15 He-Man Heroes We Can’t Wait to See In Masters of the Universe’s New Continuity

15 He-Man Heroes We Can’t Wait to See In Masters of the Universe’s New Continuity

Dark Horse Comics recently launched a new line of Masters of the Universe comics. These comics continue the adventures of He-Man as he fights to keep the evil Skeletor from obtaining the powers of Grayskull for himself. These comics have continued the story of the Netflix-produced Revelations as well as explore the He-Man variants throughout the multiverse. The most recent title, Forge of Destiny, explores the heroes’ earliest years.

While it remains to be seen if Forge of Destiny will be the start of a new continuity, its “year one” nature allows for a ground-level rebuilding of the mythos. There are many characters in the Masters of the Universe line, and here are 15 that Dark Horse should revisit.

15 Fearless Photog

15 He-Man Heroes We Can’t Wait to See In Masters of the Universe’s New Continuity

In 1986, Mattel held a contest asking children to submit their own designs for a Masters of the Universe toy. After picking the top five, fans voted on the best, and Fearless Photog was the winner. Sporting a camera for a head, Photog could drain his opponent’s life energies; his victims were displayed on his chest. Intended to be an ally for He-Man, Photog never made it to production in the 80s and was finally made into a figure in 2010. His inclusion in Dark Horse’s Masters comic would be left-field for certain, but great for shock value.

14 Rio Blast

Rio Blast Masters of the Universe

A cowboy-themed character, Rio Blast came later in the Masters of the Universe run, and never made any on-screen appearances, making him one of the franchise’s more obscure characters. With this in mind, Rio Blast is a blank slate, and Dark Horse’s new line of Masters comics would be the perfect place to flesh him out further.

13 Gwildor

Gwildor in Masters of the Universe

Created for 1987’s live-action Masters of the Universe movie, Gwildor, much like Fearless Photog, would make a great, out of left field choice for the new comics. In the movie Gwildor was the guardian of the Cosmic Key, which could traverse dimensions. The Cosmic Key is immensely powerful, making it irresistible for Skeletor. This would give the creative team a perfect way to reintroduce Gwildor to continuity.

12 Stonedar

Stonedar Masters of the Universe

Later in the original Masters of the Universe’s run, Mattel introduced the Rock Men to the lore. Hailing from the planet Geolon, which was destroyed by the Evil Horde, the Rock Men came to Eternia to help He-Man. Stonedar was the Rock Men’s leader. While he never appeared in the cartoon, his toy’s unique nature, transforming from action figure to a rock, made him a cult favorite, and perfect to be reintroduced in Dark Horse’s new line of comics.

11 Rokkon

Rokkon Masters of the Universe

Another of the Rock Men, Rokkon accompanied Stonedar and the others to Eternia. Often depicted as young and brash, Rokkon would make the perfect foil for the equally brash Prince Adam. The new Masters of the Universe comics have explored Prince Adam’s life outside his He-Man persona, and Rokkon’s inclusion would give him a much-needed friend.

10 Snout Spout

Snout Spout Masters of the Universe

One of the more unique looking members of the Masters of the Universe, Snout Spout had a human body and an elephant’s head. A firefighter, Snout Spout’s action figure could squirt water out of the elephant’s nose. This, coupled with his unique appearance and lack of exposure in every incarnation of the franchise, makes Snout Spout not only a cult favorite, but also perfect for inclusion in Dark Horse’s new Masters of the Universe comics.

9 Fisto

Masters of the Universe Revleation Skeltor Fisto

The bearded and burly Fisto has been a huge part of nearly every incarnation of the Masters of the Universe, making him a shoo-in for Dark Horse’s new continuity. Fisto’s action figure was notable for having a metallic right hand, hence the name. According to some sources, Fisto is second in strength only to He-Man himself. Other versions have Fisto as Man-At-Arm’s brother. Whichever way Dark Horse goes, Fisto would be a welcome addition.

8 Ram Man

Ram Man Masters of the Universe

One of the icons of the original Masters of the Universe line, Ram Man screams for inclusion into Dark Horse’s new comics line. Short on intelligence but big on loyalty, Ram Man used his head as a battering ram, and his original action figure reflected this. Ram Man is a popular character, and it is only a matter of time before he shows up again in the comics.

7 Roboto

Roboto Masters of the Universe

A heroic robot warrior. Roboto is one of the coolest members of the Masters of the Universe. His original action figure featured a translucent chest, allowing fans to see his inner workings. Like many characters in the franchise, his origin varies from version to version: in some he is an explorer from space and in others he was a chess-playing robot created by Man-At-Arms. Regardless of the version, he is one of He-Man’s biggest allies.

6 Clamp Champ

Clamp Champ Masters of the Universe

As the first Black member of the Masters of the Universe, Clamp Champ occupies a unique niche in the franchise’s history. Unfortunately, Clamp Champ arrived as the original toy line was winding down, meaning he never made it to the cartoon. Dark Horse’s new line of Masters of the Universe comics have a chance to right this wrong and give Clamp Champ the treatment he deserves.

5 Buzz Off

Buzz Off Masters of the Universe

Buzz Off is a cult favorite member of the Masters of the Universe. A giant, anthropomorphic bee, Buzz Off received very little development in the franchise’s earliest days, but the 2002 reboot gave him a compelling backstory, revealing that his race had been at war with the Avions for many years. To broker a peace, King Randor invited representatives from both races to join the Masters team. Stratos came from Avion and Buzz Off from his people. Stratos has already appeared in Dark Horse’s new line of comics, meaning Buzz Off should not be far behind.

4 Moss Man

Moss Man Masters of the Universe

The Masters of the Universe have their own version of Swamp Thing: Moss Man. Much older than the rest of the Masters, Moss Man is usually depicted as a spy for the team, using his plant-based powers to camouflage himself. Moss Man’s age means he has seen kingdoms rise and fall, and this wisdom could be put to good use in the Dark Horse’s new comics.

3 Man-E-Faces

Man-E-Faces Masters of the Universe-1

A master of disguise, Man-E-Faces is an integral member of the Masters of the Universe. Initially an actor, Man-E-Faces was kidnapped by Skeletor and experimented upon, giving him his unique powers, allowing him to switch between human, robot and monster. He was able to overcome his programming, and has served as a member of the Masters for many years.

2 Sun Man

Sun Man Masters of the Universe

Sun Man, the Ruler of the Sun, was created in the mid-1980s by a Black mother wishing to see more representation than was available in toys at the time. Sun Man headed up his own toy line once, and in the 2010s, Mattel recognized Sun Man’s greatness by licensing the character and incorporating him into the Masters of the Universe line. Whether he can appear in Dark Horse’s new comics is unknown, but if he can, then his addition would be most welcome indeed.

1 She-Ra

She-Ra ready for battle

He-Man’s twin sister, She-Ra is the guardian of Etheria and leader of the resistance against Hordak. Spearheading her own toy line in the 1980s, She-Ra was an icon to a generation of young girls. The character was revived in the 2010s in a show independent of the Masters of the Universe, but the character is ripe to return to continuity, and Dark Horse’s new line is the perfect way to do so.

The Masters of the Universe is one of the biggest toy lines in history, with many characters stretching across different incarnations. As Dark Horse continues to develop their new continuity, it is only a matter of time before many of these classic characters make their return.