3 Sonic The Hedgehog Fan Games You NEED To Check Out

3 Sonic The Hedgehog Fan Games You NEED To Check Out

Contrary to popular belief, creating a “good” Sonic The Hedgehog game is quite difficult. The Sonic franchise has always been one that often tests new ideas and playstyles within its games, and this has led to many titles receiving a mixed reception from fans and critics over the course of the series. Interestingly enough, it seems that many Sonic fans have very different ideas on what exactly a “good” Sonic game is.

The blue blur has always been a bit of a complicated platforming character due to the number of working pieces that need to co-exist to create a cohesive vision. Sonic is a character that moves fast, but he has to slow down to do platforming and engage in precise maneuvers as well. Due to the complex and unique nature of Sonic, level designs and controls in Sonic the Hedgehog games are seemingly much more difficult than the average platformer.

Despite this inherent challenge, many fans have taken Sonic into their own hands and have created some truly fantastic titles. Here are 3 Sonic The Hedgehog fan games that are worth playing.

Sonic Robo Blast 2

3 Sonic The Hedgehog Fan Games You NEED To Check Out

Perhaps the most well-regarded Sonic fan game of all time, Sonic Robo Blast 2 is a fantastic platformer by any stretch. The game’s visuals look akin to the Genesis titles of the past, but the game plays in 3D. The controls themselves can be a bit loose at first, especially for those playing on a controller, but players who stick with it will discover an amazing 3D platformer. Unlike recent 3D Sonic titles, Sonic Robo Blast 2 is more based on momentum rather than pure speed. The levels are expansive and beautiful, taking on many level themes from both classic Sonic the Hedgehog games and those from the modern Sonic era.

Perhaps most impressive about Sonic Robo Blast 2 is how different each character plays. With new characters, users are likely to find new hidden paths separate from the regular level design. Sonic has an incredibly powerful homing attack that gives him immediate speed, while characters like Tails play a little slower but can fly over levels. The music is also outstanding, sounding like something fresh out of the Genesis-era of Sonic. Overall, the project is one of pure passion and is an incredible homage to 2D Sonic gameplay through a 3D lens.

Sonic Galactic 

Fans of Sonic Mania will be very pleased with Sonic Galactic. Sonic Galactic is a clear and simple homage to the blue blur’s 2D ventures. While the game has taken very clear inspiration from the likes of Sonic Mania, it also adds some new ideas and content to make it all its own. All-new Sonic the Hedgehog sprite work designed for the game, which looks nothing short of phenomenal. On top of this is the inclusion of multiple playable characters akin to Sonic ManiaSonic, Tails, and Knuckles are all playable. along with Fang the Sniper and a new character named Tunnel the Mole.

The game’s level design is so well-thought out that it feels like it was dragged out of Mania. The only issue with Sonic Galactic right now is that the game isn’t finished. Only the first two stages and two boss battles are playable. Despite this, the project seems so promising it’s difficult to resist playing it multiple times. While Sonic Galactic isn’t finished just yet, this is certainly one to look out for in the future.

Sonic GT

Sonic GT is brilliant in every sense of the word. It’s so comprehensive and polished it feels like a real game. The game controls similarity to Sonic Generations but with a few tweaks to give the player an obscene amount of control. The game’s level design is made larger and more spacious to accommodate Sonic’s speed and the game benefits because of it. Cheap deaths and bad level designs are incredibly infrequent, and the game’s difficulty curve not only feels appropriate but quite rewarding to master.

Sonic GT comes with 5 stages and a few boss fights, and all of them are incredibly fun. The best zone is perhaps this game rendition of Sonic 2‘s Hill Top Zone, which is nothing short of gorgeous to look at. The level design feels open world-like and works quite well given the spacious nature of the levels. Along with this fantastic level design and amazing control comes a fun a quirky story with some shockingly solid voice acting. Sonic GT is not only a great fan game like the others on this list, but it’s also just a great Sonic the Hedgehog game in general.