10 Ways MCU’s Fantastic Four Movie Can Totally Change The Franchise Forever

10 Ways MCU’s Fantastic Four Movie Can Totally Change The Franchise Forever

The upcoming Fantastic Four can completely change the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the better in a few different ways. After two movie versions of the team that were not as great as they could be — especially the 2015 Fantastic Four reboot — Marvel Studios’ Fantastic Four is on the way to introducing one of the most iconic teams from the comics to the MCU. The arrival of the Fantastic Four is bound to bring major new additions to the MCU, with the team’s four main characters at the forefront.

Reed Richards, Sue and Johnny Storm, and Ben Grimm have exciting powers that will add some interesting visuals to the MCU. That is one of the reasons why the casting for the Fantastic Four has been followed closely by so many MCU fans. After many rumored names were thrown around over the past year, it seems like one of Fantastic Four‘s leads has been found, as Pedro Pascal has reportedly been cast as Reed Richards. With the timeline to the reveal of the Fantastic Four cast getting closer as the movie readies to start filming in early 2024, these are 10 ways that Fantastic Four can change the MCU forever.

10 Ways MCU’s Fantastic Four Movie Can Totally Change The Franchise Forever


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10 Doctor Doom’s Introduction Alone Would Totally Change The MCU

One Of Marvel Comics’ Biggest Villains Is Coming

With the debut of the Fantastic Four, the MCU will also be getting one of the most iconic villains in comic book history: Doctor Doom. The character has appeared in every live-action Fantastic Four movie so far, which means that there is a good chance that at least a Doom cameo will come in 2025. The character could very well be the main villain in an entire Phase of the MCU, as Doom challenges heroes through intelligence, power, technology, magic, and much more. With many perfect actors for Doctor Doom available, the MCU could have him as the ruler of Latveria, introducing a whole new rich location to the universe.

9 Franklin Richards Would Be The MCU’s Most Powerful Newest Character

Reed And Sue’s Son Possesses Immense Power

Franklin Richards in the comics with black hair and glowing fists in fron of Doctor Doom.

While John Krasinski should not return as Reed Richards in Fantastic Four, his version of the character in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness revealed that he had kids. That aspect could have been the MCU teasing that Reed and Sue’s children, Franklin and Valeria Richards, are part of Fantastic Four. While the duo’s possible arrival is exciting, Franklin’s introduction is even more so, as it would completely shift around the MCU’s power rankings. In the comics, Franklin is not only a member of the team. The character is also an Omega-Level mutant — though not really a mutant — who can reshape reality at his will, making him extremely powerful.

8 Mister Fantastic Can Set Up Some Of The MCU’s Newest Ground-Breaking Technology

Reed Richards Is One Of Marvel’s Smartest Characters

John Krasinski coming out of a portal as Reed Richards in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

In the pages of Marvel Comics, Reed Richards is a bona fide genius, being a prolific scientist and inventor. While past Fantastic Four movies have touched on Reed’s intelligence, the MCU can really dive into how the character has a knack for developing game-changing technology. In Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Krasinski’s Mister Fantastic variant arrived at the Illuminati’s HQ through a portal device that he seemingly created. That use of Reed’s ability to create exciting technology, alongside Deadpool 3 set photos revealing the Fantastic Four’s Fantasticar, shows that Reed’s inventions should become MCU mainstays.

7 Reed Richards Can Create The MCU’s Illuminati

A Version Of The Illuminati Has Already Appeared And Died

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness not only introduced the MCU’s first variant of Reed Richards, but it also saw the debut of an alternate reality’s Illuminati. Much like in the MCU movie, the comics saw Mister Fantastic being part of a secret group of heroes that acted in the shadows to stop global threats from happening. Through a post-credits scene where Reed gets to interact with other MCU heroes, the character can see the potential of protecting the Earth with a covert group of intelligent heroes. With Doctor Strange already having seen an Illuminati team and a Mister Fantastic variant up close, he could name the new group.

6 Galactus & His Heralds Can Be A Major Cosmic Presence

2025 Could Already See Major MCU Debuts Alongside The Fantastic Four

Custom image of Galactus and the Silver Surfer with a Marvel Studios logo in the foreground.

Galactus has been heavily rumored to be Fantastic Four‘s main villain. Galactus is a major cosmic force whose existence is necessary to keep the balance between Death and Eternity going. As such, the planet-devouring behemoth should continue for many years in the MCU, even if he is defeated in 2025’s Fantastic Four. Where Galactus goes, his heralds follow, so characters like the Silver Surfer and more should become mainstays of the MCU’s cosmic side. Having characters like the Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel, or the upcoming Nova dealing with Galactus and his heralds in future projects could be a way of inserting new life into Marvel’s cosmic corner.

