10 Unpopular Opinions About Scarlet Witch, According To Reddit

10 Unpopular Opinions About Scarlet Witch, According To Reddit

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness just hit theaters on May 6, and this movie is a huge turning point in the character development of Wanda Maximoff, or as she is better known, the Scarlet Witch. For the first time in the MCU, Wanda is coming into her own as an antagonist.

Wanda is an incredibly multi-faceted character, and while she is a fan favorite, some fans over on Reddit definitely have some unpopular opinions concerning her character and decisions.

She Has Always Been A Villain

10 Unpopular Opinions About Scarlet Witch, According To Reddit

Wanda Maximoff has been a longtime fan favorite. Fans have enjoyed watching her develop from Wanda Maximoff to the Scarlet Witch. Before becoming an antagonist, she spends a lot of time as a superhero as one of the strongest Avengers.

Reddit user Ryuugan80 argues that Wanda has been a villain from the beginning. “Wanda Maximoff is fundamentally a selfish person,” they argue, “Wanda is a bad person that only believes she’s a good person.” This is a flawed argument, as Wanda rarely acts in her own interests (Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness excluded.) She goes to prison for Steve Rogers in Civil War and sacrifices Vision for the greater good. She is not selfish, she has shown that she puts the lives of others before herself.

The MCU Version Of Wanda Isn’t Good

Scarlet Witch in Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Magic

Wanda Maximoff has been loved by fans since her debut in 1964, and her MCU entry was met with enthusiasm. Elizabeth Olsen’s portrayal of this character has been praised for years

Even though the MCU Scarlet Witch has been received with love, some people think that this version of Wanda isn’t good. Reddit user thegrandwitch writes, “I feel like they missed an opportunity not portraying her as she was written in the original source material.” The MCU’s Wanda is much more simple than her comic book counterpart; in the comics, Wanda is confusingly introduced as a mutant, an Inhuman, and a genetically altered human. In the movies, her origin and powers are much simpler and her motivations as a villain are much clearer.

She Was Abandoned By The Avengers In The Movies

Wanda wearing a cap and looking worried in Captain America: Civil War

When Wanda is introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron, she is taken in by the Avengers, becoming their family. Some Redditors think that the Avengers abandoned Wanda, especially after the events of Captain America: Civil War.

One Redditor writes that they don’t like “how conveniently characters like Cap decided that she didn’t need help or to take accountability for her actions in [Civil War] when she from day one has been more of an anti-hero experimenting with Hydra and also her disregard for all the residents of Westview.” This opinion is unpopular because the Avengers, especially Clint Barton, are constantly worried about Wanda’s well-being. Though they mistreated her in Civil War, they acted with her best interests in mind.

All Fans Who Dislike Wanda Are Toxic

Scarlet Witch in her Hellfire Gala costume from Marvel Comics.

The Scarlet Witch is one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Wanda has done some violent things in both the comics and the movies. Even though she has proved herself to be a good person, a lot of fans despise her. Even though these people have some legitimate criticisms, some Redditors claim that all fans who hate Wanda are toxic.

Reddit user Lol_im_not_straight says that Wanda has indeed done “a lot of f***** up things, but the way she gets completely bashed and hated for it is completely disproportional…I love Marvel and a big part of its fandom, but there are a lot of toxic people too.” While some fans who hate Wanda are toxic, some have valid issues with her as a character, like her Hydra origins and how she is not held appropriately accountable for her violent actions.

Wanda’s Origin Story Is Similar To Captain America’s

Wanda Maximoff and Steve Rogers sitting on a bed in Civil War

One of the biggest arguments against Wanda’s moral integrity is the fact that she joins Hydra after the death of her parents. This is certainly difficult to defend Wanda against, but one Redditor has an argument.

TrumpSmokesMids27 claims that Wanda’s origin story is similar to Steve Rogers’s. They argue, “She joined Hydra because her parents were killed when she was 10, and by 16 she wanted to fight back, and unfortunately in her country, signing up to get superpowers isn’t as glorious as it was for Captain America.” Wanda and Steve are not compared often, and they are viewed as different heroes forged out of different circumstances. Even though the argument is logical, few people agree with this point of view.

Wanda Hate Is Always Based In Misogyny

Wanda Maximoff and Clint Barton in Captain America: Civil War

Although Wanda is generally loved, there are people who vehemently dislike her. She endures a lot of criticism, and some Redditors argue that Wanda hate is always due to misogyny.

Redditor CatofKipling writes, “When these examples, many of them literal patriarchs, get so much leniency and a character like Wanda doesn’t, I feel perfectly fine calling it misogyny.” There are certainly misogynistic undertones in the arguments of many people who hate Wanda because insecure men find validation in hating powerful women. However, it is unfair to state that all fans who dislike her are misogynistic, because there are valid criticisms of her character, such as her active involvement in Hydra and manipulative tendencies.

Wanda Doesn’t Actually Get Any Hate

An image of Wanda using her powers in the comics

It’s hard to make the argument that Wanda doesn’t get any hate. She gets more than her fair share of criticism, but some Redditors argue that other characters receive more hate than her and that she doesn’t actually get any.

Redditor therealgerrygergich argues, “Peter Quill gets way more hate than Wanda, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” They go on to say that other heroes are criticized far more than Wanda, which is untrue. Wanda receives unfair hate for many reasons. For example, the exposure of the multiverse, something Peter Parker and Doctor Strange are directly responsible for, is often wrongly blamed on Wanda. Lots of Marvel fans claim she was never held accountable for her actions in Westview when she did not do any of that intentionally. People tend to criticize Wanda far more than other heroes, for reasons unbeknownst.

WandaVision Ruined Her

Wanda in devil costume in WandaVision

WandaVision was a huge success, nominated for 23 Emmys and gaining international acclaim. Audiences around the world tuned in to watch the story of Wanda and Vision after the events of Avengers: Endgame. The show was a hit with Marvel fans, but some Redditors think that WandaVision ruined Wanda.

Redditor bluewords writes, “She literally tortured a town full of people knowing full well what she was doing. I did love her until WandaVision ruined her character, though.” Most fans hold the exact opposite opinion, arguing that WandaVision improved her as a character since it was her first time being the main character of her own story, which allowed fans to get to know her and better understand her motivations.

Wanda Isn’t Actually A Villain

Wanda Maximoff becomes the Scarlet Witch in WandaVision

Wanda is a complex character, mostly because she operates both as a protagonist and an antagonist; she has endured a lot of trauma. Some Redditors argue that she actually is never a villain.

Reddit user odvarkad writes, “Just based off the trailer, even if they make Wanda the villain of Multiverse of Madness I’m pretty sure I’m still team Wanda.” While Wanda might not be a malicious villain, there is no denying that she is the antagonist of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, dropping bodies and wrecking other universes left and right.

She’s Not The Main Character of The House Of M Storyline


The House of M storyline in the comics is one of the most interesting of Wanda’s storylines. Some Redditors argue that the House of M comics don’t tell Wanda’s story and that it isn’t about her.

Reddit user lightsage007 writes, “People even misrepresent her character in House of M. She can’t even be a villain in that comic because she has no agency. It’s her brother and father manipulating her.'” The House of M storyline is widely considered one of Wanda’s best comic runs, and while it is true that other characters have a lot of influence in it, she is still the lead character.