2023 Officially Made Juggernaut a Hero, as He Beat Thanos & Was Voted onto the X-Men

2023 Officially Made Juggernaut a Hero, as He Beat Thanos & Was Voted onto the X-Men

2023 was a big year for the Juggernaut in Marvel Comics canon, as he completed his redemption arc by being officially voted onto the X-Men, and he even killed Thanos. However, the bad definitely came with the good this year for the Juggernaut, as it wasn’t all victories and achievements, but also a great deal of loss and pain.

The first truly jaw-dropping thing the Juggernaut did in 2023 was his aforementioned victory over Thanos. This happened during the Sins of Sinister crossover event, and it was a moment that put on full display how truly unstoppable the Juggernaut is on a cosmic scale.

2023 Officially Made Juggernaut a Hero, as He Beat Thanos & Was Voted onto the X-Men

After Mister Sinister effectively conquered the world, he had to defend it from alien invaders – in this case, Thanos. So, Sinister used a shrunken down Juggernaut as a bullet, firing him through Thanos’ skull, killing the Mad Titan instantly. The Juggernaut survived, but was then doomed to fly through the cosmos forever, given the literally unstoppable momentum needed to kill Thanos. It was a victory at a heavy cost, something that seemed to be a bit of a habit for the Juggernaut this year.

Colossus and demonic Juggernaut.


15 Things You Never Knew Juggernaut’s Powers Can Do

Juggernaut’s widely known as an unstoppable X-Men villain with super strength, but he’s a lot more than that. Here’s 15 powers you didn’t know he had!

The Juggernaut Suffered Heavy Losses Killing Thanos & Joining The X-Men

X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1 written by Gerry Duggan, art by Adam Kubert, Luciano Vecchio, Matteo Lolli, Russell Dauterman, Javier Pina, R.B. Silva, Joshua Cassara, Kris Anka, and Pepe Larraz

2023’s Hellfire Gala included the annual tradition of voting a whole new slew of mutant (or mutant-adjacent) heroes onto the flagship X-Men team. This year, the Juggernaut made the official cut, and the grin on his face when his name was called to stand in front of everyone at the gala as an X-Man said everything about the pride he took in the completion of his redemption. And then Nimrod showed up.

Nimrod and the entirety of Orchis (current Sentinel affiliate) stormed the Hellfire Gala and slaughtered nearly everyone in attendance. The Juggernaut fought Nimrod to the best of his ability, but that battle ended with Juggernaut’s head caved in and his body being dragged around by the super-sentinel. He was then brought to an Orchis prison, where the Juggernaut was to be experimented on by Dr. Stasis, the clone of Mister Sinister.

2023 Ended Bleakly For The Juggernaut, But His 2024 Looks Bright

The Juggernaut reuniting with the X-Men after the Hellfire Gala Massacre.

After the Juggernaut was captured, he was freed by an undercover mutant who infiltrated Orchis in order to dismantle the organization from the inside. Marko quickly reunited with the remaining X-Men, and he’s currently making strides against Orchis. The Juggernaut became an X-Man, and now he’s proving his mettle during perhaps the X-Men’s most significant battle to date, as they’re fighting to both avenge the past and ensure a brighter future for their people – a future the Juggernaut will be instrumental in shaping.

Like with killing Thanos, the Juggernaut’s achievement in joining the X-Men came at a heavy cost in a traumatic event that ended his 2023 on a very bleak note. However, the Juggernaut isn’t out of the fight quite yet, and with the way his story has been set up in X-Men canon, it’s fair to say that his 2024 will be much brighter.