11 Most Dangerous Shi’ar Warriors in Marvel History

11 Most Dangerous Shi’ar Warriors in Marvel History

Contemporary Marvel fans might be more familiar with alien races such as the Kree and Skrulls, but X-Men readers know that the most fearsome alien civilization in Marvel lore are the Shi’ar. This intergalactic empire has played a pivotal role in the affairs of Earth’s mutants for decades. A warrior race, the Shi’ar have produced some of the X-franchise’s most imposing characters.

Hailing from the distant planet Chandilar, the Shi’ar are advanced in multiple ways, including technologically and militarily. These avian-descended humanoid extraterrestrials have unique physiologies, giving the Shi’ar super strength, even in Earth’s gravity. Likewise, they have superhuman stamina. As a result, the Shi’ar breed tremendous warriors. They do not hoard their military expertise, however, working with (and sometimes against) the X-Men on multiple occasions. Possessing their own culture, filled with their own art, philosophy, language, and government, the Shi’ar are so much more than warriors, even if that is their most defining characteristic.

11 Most Dangerous Shi’ar Warriors in Marvel History


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11 Ratha’kon

Debuted in 2018


A forgotten, yet important Shi’ar deity, Ratha’kon is a powerful entity, whom different factions – most notably, a sect called the Fraternity of Raptors – have tried to bring back to life. Being a deity, it’s in the title to be capable of anything, in Ratha’kon’s case, destruction. In an attempt to resuscitate the entity in order to destroy the Earth, Ratha’kon was combined with Talonar. In effect, this created a force, referred to as Dark Starhawk, which was stated to have been more powerful than the Phoenix Force. While Ratha’kon may not have made a great impact beyond this storyline, his powerful qualities were amplified when brought back to life, making him a dangerous being.

10 Bloodwing

Debuted in 2000

Bloodwing Marvel

Bloodwing is both a Shi’ar assassin and a member of the fanatical Crystal Claws, a dangerous combination. He is adamant about having the despotic ruler D’Ken in power and is willing to do just about anything to keep him on the throne. His loyalty extends to his family as well. When trying to get his sister to the next life, he fought Legacy in an all-out battle. A trained assassin, he knows all the weak points of his enemies. His determination to get what he wants makes him an incredibly powerful warrior and a threatening opponent, making him one Shi’ar that it would be smart to avoid in battle, at all costs.

9 Magique

Debuted in 1977


A member of the famed Shi’ar Imperial Guard, Magique has no problem getting her hands dirty, having fought with some of Marvel’s toughest, including the X-Men and their Technarch ally Warlock. Magique has the power to create incredibly accurate 3-D illusions, thanks to her mystically-augmented powers. Her abilities came in handy when she went up against the hero Quasar. Following Empress Lilandra’s orders, Magique attempted to retrieve the Nega-Bands, a powerful Marvel artifact, by using her powers against him to make it seem like her Shi’ar brigade was bigger than it was in reality. Her ability to trick those against her with her powers knocks her opponents off balance, culminating in easy defeats for the dangerous Magique

8 Erik The Red

Debuted in 1975

Erik The Red

An important part of Shi’ar lore, Erik the Red was a Shi’ar Imperial intelligence agent as well as D’Ken’s right-hand man. He has mind control powers, and was able to manipulate Havok and Lorna Dane into doing his bidding. He tried to kill Charlies Xavier by providing important resources and knowledge to antagonists like Black Tom and Juggernaut. His machinations and sneaky tactics make him a stealthy villain who always seems to be one step ahead of everyone. If he was a superhero, this would be regarded as a good quality, but considering Erik aligns himself with murderous tyrants like D’ken, it’s disastrous for anyone who dares to go against him.

7 K’ythri & Sharra

Debuted in 1995

K'ythri And Sharra

A husband and wife duo, K’ythri and Sharra share the chief deity role among the pantheon of the Shi’ar. Given that they supposedly created the universe itself, they also have the power to destroy it. Consequently, this makes K’ythri and Sharra a pair that any Marvel character, from lowly humans to other cosmic deities, would be careful not to cross. They can create tsunamis without breaking a sweat and can cause a star to turn into a supernova. Moreover, they are able to harness the power of the Phoenix Force, bolstering their deity powers to a level few in the Marvel Universe can boast. Their natural powers, which are amplified even further by their ability to control the Pheonix Force, make them unfathomable threats.

