2009 CW Fall TV Line Up

2009 CW Fall TV Line Up

The CW released their 2009 lineup on Thursday, May 21st, following all the other network announcements this week.  The lineup has a few new shows, is down a couple of fan-favorite shows and has one schedule twist that surprised me, sort of.

The CW is now a power hitter in the chain of networks.  Their best rated show, America’s Next Top Model doesn’t even break the top 50 network shows.  I know… you’re shocked.

Despite the obvious numbers, Dawn Ostroff calls their lineup of shows “culturally current, quality programming.”  I guess that’s not inaccurate.

They only had 2 new shows to boast about, if you can call it boasting.

The revamped Melrose Place redo, and the thinly disguised Twilight copy, called Vampire Diaries.  It’s about teenage vampires.  I know.  We’ve never heard that theme before.

Aside from adding the two aforementioned shows, they’ve pulled (that’s canceled in street talk.) Privileged and Reaper.  For some reason they’d rather play an encore of dolls in heels (ANTM) on Friday’s than keep and air Reaper.

This tells me where their bread is buttered.

2009 CW Fall TV Line Up

The other crazy news that came from The CW is that they’re adding the new Vampire Diaries in the time slot that Smallville had, and skewering Smallville by moving it to Friday nights where it will be the lead-in for the encore of America’s Next Top Model.  If Vampire Diaries flounders, this move is going to gravely injure both Supernatural and Smallville.

Supernatural will be hurt because Diaries is the lead-in show.  Smallville, because they’re getting the Foxed / Joss Whedon treatment.

Their programming outline has been referred to as narrow fem-driven strategy.  It’s not a bad strategy as the demographic of women do make just as powerful a spending impact as men.  We all blow money equally.  Yet this strategy seems to work better on networks that have successful ratings from other shows that draw viewers in.  I think it’s narrow-visioned, but that’s just me, the armchair network exec talking.

Here’s the 2009 fall schedule for The CW

  • Monday: Gossip Girl, One Tree Hill
  • Tuesday: 90210, Melrose Place (new)
  • Wednesday:  America’s Next Top Model, The Beautiful Life (new)
  • Thursday: Vampire Diaries (new), Supernatural
  • Friday: Smallville, America’s Next Top Model (encore)

I’d ask how you feel about this, but I have a pretty solid idea what is about to hit the comment section!  Have at.