20 Best Love Actually Quotes

20 Best Love Actually Quotes

Richard Curtis’ Love Actually is a classic Christmas romcom, and its best quotes can effortlessly blend humor with heart. The movie follows different couples based in London whose lives intertwine during the holiday period. Love Actually boasts an incredible cast of mostly British actors, including Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Emma Thompson, Liam Neeson, Keira Knightley, and more. Even some of the movie’s smaller roles are taken up by big stars, as Martin Freeman and Rowan Atkinson play minor characters.

Love Actually portrays a lot of different relationships. Unlike most romcoms, it features some extremely tragic or difficult relationships, and not every story has a happy ending. Love Actually doesn’t just focus on romantic love, and some of its most beautiful relationships are between friends or family members. The most memorable quotes from Love Actually encompass a broad range of emotion, and its impressive that the movie manages to move so smoothly between such different stories.

20 If You Look For It, I’ve Got A Sneaky Feeling You’ll Find That Love Actually Is All Around.

Hugh Grant as David

20 Best Love Actually Quotes

The quote that gives the movie its title comes from a voice-over at the very beginning. Hugh Grant speaks over footage of people embracing at an airport arrivals gate, and he muses on the varied nature of love and its deep importance to people. This opening monologue perfectly sums up the way in which Love Actually approaches the theme of love. It posits that all forms of love, not just romance, are what drive people to great lengths, and what gives people meaning.

19 I’d Like To Go To Wandsworth. The Dodgy End.

Hugh Grant as David

David and his chauffeur in a doorway in Love Actually

It takes a lot of courage for David, the Prime Minister, to put his reputation on the line and go to find Natalie. He tells his chauffeur to get to Wandsworth, an area of London most notable for its large prison, although he doesn’t know Natalie’s exact address. David is willing to embarrass himself by knocking on every door until he finds Natalie, and he has to sing Christmas carols to entertain a group of children. Natalie doesn’t see any of this, but it shows how far David is willing to go just to see her.

18 Don’t Buy Drugs. Become A Pop Star And They Give You Them For Free.

Bill Nighy as Billy Mack

Bill Nighy as Billy Mack in Love Actually

Bill Nighy oozes classic Brit-rock sex appeal as Billy Mack, and he has a rock star’s anarchistic streak to match. In an interview with real-life TV personalities Ant and Dec, Billy makes a plea to try and get his song to the top of the British music charts before Christmas, claiming that he will perform naked live on TV if he succeeds. He follows this up with an equally provocative statement which forces the show’s producers to swiftly cut away. This is one of the first introductions to Bill Nighy’s character in Love Actually, and it instantly shows what he’s all about.

17 I Am Colin, God Of Sex. I’m Just On The Wrong Continent, That’s All.

Kris Marshall as Colin Frissell

Love Actually‘s most bizarre subplot focuses on the supremely confident but socially inept Colin, who decides that his problem is that his swagger doesn’t sit well with English women. Colin believes that if he goes to America, then women will throw themselves at him because of hs English accent. Colin’s friend Tony is dismissive of the idea, but this does nothing to dissuade him from trying. Colin’s story can be construed as one of Love Actually‘s poorly-aged ideas, but it’s such a ludicrous male fantasy that it could equally be seen as a satirical take-down of male ego.

16 Step Aside, Girls. This One’s On Me.

Elisha Cuthbert as Carol-Anne

Colin (Kris Marshall) surrounded by women in an American bar in Love Actually

The most absurd aspect of Colin’s plan is not his failure to respond to reason, or his impulsive decision to buy a plane ticket to Wisconsin, but it’s that the plan actually works perfectly. As soon as his plane lands, Colin gets a cab to an average American bar, and he is soon surrounded by three beautiful women who find him utterly captivating. Love Actually presents a lot of realistic, difficult relationships, but Colin’s story is a complete departure from this framework. Everything that happens to Colin seems outlandish, as if his wildest fantasies are playing out in front of his eyes.

15 Two Years, Seven Months, Three Days, And, I Suppose An Hour And Thirty Minutes.

Laura Linney as Sarah

Sarah’s story often goes unnoticed in Love Actually. She works with Harry, and she tells him that for as long as she has been with the company, she has been hopelessly in love with one of their colleagues. She finally gets a chance to be close to Karl at the office Christmas party, and they share a tender slow dance. Unfortunately, she has to cut their evening short and care for her brother instead. It’s a tragic missed opportunity, and Love Actually doesn’t return to see whether Sarah and Karl ever get a second chance or not.

