10 Times Gregory House Was A Complete Jerk

10 Times Gregory House Was A Complete Jerk

House, M.D.‘s titular character was meant to be a man of medical expertise so brilliant that people around him forgave his shortcomings, but in reality, Gregory House’s behavior often did not deserve forgiveness at all. It was one thing to utilize questionable diagnostic methods to solve a medical puzzle, and it was another to put a patient’s life in danger just to prolong the mystery or because of personal struggles. Speaking of personal, House’s behavior toward his colleagues, friends, and even girlfriends was not any better — at times, it was a lot worse than his professional demeanor.

House was harsh on his diagnostic team, disrespecting their medical opinions, becoming physically violent for no reason at all, and making offensive comments, especially toward and about women. He wasn’t particularly graceful with Lisa Cuddy either, despite the fact that she was the reason that he had a job at all. House, M.D.‘s main character didn’t give James Wilson, his best friend, special treatment or even acknowledge his efforts to get House out of trouble. In addition, House’s bedside manner could do with some sympathy and kindness; his patients truly didn’t deserve what he put them through.

10 House Playing A Kid Prank On Wilson

“Gut Check” (Season 8, Episode 16)

The prank that House orchestrated in House, M.D. season 8, episode 16, “Gut Check,” was on another level of cruel. When Wilson started regretting never experiencing parenthood, House told him that he had an 11-year-old son from an ex-girlfriend. After getting over the initial shock, Wilson met the boy, Duncan, and spent time with him. Duncan then asked to move in with Wilson because his mother was going to Costa Rica, and Wilson hesitantly agreed. Shortly afterward, he realized that he wasn’t ready for such a responsibility, and House revealed that this had all been a prank, designed to make Wilson understand that he didn’t want to have children after all.

9 House Crushing His Car Into Cuddy’s House

“Moving On” (Season 7, Episode 23)

10 Times Gregory House Was A Complete Jerk

In House, M.D. season 7, episode 23, “Moving On,” House proved once and for all that he would never be good enough for Cuddy. After their break-up, Cuddy, who mentioned that she wasn’t seeing anyone, asked House to return her hairbrush. On his way home, House picked up Wilson and drove to Cuddy’s house to do just that when he suddenly saw a man in her living room. Overcome with jealousy, House demanded that Wilson get out and went on to drive his car straight into Cuddy’s house. This move effectively destroyed any hope for House and Cuddy ending up together in House, M.D.

8 House Pretending To Have Cancer For Drugs

“Half-Wit” (Season 3, Episode 15)

House Looking Up in House, M.D.

House’s addiction was a major theme in House, M.D., but he truly went over the line in season 3, episode 15, “Half-Wit.” Cameron and Cuddy found out that House had been in contact with a brain cancer expert at a hospital in Massachusetts, and while House didn’t deny his condition when confronted, he pretended that it wasn’t that serious and told them to stay out of his business. Later on, it was revealed that House faked the documents to get into a clinical trial for patients with brain cancer because he wanted to get the innovative drugs for himself. That was a new low for House.

7 House Giving The Gun Back To The Criminal

“Last Resort” (Season 5, Episode 9)

In House, M.D. season 5, episode 9, “Last Resort,” House acted like the biggest jerk on the planet. A gunman took House, Thirteen, a nurse, and some patients hostage in Cuddy’s office, requesting that he get the attention of the best doctor available. It turned out that the man was suffering from a disease, which no one was able to diagnose for a long time. At one point, the man gave House his gun to go in for a CT scan, and after the procedure, House just gave it back — he cared more about the puzzle. In the end, Cuddy scolded him, as Thirteen almost died because of his recklessness. No wonder Cuddy left House, M.D. in season 7.

6 House Attempting To Kill Chase For No Reason

“House Divided” (Season 5, Episode 22)

House and Amber in a Bathtub in House, M.D.

