15 Best Quotes From Our Flag Means Death Season 2

15 Best Quotes From Our Flag Means Death Season 2

Warning: This list contains spoilers for Our Flag Means Death season 2.

HBO’s Our Flag Means Death released its second season in late 2023, continuing the comedy adaptation of the “Gentlemen Pirate” Stede Bonnet’s (Rhys Darby) adventures. Loosely based on the lives of several historical pirates, the show incorporates a variety of comedic and dramatic elements. The second season comprised new characters, new conflicts, and new romances.

Our Flag Means Death season 2 included many hilarious quotes – often from the characters making deadpan or ironically genuine remarks about the events happening around them – as well as some sincere words about healing and community. Taika Waititi is undeniably one of the show’s biggest strengths, giving a hilarious yet heartfelt performance as Edward “Ed” Teach, a.k.a. Blackbeard. Now that Our Flag Means Death has been cancelled by HBO, every great moment from the show’s two seasons can only be appreciated more.

15 “Is It Just Me, Or Was The Wedding Thing A Bit Over The Line?”

Said By Jim In “Impossible Birds”

The season 2 premiere reintroduces Ed, who is in the middle of an emotional crisis. Since Stede left him in the Our Flag Means Death season 1 ending, Ed covers up his feelings by going on constant violent raids and threatening his own crew. While the initial montage depicts the crew as eager participants, it cuts away to them sitting below deck and eating the cake from a wedding they have just destroyed. Jim (Vico Ortiz) breaks the tense silence by asking if attacking a wedding was over the line. The moment is funny but morbid, demonstrating the return of the show’s characteristic humor while also introducing a new storyline.

14 “Is It Just Me Or Did The Swede Get Like Super Hot?”

Said By Lucius In “Man on Fire”

15 Best Quotes From Our Flag Means Death Season 2

Early in season 2, the Revenge crew member known only as “the Swede” (Nat Faxon) temporarily parts ways with the others when he marries Spanish Jackie (Leslie Jones). The crew later returns to the Republic of Pirates and finds that the Swede has undergone a complete makeover. Lucius (Nathan Foad) asks the others, “Is it just me, or did the Swede get like super hot?” to which the Swede responds, “It’s an adjustment for me as well.” The Swede’s romance with Spanish Jackie in season 2 was funny but oddly sweet. They are both seen on board the Revenge in the Our Flag Means Death season 2 ending.

A split image showing Blackbeard and Stede in Our Flag Means Death.


Our Flag Means Death: 10 Memes That Perfectly Sum Up The Show

Our Flag Means Death took the internet by storm and has many facets to love, and these memes signify just ten elements that make it so popular.

13 “You Were Kind Of Like The Break In My Day.”

Said By Zheng In “Red Flags”

Ruibo Qian as Zheng Yi Sao in Our Flag Means Death Season 2

Our Flag Means Death season 2 introduces the historical pirate Zheng Yi Sao (Ruibo Qian). Zheng rescues the main characters in the season premiere, except for the Swede, who chooses to remain behind with Spanish Jackie. Zheng is known as the Pirate Queen who conquered China and is depicted as an intelligent and headstrong character. She also has a crush on Revenge crew member Oluwande (Samson Kayo). She tells Oluwande that when she was working at a soup stand in the Republic of Pirates, seeing him was the “break in her day.” Oluwande is completely flattered, and they begin a relationship later in the season.

12 “That’s Not What He Did You Twat.”

Said By Izzy In “Mermen”

Izzy surrounded by other pirates in cell in Our Flag Means Death

Ed’s former first mate Izzy Hands (Con O’Neill) gets a lot of great lines leading up to his death in the season 2 finale. When all the pirates except for Stede, Ed, and Zheng have been captured, the villain Prince Ricky Banes (Erroll Shand) patronizingly threatens them all. He says they will be executed soon but that “[he] will not be hanging [them] by the thumbs like that deranged Captain Kidd.” Izzy responds, “That’s not what he did you twat,” and the other pirates back up to dramatically reveal him sitting in the back of their cell, so he can face off with Banes.

11 “Here’s The Crew That 86ed Ned Low!”

Said By Spanish Jackie In “Man of Fire”

Spanish Jackie in Our Flag Means Death

When the crew returns to the Republic of Pirates, they worry that Spanish Jackie will still be mad at them for stealing her supply of indigo. On the contrary, she is pleased to welcome them into her bar after their triumph over Ned Low in the previous episode. She announces them with some modern slang, characteristic of the show’s writing. Jackie is a great character, and it is enjoyable to see her being a friend to the main characters rather than an enemy.

10 “It’s actually Hellkat Maggie.” “Oh, that’s a beautiful name.”

Said By Stede And Hellkat Maggie In “Calypso’s Birthday”

While the crew is having an impromptu party for Calypso’s Birthday, the Revenge is attacked by Ned Low (Bronson Pinchot) and his crew. However, the ambush falls apart when Stede figures out that Ned mistreats his crew and exploits this. Stede tries taking one crew member hostage and asks for her name, which is Hellkat Maggie (Josie Whittlesey). Stede, completely genuine, says it is a beautiful name. The interaction is hilarious and demonstrates how Stede is always able to get out of dangerous situations by being himself.


Our Flag Means Death: 8 Characters Based On Actual People

Our Flag Means Death is an exciting and emotional swashbuckling series that features the dread Blackbeard – who else is based on a real figure?

9 “I Don’t Think I’m Qualified.”

Said By Frenchie In “Impossible Birds”

Blackbeard standing over Frenchie in Our Flag Means Death

Frenchie (Joel Fry) manages to bring some humor to a very dark scene in the season premiere. Tensions are high among Ed’s crew because of the constant raids, and Izzy tries to bring attention to the poisonous atmosphere. Ed dares everyone to explicitly voice the problem when Izzy has finally had enough and says that everyone knows about Ed’s feelings for Stede. Ed then shoots Izzy in the leg and promptly makes Frenchie the new first mate. Frenchie stutters that he doesn’t think he is qualified, but Ed insists otherwise.

