1000-Lb. Sisters: Why Amy & Tammy’s Mother Plays A Role In Their Issues

1000-Lb. Sisters: Why Amy & Tammy’s Mother Plays A Role In Their Issues

On 1000-lb Sisters, Amy and Tammy Slaton have worked hard to get at the root of their weight issues, and some viewers believe that their mom Darlene Slaton Rednour’s actions played a role in the development of their problems. Although Amy and Tammy’s mom hasn’t spent a substantial amount of time on the reality show, the few scenes she has been featured in, paired with her daughters’ assessment of their childhood, frame Darlene as a difficult mother. From the beginning of Amy and Tammy’s eating habits to Darlene’s unsupportive behavior on 1000-lb Sisters, here’s why Darlene often gets blamed for her daughters’ issues.

Throughout their disparate weight loss journeys, Amy and Tammy have struggled to resolve the problems that have led to their current health crises. Although Amy successfully lost weight and had bariatric surgery, Tammy is still in the grips of her food addiction. Tammy failed to lose enough weight to qualify for bariatric surgery, and she actually gained weight over the past couple of years. When she’s frustrated, Tammy is quick to blame Amy for her inability to reach her weight loss goals. From Amy not buying the food she asked for to Amy occasionally encouraging her to eat something unhealthy, Tammy has used Amy as a scapegoat sometimes.

While most viewers believe that Tammy needs to take accountability for herself, one person that actually might have played a part in the reality star’s issues is her mother. Darlene is frequently considered at least partially responsible for Tammy and Amy’s weight problems because the siblings developed unhealthy eating habits during childhood. The Slaton sisters shared that they had a tough upbringing, as their mother had to work many part-time jobs to provide for their financially insecure family. While Darlene was trying to make ends meet, Tammy and Amy spent time with their grandmother. When their grandmother died, the pair of sisters felt depressed. There was no one at home to make them nutritious meals. Amy and Tammy used unhealthy foods to cope with their grief. Darlene’s absence likely contributed to Amy and Tammy forming poor eating habits.

1000-Lb. Sisters: Why Amy & Tammy’s Mother Plays A Role In Their Issues

Now that influencers Tammy and Amy are in the middle of health crises, Darlene is reluctant to show sympathy. She doesn’t appear to support her daughters’ weight loss journeys. When Tammy and Amy announced their plans to lose enough weight to qualify for bariatric surgery, Darlene swiftly shut their aspirations down. In a 1000-lb Sisters season 1 episode, Darlene proved to be antagonistic about her daughters’ weight loss goals when she asserted, “I don’t think you’ll make it. I think you’ll chicken out… You ain’t got the willpower.” Darlene doesn’t view Tammy’s uphill battle as anything she’s contributed to, however, as the mother considers herself a fighter. Darlene stated that Tammy’s lack of motivation is “kind of her fault.” Darlene could have improved Tammy’s chances of making progress in her weight loss journey if she offered support, rather than judgment.

Ultimately, Tammy and Amy are adults that have to be held accountable for their actions. However, the Slaton sisters’ mother is perceived as playing a role in the daughters’ current health issues. From not being there for them when they formed unhealthy eating habits to shutting down her daughters’ ambitions to lose weight, Darlene’s behavior has not helped her adult children. Hopefully, Darlene can make up for some of her harsh words to Tammy during 1000-lb Sisters.