House, M.D. season 5, episode 22, “House Divided,” showed House at his worst twice. The first time had to do with his arrangement for Chase’s bachelor party. In season 5, House started having hallucinations of Amber, Wilson’s dead girlfriend, as she represented his guilty subconscious in the aftermath of Kutner’s shocking death. Amber suggested to House hiring stripper Karamel for Chase’s party, and that ended badly. When Chase was coerced into taking a shot of Karamel’s body, he nearly died due to his allergy to strawberries. House later remembered that he knew about Chase’s allergy as well as about the fact that Karamel used strawberry body butter, realizing that he made an effort to kill Chase.

5 House Putting In A Cochlear Implant Without Consent

“House Divided” (Season 5, Episode 22)

Seth the Patient in Hospital Bed in House, M.D.

The second time dealt with House’s professionalism, or rather, lack thereof. In House, M.D.‘s “House Divided,” House treated Seth, a deaf teenage wrestler, who began hearing loud explosions all of a sudden. At some point, House forced Chase into inserting a cochlear implant inside Seth’s ear, despite the fact that he didn’t get consent from either Seth or his mother, Ellie. Unsurprisingly, House didn’t even regret his intrusion in the patient’s life and taking away his choice. The entire episode was hugely problematic in terms of treating a deaf person as someone who needed to be fixed.

4 House Shooting A Corpse & Destroying An MRI Machine

“Euphoria — Part 1” (Season 2, Episode 19)

House Holding a Gun in House, M.D.

House had no respect even for the most sacred things. In House, M.D. season 2, episode 19, “Euphoria — Part 1,” House and his team encountered Joe Luria, a police officer who began exhibiting uncharacteristic happiness out of the blue. When Luria’s condition worsened, House wanted to do an MRI, which wasn’t possible because of the potentially magnetic bullets. House needed to check if the bullets were magnetic, so he just grabbed the nearest corpse and shot it in the head. Despite Cuddy’s objections, House then proceeded to put the corpse into the MRI machine, immediately rendering it useless for a fortnight.

3 House Punching Chase In The Face

“Finding Judas” (Season 3, Episode 9)

House’s ego could never handle him being wrong, and in House, M.D. season 3, episode 9, “Finding Judas,” it showed. Six-year-old Alice was admitted to the hospital and seemed like she was suffering from an allergy to everything. After a bunch of theories were ruled out, House concluded that Alice had necrotizing fasciitis and ordered the amputation of the infected limbs. Just as the surgery was about to start, Chase figured out the correct diagnosis and rushed to tell House, who didn’t listen to reason and instead, punched Chase right in the face. Thankfully, House came to his senses shortly afterward and stopped the surgery.

2 House Spiraling & Strangling A Patient

“Holding On” (Season 8, Episode 21)

House Choking a Patient and Park Hitting Him with a Cane in House, M.D.

House, M.D. season 8 introduced the most heartbreaking plot twist — Wilson had terminal cancer. In season 8, episode 21, “Holding On,” House was on edge because of his friend’s condition and took it out on the patient. 19-year-old Derrick heard his dead brother’s voice in his head because of a small artery near his ear drum, so he had to have surgery to get it removed. However, Derrick didn’t want to say goodbye to his brother, so he tried to commit suicide by drinking ammonia. Enraged, House tried to strangle Derrick to prove a point, and Park had to hit House with his own cane to stop him.

1 House Misgendering An Intersex Patient On Purpose

“Skin Deep” (Season 2, Episode 13)

Intersex Patient Looking Feverish in House, M.D.

House was never shy to voice his opinions on anything, but he stepped over the line when he purposefully misgendered an intersex teenage patient. House, M.D. season 2, episode 13, “Skin Deep,” saw a 15-year-old girl collapse on the runway, and no one had any clue what was wrong with her. It turned out that Alex was intersex and had testicular cancer, which was causing all her symptoms. When House found out that she was intersex, he started making jokes and using masculine pronouns when referring to the girl. House behaved like a jerk, and as usual, his entitlement knew no bounds.

  • House TV Series Poster

    Release Date:

    Olivia Wilde, Jesse Spencer, Lisa Edelstein



    Story By:
    david shore

    David Shore


    Streaming Service(s):
    Peacock, HBO Max

    Deran Sarafian

    David Shore