10 X-Men Movie Characters Who Could Beat Deadpool In A Fight

10 X-Men Movie Characters Who Could Beat Deadpool In A Fight

Several of Fox’s X-Men characters are confirmed or rumored to be appearing in Deadpool 3, the only MCU movie of 2024, which could see them taking on (and possibly beating) Deadpool in a fight. While Deadpool 3 is bound to depict Wolverine and Deadpool locked in a brutal to-and-fro as they struggle to overcome identical healing factors, there are plenty of other X-Men characters that would have a distinct edge over the Merc’ with a Mouth. Part of what makes the mutants’ inclusion in the MCU so exciting is the sheer breadth of their powers, with some being practically unbeatable.

Deadpool is tenacious, impossibly skilled with blades and guns, and ostensibly invincible thanks to the healing factor that Wolverine also possesses. Yet killing him isn’t the only way that Deadpool can be bested – with some of Fox’s X-Men stars already proving that they can come out on top in a one-on-one battle just by incapacitating him. With that in mind, these are ten of the characters from Fox’s X-Men movies who could stand up against Deadpool and win.

10 X-Men Movie Characters Who Could Beat Deadpool In A Fight


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10 Jason Stryker Could Cause Deadpool To Stop Fighting

First Appeared In X2 (2003)

Jason Stryker in a wheelchair looking serious in X-Men 2

Professor Charles Xavier is an Omega-level mutant whose telepathic powers nearly destroyed all mutants and humans on Earth. His coming dangerously close to carrying out these massacres was a direct result of even his powerful mind being overcome by Jason Stryker. Stryker’s ability to project powerful illusions was all it took to cause Xavier to nearly renege on all he was building towards, operating as little more than a puppet. Deadpool, then, probably doesn’t stand a chance.

Deadpool is a perversely tragic character whose sharp wit counterbalances the trauma he has experienced. He is also deeply in love with Vanessa, whose death drove him to blow himself up in a futile attempt to end his suffering. All Stryker would have to do, then, is exploit this Achilles heel and project a powerful illusion of Vanessa into his mind. Even if Deadpool was aware, it is unlikely that he would want to escape this dream world, thereby rendering him obsolete.

9 Blink Could Trap Deadpool In An Infinite Portal

First Appeared In X-Men: Days Of Future Past (2014)

Blink was woefully underutilized in Fox’s X-Men universe, but her brief appearance in X-Men: Days of Future Past demonstrated precisely the kind of feats she was capable of. As the ill-fated mutants of the original timeline took their last stand against the Sentinels, Blink’s portal-generating abilities trivialized space, synergized with her teammates to mesmerizing effect, and were even shown to dismember the Sentinels. While dismembering Deadpool is always an option, there is another way for Blink to remove him from the fight entirely.

In X-Men: Days of Future Past, Blink is seen utilizing her portals to allow Colossus to gain a lethal amount of momentum by falling continuously through two portals before crash-landing onto a Sentinel. Blink could do the same thing to Deadpool but keep the portals going for as long as it takes. This could amount to a battle of wills, but if Blink was free from the distractions that led to her death in X-Men: Days of Future Past, she could simply portal Deadpool into a Sisyphean nightmare.

8 Domino Could Seemingly Beat Anyone She Wants

First Appeared In Deadpool 2 (2018)

Domino looks nonchalantly at a gun in her face in Deadpool 2

Domino possesses some pretty mind-bending powers that could run rings around Deadpool. While Deadpool’s healing factor makes him impervious to anything, Domino’s luck is tantamount to the same invincibility, only even more frustrating. This would lock the two in a brawl that could only end one way: Deadpool’s loss. In Deadpool 2, Domino may not have been able to physically go toe-to-toe with ultra-powerful characters like Juggernaut, but her luck prevents her from losing at all. An eternal string of unfortunate occurrences is all it would take for Deadpool to throw in the towel.

7 Colossus Beat Deadpool Already

First Appeared In X-Men (2000)

The relationship between Deadpool and his big, steely friend Colossus is one of the most entertaining features of the Deadpool movies. It began with a “fight” in which Deadpool attempted to whale on the X-Men recruiter, only to break his limbs as he repeatedly yet impotently struck Peter’s metal body with full force. While played for laughs, it also demonstrates how powerful Colossus is – a fact that his brawl with the unstoppable Juggernaut helped to prove. Given that Deadpool’s main mode of attack is metal weaponry, it’s hard to see how he could overcome Colossus if Colossus actually tried.