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6 Lilandra Neramani

Debuted in 1975

Lilandra was introduced as a princess, born into the Royal Family; she is the younger sibling of Deathbird and the despotic D’Ken. She served as Grand Admiral of the Imperial Guard, tasked with enforcing Shi’ar law, though ironically, she was the reason behind the civil war that led her to take power. When she opposed her brother D’Ken’s plans for the empire, he had her arrested, spreading the rumor that she attempted to usurp the throne by killing him. Consequently, the Shi’ar were divided into warring factions. With help from the X-Men, she was able to depose D’Ken, restore order, and ascend to the throne herself. No doubt, her Shi’ar abilities of super stamina and strength as well as the power of telepathy and her impressive marksmanship abilities helped her cinch her victory for the throne.

5 D’Ken

Debuted in 1975


Majestor, or Emperor, of the Shi’ar Empire, D’Ken led a tyrannical and violent reign, and was capable of intolerable cruelty. For instance, he murdered the human hostage Christopher Summers’ wife, Katherine, right in front of the man. As if that was not bad enough, he ripped the unborn fetus out of her and put it in an incubation chamber, with the aim of breeding it for slavery. For that action alone, it is understandable that Lilandra wanted her brother out of power. His lack of a conscience, and defining trait of being quick to anger, made him a deadly villain. However, they also made him irrational and impulsive, which hastened his eventual downfall.

4 Deathbird

Debuted in 1977

The eldest child of the Royal Family, Deathbird killed her mother and her sister in a rage. Before the murders, she was supposed to be the heir to the throne and serve as Empress. However, her titles were stripped from her after her horrific actions. Her violence did not stop there, as she went on to fight Ms. Marvel and the X-Men. In addition to her rivalry with superheroes, she has a rivalry with her younger sister Lilandra, who she has tried to take the throne from, time and time again. Born with wings and avian features, she has more powers than the typical Shi’ar, making her extremely powerful and exceedingly deadly. She has claws for nails that are capable of piercing steel and is able to fly at 60 miles per hour. As a result, she is not only dangerous in combat, but she can also easily dodge attacks thanks to her fast flight speed.

3 Deathcry

Debuted in 1993


Another member of the Shi’ar Royal Family, she is the niece of Lilandra. Deathcry was born to Lilandra’s sister, Sharra Neramani. Deathcry is a commando, a vigilant warrior who once served with the Avengers for a time, becoming close friends with Hercules and Vision. She was a major asset to the team, despite being the youngest in the lineup. Her background in military training and aviation made her an excellent fighter as well as a strategist. After she had died and was then brought back to life, she gained the power of cosmic awareness. The new ability was an addition to her previous abilities of superhuman strength and retractable claws, making her even more formidable than before.

2 Korvus Rook’shir

Debuted in 2006

Korvus Rook'shir

One of the main reasons behind the formation of the Shi’ar Imperial Guard was Korvus Rook’shir. Interestingly, the Guard was made as a protection against Korvus. The Shi’ar’s use of military force against him is due to Korvus’s deadly weapon: the Blade of the Phoenix. Much to the dismay of the Shi’ar, the Blade contained the power of the Phoenix Force; with the Blade, Korvus destroyed much of the empire. That is, until the Imperial Guard was formed. Though they managed to put a stop to him, the path of carnage Korvus carved through Shi’ar space is a testament to his strength. Korvus is not all brawn, however, as he actually taught the X-Men how to open stargates. Therefore, Korvus is a lethal combination of strength and smarts, with one deadly sword on top of it all.

1 Gladiator

Debuted in 1977

Gladiator, also known as Kallark, has long been regarded as the most powerful leader of the Shi’ar Imperial Guard. He has gone up against a slew of opponents, more than holding his own against the likes of the Inhumans, Vulcan, Hyperion, the Nova Corps, and even the mighty Thor, as well as the X-Men, and Marvel’s first family, the Fantastic Four. Amazingly, he has even battled and survived against Odin and the Pheonix Force, a true indicator of his strength. Though not a Shi’ar by birth, he has been one of their most loyal enforcers his entire life. His loyalty mixed with his numerous abilities, which include invulnerability, heat beams, microscopic vision, accelerated healing, and psionic resistance, just to name a few, make him a lethal powerhouse. All told, he is the deadliest Shi’ar warrior that Marvel‘s X-Men have encountered in all their interstellar adventures.