15 He-Man Villains We Can’t Wait to See In Masters of the Universe’s New Continuity

15 He-Man Villains We Can’t Wait to See In Masters of the Universe’s New Continuity

Masters of the Universe is the story of He-Man’s battle against the evil Skeletor, who seeks the powers of Castle Grayskull for himself. He-Man does not fight alone, nor does Skeletor, who has a small army seemingly at his disposal. Many comic book companies have held the rights to produce comics based on the franchise, with Dark Horse Comics being the most recent. The publisher has so far released several Masters of the Universe comics, and the most recent, Forge of Destiny, uses a back to basics approach, showing how Eternia reacted to He-Man’s arrival.

Dark Horse has published other Masters of the Universe comics as well, including a look at the various incarnations of He-Man throughout the multiverse, but Forge of Destiny offers creators a grand opportunity to reintroduce a number of classic Masters of the Universe villains, and here are the top 15.

15 Batros

15 He-Man Villains We Can’t Wait to See In Masters of the Universe’s New Continuity

An evil, anthropomorphic bat, Batros lives on the dark side of Eternia. Despite having run-ins with He-Man, Batros is notable for not being a part of Skeletor’s gang, although the villain tried to recruit him. Batros did not have an action figure in the original Masters of the Universe toyline, instead only appearing in one episode of the cartoon. This makes Batros a relatively blank slate, perfect for reimagining.

14 Grizzlor

Grizzlor Masters of the Universe Villain

A member of Hordak’s Evil Horde, Grizzlor’s original action figure was noteworthy for having real fur, a novelty for boy-targeted toy lines of the time. Grizzlor’s race is peaceful, and in some incarnations of the franchise, he was kidnapped and brainwashed by Hordak. A savage, hairy man-beast, Grizzlor would make an excellent addition to Dark Horse’s new Masters of the Universe comics, particularly if they explored his tragic backstory.

13 Clawful

Clawful Masters of the Universe Villain

A giant lobster-man, Clawful has had a variety of depictions across the franchise’s various incarnations. Originally portrayed as Skeletor’s “right-hand” man, Clawful was recast as a giant bruiser who made up in power what he lacked in brains. This made Clawful a source of comic relief, but it also undersold how strong he was–something Dark Horse’s new Masters of the Universe comics can fix.

12 Snake Face

Snake Face Masters of the Universe Villain

Snake Face debuted as the original Masters of the Universe toyline was winding down. A member of the Snake Men, Snake Face was a riff on the Medusa legend. Snake Face was able to turn people into stone, a talent he used well in the service of King Hiss. Snake Face’s unsettling appearance, combined with his horrifying powers, make Snake Face a prime contender to return in Dark Horse’s new comics.

11 Catra

Catra Masters of the Universe Villain

Another member of the Evil Horde, Catra first appeared in the She-Ra: Princess of Power cartoon. One of the few women in the Horde, Catra was also its most ruthless and cunning member. Hordak’s return in Dark Horse’s new Masters of the Universe comics is inevitable, meaning Catra’s return is imminent as well.

10 Faker

Faker Master of the Universe Villain

An evil clone of He-Man, created by Skeletor, Faker has had a wide variety of interpretations across the franchise. Most versions, including the recent Revelations, depict Faker as a blue-skinned evil copy of He-Man, but some have portrayed him as a robot and others a magical creation. Should Faker return to the new Masters of the Universe comics, Dark Horse has a golden opportunity to reconcile these takes.

9 Scare Glow

Scare Glow Masters of the Universe Villain

Another latecomer to the Masters of the Universe line, Scare Glow was a ghost summoned by Skeletor and pressed into his service. Scare Glow’s reluctance to join Skeletor makes for compelling stories, as fans wait for the two to inevitably double-cross one another. Scare Glow’s backstory, combined with his action figure’s unique ability to glow in the dark, have made him a cult favorite–and he is prime to appear in the new Dark Horse comics.

8 Spikor

Spikor Masters of the Universe Villain

One of the more unique looking members of Skeletor’s gang, Spikor’s body, as the name implies, is covered in spikes, making him virtually untouchable. In most versions of Masters of the Universe, Spikor is a blacksmith who makes weapons for Skeletor. The character received little development in the original cartoon, meaning Dark Horse has a prime opportunity to show the world just how awesome a villain Spikor can be.

7 Shadow Weaver

Shadow Weaver Masters of the Universe Villain

Another female member of the Evil Horde, Shadow Weaver was an evil witch in the service of Hordak. Appearing in the She-Ra: Princess of Power cartoon, Shadow Weaver is Hordak’s second in command and was responsible for brainwashing a young She-Ra, turning her into a weapon for the Horde. Shadow Weaver is one of the most evil characters in the Masters of the Universe franchise, and would be perfect for Dark Horse’s new line.

6 Whiplash

Whiplash Masters of the Universe Villain

A giant reptile man, Whiplash was originally portrayed as one of Skeletor’s most loyal henchmen, but subsequent reboots have downplayed this. Dark Horse’s new line of Masters of the Universe comics have the opportunity to rectify this, and show Whiplash’s true powers.

5 Two-Bad

Two-Bad Masters of the Universe Villain

A cult favorite in the Masters of the Universe line, Two-Bad is two bodies fused into one. The character received little development in the original cartoons, but the 2002 reboot gave him a backstory: he was originally two different evil warriors who, after they failed Skeletor, were merged together. Two-Bad’s unique appearance and cult status make him a natural to appear in Dark Horse’s new comics.

4 Kobra Khan

Kobra Khan Masters of the Universe Villain

Kobra Khan, with his ability to spray sleep-inducing mists, is a formidable villain in the Masters of the Universe line. He serves two masters: first Skeletor and later King Hiss. In the 2002 reboot, Khan was instrumental in reviving Hiss, and should Dark Horse choose to incorporate the Snake Men into their new continuity, Khan’s conflicted loyalties would be the perfect way to do so.

3 Stinkor

Stinkor Masters of the Universe Villain

An evil skunk man, Stinkor’s original action figure was notable for its unique odor, making the character a cult favorite among Masters of the Universe fans. If Dark Horse elects to bring Stinkor into the new continuity, they can build on his epic backstory from the 2002 reboot. Originally an incompetent and bumbling thief, Stinkor fumbled his way through a caper for Skeletor, and when he was successful, received a massive power upgrade thanks to the villain.

2 King Hiss

King Hiss Masters of the Universe Villain

The leader of the Snake Men, King Hiss is prime to return in Dark Horse’s new Masters of the Universe comics. Many years ago, Hiss and the Snake Men threatened all of Eternia, and were banished to another realm. Introduced late in the toy-line’s run, the Snake Men remain a huge presence in the franchise, and would make great villains for the new line.

1 Hordak

Hordak Masters of the Universe

Skeletor’s former mentor and one of the most powerful villains in the Masters of the Universe franchise, Hordak is the leader of the Evil Horde. He nearly brought Eternia to its knees, and when that failed, he went on to subjugate the realm of Etheria. Hordak is also responsible for kidnapping the infant She-Ra and brainwashing her. He is evil personified, and his return in Dark Horse’s new line of comics would be most welcome indeed.

These are but a smattering of villains from across the Masters of the Universe franchise, and as Dark Horse’s new line continues to develop and grow, many more will hopefully get their time in the spotlight.