14 I Don’t Want Something I Need. I Want Something I Want – Something Pretty.

Heike Makatsch as Mia

Heike Makatsch as Mia in Love Actually

Harry allows himself to be tempted by Mia, one of his co-workers who clearly has a thing for him. She isn’t shy about letting her feelings be known, flirting with him openly and asking for a Christmas gift, with romantic undertones. Mia represents the lure of the forbidden to Harry, and he shows his weakness by giving in to her. A lot of Mia’s dialogue is designed to toy with Harry, not just to seduce him, and she seems to delight in the unspoken games that they play.

13 You Never Talk To Me. You Always Talk To Peter. You Don’t Like Me.

Keira Knightley as Juliet

Keira Knightley as Juliet in Love Actually

When Juliet discovers Mark’s true feelings for her by watching the wedding video he made, she responds in disbelief. Previously, she had believed that Mark never spoke to her because he didn’t like her, but she suddenly realizes that his standoffish behavior was a defense mechanism to mask his love for his best friend’s wife. Juliet finally sees herself through Mark’s eyes, almost literally, and it colors their awkward relationship in a completely new light.

12 (In Portuguese) Sometimes Things Are So Transparency, They Don’t Need Evidential Proof.

Colin Firth as Jamie

Colin Firth in Love Actually

Jamie’s proposal to Aurelia is a great example of how Love Actually mixes humor with sweet romance. Jamie and Aurelia have to overcome a language barrier, but even when they can’t properly communicate with one another there is a clear spark. Jamie’s attempt at Portuguese is a grand romantic gesture for Aurelia, but his terrible command of the language shows that their relationship won’t exactly be smooth sailing. In a Love Actually charity special years after the movie was first released, Jamie and Aurelia are still together, although his Portuguese skills still need work.

11 It’s My Favorite Time Of Day, Driving You.

Colin Firth as Jamie

Colin Firth as Jamie Bennett stands outside a car with Lúcia Moniz as Aurelia in Love Actually

Even when neither Jamie nor Aurelia can understand one another, they still share a mutual attraction. Jamie hints at his love for Aurelia out loud, knowing she won’t know what he means, but it’s as if he has to say the words for his own benefit. Aurelia responds in Portuguese, saying “It’s the saddest part of my day, leaving you.” Clearly, the two are destined to overcome the obstacles in their path, but at this point, their relationship is tragically out of reach.

10 It’s Junction 13 That’s Just Murder, Isn’t It? Total Gridlock This Morning.

Martin Freeman as John

Spoken to Judy while they are filming an adult movie together, John’s polite small talk shows how awkward he is in front of the woman he admires. John and Judy meet in very unconventional circumstances, but they form a connection that is much more innocent and adorable than their professions might indicate. John’s inoffensive conversation takes a very reserved approach. In many ways it’s symptomatic of British social etiquette, as he ignores the elephant in the room entirely.

9 Oh, This Isn’t A Bag, Sir. This Is SO Much More Than A Bag.

Rowan Atkinson as Rufus

Rowan Atkinson as Rufus in Love Actually

When Harry slinks away from his wife to buy a gold necklace for Mia, he makes the error of asking for it to be gift-wrapped. The over-zealous man behind the counter is Rufus, played by British comedy icon Rowan Atkinson. Usually, Atkinson is the star of the show, either as Mr. Bean, Blackadder, or one of his other popular characters, but Love Actually shows that Atkinson can still be hilarious with a tiny role. As he takes his time theatrically wrapping the necklace, Harry grows increasingly frustrated, although Rufus never even considers quickening his pace.

8 Hello, David. I Mean, Sir. S**t, I Can’t Believe I’ve Just Said That. And Now I’ve Gone And Said S**t. Twice.

Martine McCutcheon as Natalie

Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon as The Prime Minister and Natalie meeting in Love Actually

Natalie is a disarmingly down-to-Earth presence in 10 Downing Street, the official residence of the Prime Minister, and David finds her honesty a refreshing change of pace. Being the Prime Minister, David is probably used to the bluster and bloviating of national politics, but Natalie doesn’t fit in at all. Natalie is played by Martine McCutcheon in Love Actually. She isn’t an internationally renowned star in the same vein as Hugh Grant, Colin Firth, or some of the other stars, but she’s pitch-perfect as a no-nonsense East Londoner.

