10 Unfair Star Trek vs Star Wars Comparisons

10 Unfair Star Trek vs Star Wars Comparisons

The age-old debate of Star Trek vs Star Wars has been going back and forth since many people have been alive. It ranges from ship battles to which characters are the best and all the topics in between. Some of these are valid comparisons and make the shows stronger in the process but a few really miss the point of the laws of each universe and established lore.

Who wins or loses isn’t always the point, it’s the rich discussion as fans that makes comparing your favorite Sci-Fi shows a fun time. Let’s look at a few of these comparisons and why they may not be fair to weigh at all.

The Magic Use Of Force

10 Unfair Star Trek vs Star Wars Comparisons

Everyone knows that the Star Wars universe revolves around the use of the mystical energy known as The Force. This was described perfectly by Obi-Wan himself as “an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together.” The important thing about this is Trek’s lack of any higher energy or power, instead, the show explores many facets of religion and it’s forms.

The two franchises handle these ideas very differently which doesn’t lend itself to a fair comparison. Trek takes a more grounded approach while Star Wars isn’t afraid to lean in on its parallels to magic.

Lightsaber Or Phaser?

The weapon of choice in the future world of Star Trek is the phaser, a precise beam emitting laser that can be dialed into different intensities. This contrasts heavily with the famous melee weapon of the Jedi Knights, the lightsaber. The main point of difference in these being one is almost always used to pacify rather than kill. We see this many times throughout the show as the ‘stun’ setting on the phaser is used to simply stop an attack rather than kill the subject.

To compare these two fairly though is somewhat difficult if you take into account the worlds in which they exist. Almost no one in the Star Wars universe uses a non-deadly weapon so the Jedi must be ready to face that threat. Talking goes a long way on the bridge of The Enterprise, not so much in the lawless galaxy of a long time ago.

Ships Of The Fleet

Nothing is quite as cool as the Enterprise panning over an alien world or the Millennium Falcon stirring up dust on Tatooine, but many fans love to pit these classics ships against one another. The flaw in this match-up is the design above everything. While every model of Enterprise was built for exploring the vast reaches of space, the Falcon is a freighter that packs a mean punch to deter attackers.

These have such different functions that any attempt to crown a winner is plagued with function over style. Enterprise has always been flashy and sleek while the Falcon reflects the smuggler that flies it.

Words As Weapons

Throughout much of the Star Trek universe conflicts are solved with nothing more than a speech or an eventual understanding of common ground. This is hugely different in the world of the Jedi and Sith. The history of the violent conflict of the two opposing sides of the force goes back thousands of years on a massive scale. The Old Republic was a time of large battles with hundreds of force wielders and remained that way until somewhat of a balance was struck. This remains one of the biggest differences in the two franchises and also the most talked about point.


It’s common knowledge that the Federation in Star Trek doesn’t use money as a means to grow or prosper. This was always the intention of Gene Roddenberry to show a society that had moved past the needs for cash. Unfortunately, this blissful money free society only exists inside the Federation’s worlds. There are many races and people who still use forms of currency (Quark always seeking gold-pressed latinum) within the far reaches of space. This muddles the argument of Star Trek not presenting currency in relation to Star Wars.

 The Empire Vs The Federation

This one may seem very self-explanatory but it’s not as easy as your classic ‘good vs evil’ dilemma. In the eyes of The Empire, they aren’t the bad guys in the equation, they are simply restoring order to an unruly galaxy. If these two factions were to cross paths they would undoubtedly disagree for the most part. However, The Emperor would likely admire the strong cohesion of The Federation and the unity as opposed to the somewhat lawlessness of the galaxy in Star Wars.

With these two having much more in common than most realize, it makes it much harder to pit them against one another. Although Starfleet would heavily disagree with the methods which The Empire uses to obtain the order they seek.

Slow Paced Or Action Heavy

Many fans of the respective franchises have used the pacing and tone of each series as an argument against which is better. Trek comes across as boring or slow while Star Wars is perceived to be a nonstop explosion of action. These two ideas couldn’t be more wrong. The real difference is the use of pacing and action to serve a story.

There are many episodes of Trek that use ship combat and physical fights to set up a moral choice. The same can be said for Star Wars when it slows down to show a deep character moment or a chilling tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise.

All Fans Are Equal

You probably walk down the street every day and pass people who are either Star Trek or Star Wars fans. Many misconceptions have cropped up over the years about both franchises fans and as with any fandom it spans ages and types. It’s never fair to compare fans of anything as a whole but these two giants have always garnered attention in their respective fan bases. While it’s true the Trekkies have existed longer, Star Wars fans are just as dedicated.  Many people love both and there is no one ‘type’.

Warp Speed Vs Hyperdrive

One of the age-old questions revolves around which is faster: Hyperdrive or Warp speed? The problem lies in the method the respective faster than light drives use. Warp drive bends space around the ship to create a sort of “warp bubble” while Hyperdrive drops into what is called “Hyperspace”. One is literally changing things around it and the other is traveling in a different plane. The vast difference in these makes it nearly impossible to grasp a good match up.

Real World Issues

A great draw of Star Trek has always been its ability to mirror real-life problems and struggles, most people don’t realize however that Star Wars also tackles many of our own problems. George Lucas has cited Vietnam, Nazis, and mythology as aspects that he wove into the story of the Jedi and The Empire. The characters in the saga also have relatable stories and motivations. The amazing thing about Star Wars is how closely woven these real-life mirrors are that you wouldn’t notice it immediately.