5 Fantastic Four Could Set The Stage For Avengers: Secret Wars & An MCU Reboot

The Comics Reveal The Path For That To Happen

Avengers: Secret Wars logo with Doctor Doom from Marvel Comics

Recently, it was reported that Marvel Studios considered replacing Jonathan Majors’ Kang with Doctor Doom. The choice for Doom makes a lot of sense, especially given how the MCU is building up to Avengers: Secret Wars. In the comic book event that inspires the film, the villain becomes God Emperor Doom and is ultimately defeated by Reed Richards, who reshapes reality and reboots the multiverse. Marvel’s Fantastic Four could prepare the ground for that to happen in Avengers: Secret Wars, establishing the rivalry between Doom and Reed, the villain’s desire to rule over everything, and Mister Fantastic’s ability to solve nearly everything, possibly leading to an MCU reboot.

4 The Human Torch Can Become Spider-Man’s Best Friend

Tom Holland’s Peter Parker Is In Need Of Friends

Human Torch and Spider-Man leap into battle side-by-side

Spider-Man: No Way Home‘s ending left Holland’s Peter Parker alone, as Aunt May died and Doctor Strange’s spell made everyone forget who Peter was. That setup is perfect for having Spider-Man interact with new characters in Spider-Man 4, and Fantastic Four could introduce one of the hero’s most important friendships. In the comics, Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch, is best friends with Peter Parker. Johnny has even lived with Peter and Iceman at Aunt May’s house. Fantastic Four could include a cameo from Holland, perhaps showing that Peter and Johnny are the same age and go to the same college, setting up their friendship to grow throughout the MCU.

3 The Council Of Reeds Can Now Come To The MCU

There Are A Few Reed Richards Variants To Pick From

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania introduced the Council of Kangs, a team of thousands of Kang variants, to the MCU. Through the debut of the MCU’s version of Reed Richards in Fantastic Four, the heroes can directly counter the villains with a team of their own: The Council of Reeds. The main Mister Fantastic variants of the team could pull from the character’s live-action history, uniting Pedro Pascal from the MCU — if he’s really cast — Ioan Gruffudd from director Tim Story’s Fantastic Four movies, Miles Teller from the franchise’s 2015 reboot, and Krasinski as a different variant from the one who died in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.

Custom image of John Krasinski and Ioan Gruffudd's Reed Richards looking in each other's direction.


The Fantastic Four Gets Its Live-Action Council Of Reeds In Multiversal MCU Fan Art

With all the debate on who should play Reed Richards in Marvel’s Fantastic Four movie, a multiversal team of Reeds assembles in stunning MCU art.

2 Marvel’s Next Saga Could Have The Maker As Its Villain

Reed Richards Could Be An MCU Hero And Villain

Marvel Comics custom image with the Illuminati in blue looking into a portal as the maker escapes and grins.

The Council of Reeds might not be the only multiversal element of the Fantastic Four that changes the MCU after the team’s debut movie. There is an evil version of Reed Richards from the Marvel Comics’ Ultimate universe who sheds his Mister Fantastic identity to become the villain known as the Maker. The character was one of the few to survive the 2015 Secret Wars event in the comics, and if he were to debut in Fantastic Four or Avengers: The Kang Dynasty, the Maker could have a similar fate in Avengers: Secret Wars. The character could then come back stronger, becoming the main villain of the MCU’s next Saga.

1 The Fantastic Four’s Introduction Gives The MCU A New Major Team Alongside The Avengers

The MCU Has Felt Directionless Without A Team

fox 2005 fantastic four original team

One of the biggest complaints related to the current state of the MCU is that the universe feels directionless without an Avengers movie. Marvel’s Phases 4 and 5 do not have an Avengers film. Fantastic Four debuts a year before Avengers: The Kang Dynasty comes around, adding a new major team that continues in the Avengers’ absence and provides the audience with a fair dose of hero interactions. Besides, the team’s relationship brings a new aspect to the MCU. Known as Marvel’s First Family, the Fantastic Four will have an even tighter bond than the original Avengers did. That way, Fantastic Four ushers in a new era in the MCU.

Key Release Dates

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  • Marvel’s Fantastic Four
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  • Avengers: The Kang Dynasty
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  • Avengers: Secret Wars
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