10 Weapons And Gadgets That Should Appear In The Metal Gear Solid Movie

10 Weapons And Gadgets That Should Appear In The Metal Gear Solid Movie

While the Metal Gear Solid live-action movie is in development hell, the filmmakers behind the anticipated adaptation of the beloved franchise can use the time to carefully consider which of the franchise’s best weapons and gadgets to include. Based on the Japanese video game of the same name by prolific game developer, Hideo Kojima, Metal Gear Solid centers around the tactical espionage stealth action exploits of the legendary soldier known as Solid Snake, and the string of bizarre terrorist attacks that he tirelessly works to resolve. Along with the help of his comrades and, occasionally, his enemies, Snake uses plenty of weapons and gadgets to get the job done.

Although Metal Gear Solid prominently features a vast array of lethal weapons based on global military factions, the series is also renowned for its creative use of non-lethal weapons that the various protagonists utilize in their efforts to thwart any terrorist and supernatural threats. Furthermore, as seen throughout the entire franchise, Snake, Raiden, or any of their allies also utilize creative gadgets that hearken back to the military of old, as well as items that offer a glimpse of the future as seen in later Metal Gear Solid installments. Whether from Snake’s earliest missions or his most recent, he boasts a plethora of unique gadgets and weapons to combat threats.

10 Weapons And Gadgets That Should Appear In The Metal Gear Solid Movie


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11 Rail Gun

One of the most powerful weapons in the Metal Gear Solid franchise

The Rail gun as it appears on Metal Gear REX in Metal Gear Solid.

The Rail gun is among one of the Metal Gear Solid franchise’s most recognizable and notable weapons, as its sheer power and unique design make it nearly impossible for gamers not to take notice of it. Unlike any other firearm in the Metal Gear Solid franchise, the Rail gun specializes in utilizing electromagnetic induction rather than expanding gas or mechanical action to accelerate projectiles at targets. Having appeared in nearly every main entry in the franchise, the Rail gun’s most notable appearance is in Metal Gear Solid as part of the mobile tank-like metal monstrosity, Metal Gear REX, and its ability to help REX launch nukes speaks to its power.

While Metal Gear REX’s use of the Rail gun boasts its greatest display of power, the Rail gun is also compatible for smaller robots as seen in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, and for humans as displayed in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty‘s Fortune and even for Snake himself in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Metal Gear REX using the Rail gun in the Metal Gear Solid movie would properly set up the weapon’s destructive power and Snake’s skill as a soldier by destroying REX. Furthermore, subsequent appearances would help build the world as it would follow the source material’s decision to mass produce them.

10 Stealth Camo

Highly advanced technology that can make its user invisible

Solid Snake uses stealth camo in Metal Gear Solid.

Although gamers have to complete a series of specific tasks to unlock the stealth camo in Metal Gear Solid, thus making it easy to miss, its prominence throughout the game via the mini-boss Gray Fox and its inclusion in subsequent games makes it one of the most identifiable gadgets in Metal Gear Solid. The gadget’s technology bends light around its user, thus allowing them to appear invisible to the naked eye, and Snake’s ability to competently hold his own against opponents who use it reinforces his legend. The Metal Gear Solid movie’s use of stealth camo would challenge Snake in ways that standard Genome soldiers and surveillance cameras can’t.


8 Nikita

A remote controlled missile launcher that can travel through hard-to-reach areas

Solid Snake uses the Nikita missile in Super Smash Bros. Wii U.

The Nikita was first introduced in Metal Gear Solid and is renowned for the highly advanced technology that allows Snake to control its missiles via a sophisticated guidance system. The Nikita is particularly useful in Metal Gear Solid when Snake has to use it to bypass an otherwise impossible portion of Shadow Moses Island, the game’s setting. The Nikita’s use in Metal Gear Solid would speak volumes to Solid Snake’s skill and ability with virtually any weapon, thus validating his status as a legendary soldier. Moreover, the Nikita’s inclusion in the Metal Gear Solid movie would display Solid Snake’s ability to think outside the box to solve complex problems.

7 Cigarettes

Can be used to detect infrared lights and otherwise hard-to-see objects

Solid Snake holds a cigarette with his mouth in Metal Gear Solid.

Metal Gear Solid is one of Hideo Kojima’s best video games as its humorous sensibilities and cinematic storytelling make for truly engaging gameplay experiences. Considering James Bond is one of the movies that inspired the Metal Gear Solid franchise, it’s unsurprising that Solid Snake also carries a pack of cigarettes with him in order to help keep him cool, calm, and collected. However, as seen in Metal Gear Solid, Snake’s cigarettes offer a practical use as the smoke from them allows him to detect infrared lasers. Cigarettes should be in the Metal Gear Solid movie for the same purpose since Snake will no doubt have to avoid detection.