6 Beast Can Figure Out How To Remove Deadpool’s Healing Factor

First Appeared In X2: X-Men United (2003)

Kelsey Grammer's Beast in X-Men The Last Stand

As one of Marvel’s smartest characters, Beast is one of few heroes who could best Deadpool with brains over brawn. Hank’s lifelong goal of bringing his mutation to heel would have reached its zenith in his later years, affording him the means with which to suppress Deadpool’s healing factor should he feel it necessary. Short of simply being big-brained, however, Hank McCoy also has the combat prowess to wield his secret weapon against Deadpool before delivering the coup de grâce in a one-on-one fight.

5 Nightcrawler Could Teleport Deadpool Anywhere

First Appeared In X2: X-Men United (2003)

Alan Cumming as Kurt Wagner Nightcrawler in X-Men 2

The extent of Nightcrawler’s abilities is often curtailed by his inexperience in the X-Men movies, but a Nightcrawler in full control of his faculties is a force to be reckoned with. In this sense, Nightcrawler shares an advantage with Azazel in their ability to get creative about where to teleport their foe. In a tussle with Deadpool, Nightcrawler needs only to shift his opponent to the right spot – a steel box, a volcano, or the nothingness of space, to name a few – and immediately teleport away to gain the ultimate upper hand.

4 Rogue Could Give Deadpool What He Truly Wants

First Appeared in X-Men (2000)

Rogue (Anna Paquin) saps Logan's (Hugh Jackman's) power in X-Men

Rogue’s ability to defeat Deadpool was laid bare in the fact that she nearly “defeated” the otherwise indestructible Wolverine, who ostensibly shares the same skill set. In fact, with enough time in direct contact, Rogue could defeat any mutant in existence by simply sapping them of their powers. The bonus of taking on Deadpool’s healing factor would only work in her favor, as any retaliation would be met with a swift recovery as the power-draining continues. Then there is the fact that Deadpool, who sees his invincibility as a curse, would likely not want to retaliate at all.

3 Professor X Can Destroy Deadpool’s Chaotic Mind

First Appeared In X-Men (2000)

The scale of the telepathic powers at Xavier’s disposal is hard to overstate. Not only would Professor X be able to shut Deadpool’s mind down, but he may even be able to afford Deadpool a measure of incapacitating tranquility, which is the more likely tactic from Xavier. While there is a precedent set in the comics that saw Professor X die after attempting to read Deadpool’s mind, this was a specific version of Deadpool who was sent on a murderous rampage after learning the “truth” that the Universe was a lie in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe.

Deadpool from the movies, while beleaguered by mental strife and whatever power it is that allows him to break the fourth wall, likely doesn’t have a mind toxic enough to destroy Professor X’s. Then there is the more drastic option of mind-controlling anyone else who would stand a better chance at besting Deadpool in a physical fight. Either way, Professor X’s powers granted him the ability to kill any mutant alive, so it’s hard to see why Deadpool would be an exception.

2 Deadpool Could Lose To His Own Variant

First Appeared In X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

Deadpool kills his X-Men Origins self in Deadpool 2

While Deadpool tried and failed to blow himself up, he proceeded to defeat “himself” by the end of the same movie – simply by shooting his maligned first iteration in X-Men Origins: Wolverine in the head. Not only that, but Deadpool has a habit of killing his variants in the comics. The Deadpool Corps, a group that comprises various weird and wonderful Deadpool variants such as Dogpool, was summarily killed off by the Evil Deadpool Corps led by the same “Dreadpool” that was able to kill Professor X in the comics.

1 Very Few Can Stand Up To Phoenix

First Appeared In X-Men (2000)

Jean Grey enhanced by the Phoenix Force in X-Men Dark Phoenix

Jean Grey is a formidable telepath in her own right, but a Jean Grey empowered by the Phoenix Force is practically unstoppable. While Wolverine was able to kill Jean Grey with the help of his healing factor, Deadpool’s lack of emotional bond with Phoenix puts him at a very distinct disadvantage. Though Deadpool would likely withstand the full brunt of Phoenix’s powers, it would at least incapacitate him long enough for Jean Grey to claim victory in Deadpool 3.

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