8 “Do We Like The Term Blackmail? It’s So Unpleasant.”

Said By Zheng In “Calypso’s Birthday”

Ruibo Qian as Zheng Yi Sao the pirate queen in Our Flag Means Death

Zheng proves that she can match the humor of the rest of the Our Flag Means Death characters. Her funniest scenes are when she is negotiating with other pirates and sailors, making thinly veiled threats during allegedly pilot conversations. She invites Banes to her ship to discuss an alliance between her fleet and the British, securing the meeting by threatening to reveal Banes’ own acts of piracy. When Banes says that “invitation” is a generous word for “blackmail,” Zheng casually says that she doesn’t like the word “blackmail.” Zheng is an excellent addition to the show, not only for the plot but for the comedy.

7 “Actually That Could Be Huge.”

Said By Lucius In “The Curse Of The Seafaring Life”

Lucius celebrates pushing Ed off the Revenge in Our Flag Means Death season 2

Ed pushes Lucius (Nathan Foad) off the Revenge in the season 1 finale, resulting in Lucius’ harrowing experience of trying to survive at sea. After Ed rejoins the crew, they run into each other and Lucius dramatically says, “There is nothing you could do that would fix this.” Ed then offers to let Lucius push him off the ship in recompense for doing the same to him. Lucius says, “Actually that could be huge.” Lucius’ abrupt change of opinion and Foad’s delivery are hilarious, even if pushing Ed off the ship does not help Lucius move on.

6 “Not Moving On Is Worse.”

Said By Izzy In “The Curse Of The Seafaring Life”

Izzy Hands standing on a boat in Our Flag Means Death

Lucius makes peace with some help from Black Pete (Matthew Maher) and Izzy. After spending most of season 1 trying to convince Ed to kill Stede, Izzy becomes the voice of wisdom aboard the Revenge in season 2. He tries to train Stede in the ways of seafaring and convinces Lucius to finally let go of his anger towards Ed. When Lucius argues that Izzy is in denial about his trauma, Izzy says that being angry forever is a worse alternative. He also hands Lucius the small wooden shark he has been carving throughout the episode, to which Lucius amusingly says, “I actually love this.”

5 “Do You Vow To Keep Each Other’s Ship Afloat?”

Said By Frenchie In “Mermen”

Wedding scene in Our Flag Means Death season 2 finale

In the season finale, Lucius and Pete’s wedding is officiated by the collective crew. Wee John (Kristian Nairn) asks, “Do you vow to protect and, if necessary, kill for each other?” and they say yes. Fang (David Fane) asks, “Do you vow to avenge the other in the event of your grisly death or dismemberment?” to which they also say yes, a little bit disturbed. Frenchie’s final addition, asking if they “vow to keep each other’s ship afloat,” is met with approval. Our Flag Means Death is undeniably a romantic show, filled with sweet moments like this.

4 “It’s Only Suicide If We Die.”

Said By Stede In “Mermen”

Stede’s relentless optimism always encourages the other pirates to keep moving forward. This is part of the reason the crew accepts him as their captain in season 1, despite some initial doubts about his competence. When describing his plan to escape the British in the season 2 finale, Ed and the others think it could be suicide. Stede states, “It’s only suicide if we die.” The pirates pretend to be British soldiers to get to a certain point, before making a run for it. They reach the ship mostly intact, but Izzy dies from a bullet wound.

3 “I Feel Like I Just Found My New Best Friend.”

Said By Blackbeard In “Fun And Games”

Blackbeard talking to a rabbit in Our Flag Means Death

Waititi is a leading force in Our Flag Means Death’s comedy. After being voted off the ship, Ed angrily stomps through the wilderness and comes across a rabbit (which he addresses as “wolf”). Ed then pours his heart out to the rabbit, before it is ensnared by Mary Read (Rachel House). Ed’s hysterical conversation with the rabbit is the setup for an even funnier episode. Ed and Stede are invited to have dinner with Mary and her partner Anne Bonny (Minnie Driver), who end up having a fight and burning their house down.

A split image showing Jim and Oluwande, and Stede and Blackbeard in Our Flag Means Death.


Our Flag Means Death: 8 Best Couples, Ranked

From Stede and Ed’s complicated romance to Jim and Oluwande’s fascinating dynamic, some relationships in Our Flag Means Death are worth shipping.

2 “Isn’t That The Dude Who Broke My Nose Jar?”

Said By Spanish Jackie In “Impossible Birds”

Leslie Jones as Spanish Jackie in Our Flag Means Death season 2

Jones makes an amazing return as Jackie in the season premiere. Jackie is introduced in season 1 as a powerful player in the Republic of Pirates, who is known for cutting off the noses of those who anger her and collecting them in a jar. After the season 1 fight during which Jackie’s nose jar is broken, Stede and the rest of the crew go to her bar seeking employment in the season 2 premiere. Jackie is too good to even remember them properly, only nonchalantly asking, “Isn’t that the dude who broke my nose jar?”

1 “It’s About Belonging To Something When The World Has Told You You’re Nothing.”

Said By Izzy In “Mermen”

Izzy in Our Flag Means Death season 2

Izzy’s defiant conversation with Ricky Banes reflects the themes of community and found family in Our Flag Means Death. It also demonstrates Izzy’s character development. Izzy was initially against this sense of love and community. As he is dying, Izzy admits to Ed, “I fed your darkness.” But Izzy ultimately wishes Ed and the rest of the crew well, knowing that they will continue to support and protect each other. [conclusion].