7 Tell Her That You Love Her. You’ve Got Nothing To Lose And You’ll Always Regret It If You Don’t.

Liam Neeson as Daniel

Sam and Daniel lying on their couch in Love Actually

One of the sweetest relationships in Love Actually isn’t a romance. Daniel’s loving relationship with his stepson Sam helps them both grieve through the loss of his wife, and Sam’s mother, Joanna. When Sam falls for a girl at his school who is coincidentally also called Joanna, Daniel guides him through his first love. Sam’s young romance gives Daniel a sense of hope that he had been missing since his wife passed away, and he finds his purpose as a mentor to Sam in the ways of love. The moment when he urges Sam to go for it is one of Love Actually‘s most romantic quotes.

6 Worse Than The Total Agony Of Being In Love?

Thomas Brodie-Sangster as Sam

Daniel and Sam sitting on a public bench in Love Actually

For such a young child, Sam has developed the heart of a romantic very quickly. His comments about his crush on Joanna reflect the upheaval of young love. It’s equal parts funny and endearing. Sam doesn’t really know much about love, but he’s in touch with his emotions, and he follows his heart with the perfect kind of innocent sincerity to reinvigorate Daniel. Everything Sam feels and says comes from the heart, since he has no romantic baggage and no prior experiences to compare his emotions with.

5 I Left Elton John’s, Where There Were A Hefty Number Of Half-Naked Chicks With Their Mouths Open, To Hang Out With You, At Christmas. It’s A Terrible Mistake.

Bill Nighy as Billy Mack

Bill Nighy's Billy Mac chats with his manager in Love Actually

Another of Love Actually‘s most heartfelt non-romantic relationships is pop star Billy Mack’s friendship with his manager, Joe. Although he is constantly teasing his manager, and he quickly ditches him when he’s invited to an exclusive A-list party, Billy realizes that Joe is the closest thing to true love that he has in his life. He still manages to put in a couple of friendly digs at Joe while he’s sharing his love of him, but this feels perfectly natural to their relationship. Billy and Joe are a great example of how close male friendships can still be emotionally vulnerable.

4 There Was More Than One Lobster At The Birth Of Jesus?

Emma Thompson as Karen

Lobsters in the nativity play in Love Actually

In a brilliant ensemble cast, Emma Thompson is arguably the standout performer. She brings a remarkable emotional depth to her character Karen’s marriage troubles with Harry, played by Alan Rickman. However, Karen is forced to keep her emotional turmoil concealed, and she is still a great mother to her children. When her daughter gets handed the role of “first lobster” in the school nativity play, Karen is taken aback, but she still congratulates her and makes a lobster costume all the same.

3 I Hate Uncle Jamie.

Jamie’s nephews and nieces

Jamie arrives home in Love Actually

Before returning to find Aurelia and proposing to her, Jamie attends a brief family Christmas gathering. He comes carrying huge bags full of gifts, and everyone is pleased to see him, but he has a sudden realization that he won’t be happy without Aurelia. He tells his family just as he walks in the door that he’s leaving, and although his parents and siblings are speechless, his nieces and nephews know exactly what to say, repeating the same phrase as he plods back out into the street.

2 Father Is About To Sell Aurelia As A Slave To This Englishman.

Carla Vasconcelos as Aurelia’s sister

Aurelia's sister in Love Actually

Jamie’s proposal doesn’t go smoothly. Aside from his difficulties with the Portuguese language, he also attracts a large crowd as he goes to find Aurelia at work. Aurelia’s father initially confuses which of his daughters Jamie has come to propose to, and the farce continues as Aurelia’s sister proclaims to a group on the street that Aurelia is being sold to Jamie. Jamie’s story is complicated by language issues, but there is no such barrier between Aurelia’s father and sister. They are just hilariously dysfunctional and bad at communicating with one another.

1 To Me, You Are Perfect.

Andrew Lincoln as Mark

Andrew Lincoln holding a sign that says,

Still one of the most iconic scenes from Love Actually, even though Richard Curtis recently reappraised it. Mark’s cue card love confession has been parodied relentlessly, but the scene retains its authentic charm, and the Christmas carols are the perfect backing track. Mark’s actions can be perceived as creepy, and it’s dishonorable that he’s going behind his best friend’s back in such a way, but his love story isn’t a straightforward one. Love Actually presents a wide array of relationships, and they aren’t all supposed to be aspirational picture book romances.