6 Chaff Grenades

Snake uses chaff grenades to disable any and all electronics within their blast radius

A chaff grenade from Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

Chaff grenades are a staple in just about every Metal Gear Solid game, as their use necessitates disabling any and all electronics in the immediate vicinity, and they give each respective protagonist a temporary edge over their much stronger opponents. First introduced in Metal Gear Solid, the chaff grenades emit aluminum strips that confuse and disorient things like surveillance cameras, machine gun turrets, and even electronically designed enemies. Considering Solid Snake’s affinity for pursuing non-lethal means of completing missions, the Metal Gear Solid movie’s inclusion of the chaff grenades would exemplify the filmmakers’ understanding of the franchise by selecting these grenades over traditional grenades.

A split image of Snake in two games. One is gameplay from Metal Gear Solid Snake Eater. The other image is from Guns of Patriot


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5 Solid Snake’s SOCOM Pistol

Snake’s SOCOM is considered his unofficial signature weapon

Although Metal Gear Solid actively encourages players to avoid lethal interactions with enemies at all costs, the franchise features its fair share of lethal weapons. Among Metal Gear Solid‘s iconic weapons is the SOCOM pistol, which can be found very early in Metal Gear Solid, and with its suppressor attachment, is closely associated with the legendary soldier, Solid Snake. Also known as the Mk. 23, the SOCOM pistol’s discreetness, mixed with its lethal prowess, works as a perfect expression of who Solid Snake is. The Metal Gear Solid movie’s inclusion of the SOCOM pistol would display great attention to detail, as it subtly characterizes Solid Snake.

4 Rations

Rations are the most reliable way to replenish one’s health and stamina

A ration from Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.

Rations are the most effective way for Snake to replenish his lost health and stamina throughout the Metal Gear Solid franchise, as they’re pre-packaged meals. Based on real-life MRE, or Meals Ready-to-Eat, Rations have appeared in every Metal Gear Solid game, and despite having other replenishment options, serve as the most reliable way to heal the player. Although rations are infamous for their ugly appearance and poor taste, the consensus is that their portable design and convenience make them the best food option. Rations in the Metal Gear Solid movie would demonstrate Snake’s necessity to fuel up periodically despite his legend.


CQC is the hand-to-hand means in which Solid Snake neutralizes enemies

Also known as Close Quarters Combat, CQC is the standard system of hand-to-hand combat that every high-level soldier, spy, or otherwise combatant utilizes throughout the entire Metal Gear Solid franchise. As revealed in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, CQC was designed by The Boss and Big Boss, and passed down to future generations, thus experiencing improvements throughout the decades. As a direct descendant of Big Boss, Solid Snake is among one of the greatest CQC practitioners in the franchise, as he’s seen utilizing complex maneuvers to dispatch guards, androids, and equally skilled mercenaries, all while keeping them alive for questioning.

Partially based on the Israeli martial art, Krav Maga, CQC sees its users hunch their backs while adopting a broad stance and approaching their target with careful and precise movements. The objective of CQC is for its user to get in close, disarm the target, and stun them all within a matter of seconds. However, Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots display the most advanced uses of CQC, thus resulting in truly cinematic fight sequences. The Metal Gear Solid movie would need to depict Snake using CQC to properly display his competence when he runs out of ranged, non-lethal options.

2 Tranquilizer Gun

The most effective non-lethal means of neutralizing foes

The Tranquilizer gun in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.

The Tranquilizer gun is one of the best weapons in Metal Gear Solid because of its convenience and effectiveness. Also known as the EZ gun, Mk22, and the Wu Silent Pistol among others, The Tranquilizer gun has featured in nearly every Metal Gear Solid game and is the most effective way of dispatching enemies non-lethally. Additionally, the beloved sniper rifle, the Mosin Nagant, is an even more formidable version of the Tranquilizer gun, thus making it one of Snake’s most versatile weapons. The Tranquilizer gun is an absolute necessity in the Metal Gear Solid movie as it would effectively display Snake as the premier stealth-based hero.

1 Cardboard Box

The Cardboard box is used to disguise Snake while providing him with mobility

The Cardboard box is without a shadow of a doubt the most identifiable gadget in the Metal Gear Solid franchise. Despite its gaudy, bright appearance when compared to the more muted colors of the franchise’s backgrounds and environments, Kojima has successfully established the item as the most effective way for Snake to remain hidden from enemy forces. Moreover, its uniquely corrugated design also allows Snake to maneuver through Shadow Moses Island all while remaining completely silent. The Cardboard box is synonymous with Metal Gear Solid, so the Metal Gear Solid movie would need to depict Snake using it as an homage to the franchise, and for practical reasons.

Metal Gear Solid

Metal Gear

PlayStation (Original) , Microsoft Windows

September 3, 1998
