combine sci-fi and action. The product would probably leave a Gemini audience feeling patronized. To be fair, most viewers regard Moonraker as a lower-tier Bond film. The character is best kept earthbound.

Love: Skyfall

When it comes to James Bond, a Gemini audience will probably find itself more ravished with the series’ latest entries starring Daniel Craig. Craig’s 21st century portrayal of 007 offers more intensity, realism, and emotional impact than any of his predecessors. All of these attributes are things Gemini look for in a movie. Craig’s Bond is at his best in Sam Mendes’ 2012 Skyfall. Gemini will appreciate the fresh take that Skyfall brought to the aged franchise, and the unprecedented level of character development it lends to its main protagonist. On top of all that, it is the 23rd movie in the franchise… falling on one of Gemini’s lucky numbers!

Hate: Die Hard

Die Hard John McClane in vent

No pun intended, but Die Hard is a hard movie not to enjoy. Like Mad Max: Fury Road, though, Die Hard derives most of its charm from its simplicity. Coming out in 1988, it is a classic, hyper-masculine American action movie with a young buff Bruce Willis kicking some foreign antagonists’ butts. That’s all good and fun, but unfortunately, Gemini usually look for something a bit meatier in their cinematic choices. Die Hard follows a very conventional trajectory with standard gunfights, predictable messages, and a foreseeable ending from the get-go. At the very least, Gemini might be able to appreciate John McClane’s snarky sense of humor.

Love: Kill Bill

Speaking of humor, Gemini audiences will likely appreciate the action-comedy hybrid tone of legendary auteur Quentin Tarantino. The director’s projects usually cross and mix genres, but his Kill Bill films (both Volume 1 and 2) are the closest he gets to straightforward action movies. Although the narrative is a pretty typical revenge plot, the way Tarantino tells Kill Bill‘s story is wacky enough to keep a Gemini engaged. He uses jokes, cutaway gags, and chronology experimentally, offering a delightfully strange experience. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Tarantino film without some gratuitous violence. Gemini may not appreciate such gore in and of itself, but Tarantino presents it in such a self-aware fashion that it warrants intrigue.

Hate: The Expendables

The Expendables Cast

On the opposite end of the humor spectrum, a lot of action movies from the 1980s sport a particular brand of comedy that can distance Gemini viewers. This comedic style is comprised of witty one-liners, many of which have become pop-cultural artifacts and rehashed nods that Hollywood loves to replicate and lampoon. 2010’s The Expendables is a nostalgic celebration of this 1980s action-comedy form. Directed by and starring Slyvester Stallone alongside Jason Statham, Jet Li, Terry Crews, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke and Arnold Schwarzenegger, the movie (and its two sequels) has its charming elements and funny moments. However, a Gemini would probably see the project and its humor as pandering, one dimensional, and perhaps unnecessary.

Love: Terminator 2: Judgement Day

If a Gemini is searching for an Arnold Schwartzenegger fix, they might be most satisfied with James Cameron’s 1991 classic, Terminator 2: Judgement Day. While the first Terminator movie might be a bit too slasher-like for a Gemini to fully appreciate, T2 brings new layers the franchise.

Contrary to popular belief, Terminator 2 is far from the standard action blockbuster. It actually revolves around a very intelligent plot involving time travel, a futuristic war, and humanity’s fate in the face of technological armageddon. It is a far smarter movie than one might expect, and a Gemini might be surprised to find it quite compelling.

Hate: Taken

As aforementioned, Gemini are adventurous. It is in their nature to go exploring, oftentimes taking risks in places that others might consider dangerous. 2008’s Taken is the kind of action movie that highlights the hazard in exploration, and it makes one question the safety in going around trusting strangers. This Liam Neeson kidnapping/revenge flick offers its audience a hefty dose of paranoia. It may be unpalatable for a Gemini who wants to continue believing that people are inherently good and that embarking on daring escapades will be rewarded with positive experiences.