10 Things You Probably Still Don’t Know About Animal Crossing: New Horizons

10 Things You Probably Still Don’t Know About Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a game many players have already put countless hours into since its original release in 2020. Despite that, the numerous intricacies and subtle nuances that have been programmed into the game mean there could still be more to discover. Whether someone has played daily for years, taken a break, and recently returned, or is picking up the game for the first time, this cozy life simulator has many hidden secrets and easter eggs that can bring extra delight.

As far as cozy games for the Nintendo Switch go, Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the clear winner for its ability to encourage players to slow down and explore a peaceful island lifestyle. The game is designed for regular, even daily, moments of popping onto the island to water flowers, chat with villagers, and catch a few bugs, and yet it has a large number of small details that can remain unnoticed by most players. Here are some of the fun things that may still be exciting and fresh to learn about in ACNH.

10 Things You Probably Still Don’t Know About Animal Crossing: New Horizons


Unique Animal Crossing Catchphrase Ideas For New Horizons Villagers

It can be tough to think up an original catchphrase in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Here are some guidelines and examples of unique catchphrases.


Many Fish And Bugs Have Unique Displays

Cages Can Look Different Depending On Creature

Often, catching bugs and fish in ACNH can be a means to completing the museum collection and earning Bells. There are, of course, regular tournaments related to the activities, but these only come at certain times. The in-game artist, Flick, can take bugs and fish from the player to create lifelike, although not quite true-to-size models of the creatues that can be used to decorate, but that is not the only way a player can use them for looks and roleplaying.

Placing bugs and fish in Animal Crossing will put them in cages or aquariums, but there are many different varieties of styles that these will take on, depending on the creature being placed. Some of these cages can also have internal lights turned on, created a cool look when the lights are off or at night. Best of all, snapping turtles, horseshoe crabs, and spider crabs can all be placed without any form of container and will interact with the player when clicked on, becoming fun pets.


Campsite Guest Personality Types Aren’t Random

The Villagers Already There Play A Part

There are eight character personalities that the villagers can have in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, including snooty, jock, lazy, smug, peppy, cranky, normal, and sisterly. These personalities will determine how the characters will talk and act, and so some players like to have a variety on the island, while others prefer to have their villagers stick to the same one or two types.

When villagers stay at the campsite with the possibility of moving to the island, surprisingly, the choice of who might appear is not entirely random. ACNH will provide more campers of personality types that are not already represented on the island in an attempt to balance things out. Therefore, if one type is not already on an island, the majority of campers will be that missing style.

Two Animal Crossing villagers standing under a speech bubble which says


ACNH Greeting Ideas: Cute Greetings for Villagers

Animal Crossing: New Horizons lets players make custom greetings for villagers. Here’s everything to know about greetings, including fun examples.


Multiple Family Connections In Animal Crossing

Some Confirmed, Others Are Still Speculation

Some of the familial relationships in ACNH are very obvious and straightforward, such as the trio of Able Sisters, Mable, Sable, and Labelle. Other relations can be a bit more blurred, such as how Timmy and Tommy are surprisingly not related to Tom Nook by blood, as was explained by Mr. Nook in Wild World, although he refers to them as his nephews in New Horizons.

Of the villagers in the game, the bunnies Chrissy and Francine are the only truly confirmed relations, despite there being much speculation on several others.



Chrissy And Francine

Confirmed to be sisters. Similar clothing and house styles, with Francine in blue and Chrissy in pink. Both have pictures of each other in their houses.

Chevre And Nan

Two possible sister goats with similar looks, except Chevre has white fur with a house with white walls and black fur, and Nan is the opposite. Both have pictures of each other in their houses.

Chow And Chester

Chow is possibly Chester’s father. Chester is a panda cub, with Chow an adult. They have nearly identical houses.

Admiral And Ace

Admiral is possibly Ace’s father. Similar name styles, and home designs.

Prince And Puddles

Possible relation, although unknown of exact nature. Similar patterns on their faces. Prince’s home in New Horizons is the exact design of Puddles’ house in Wild World.

Whether or not these will be confirmed or denied in the next game will be interesting to see, but for now, players are free to imagine what they would like.


Katrina’s Fortunes Can Affect A Lot

For Good And Evil

Having a fortune told by Katrina in Animal Crossing can be fun, but might actually affect more than players realize. Her vague descriptions of what might happen can be a bit cryptic and are either positive or negative, with her stating that she can purify any negative fortunes for a whopping 10,000 Bells.

These silly fortunes are not just a strange discussion with an NPC, however, and will change the way the day will go for the player, for better or worse. Some can provide better items being found or having tools not break, they could cause no Bells to be earned from shaking trees or gold nuggets to come from rocks, or even improve or diminish friendship levels. If a bad fortune is given regarding health, the player may even find their character falling over unexpectedly a lot.


Wasps Hate Parties

Party Poppers Serve A Purpose

Being stung by a wasp after shaking trees in ACNH isn’t really too terrible, as other than providing a little bit of an adrenaline rush for the player, the character is only left with a bit of a swollen eye which can be cleared up with some medicine. This unexpected surprise of wasps swarming can also present an opportunity to either catch them for the museum or find hilarious ways to avoid the situation.

Avoiding wasps can be accomplished by running into a building or even dancing, but if one is prepared with a party popper in their hands, they can turn the tables and scare the wasps right back. Shooting off a party popper as soon as the bugs begin to swarm will make them disperse, giving a silly benefit to having the otherwise useless party item.


Animal Crossing: Every Way To Avoid Wasps

Wasps have a chance to appear every time a tree is shaken in the Animal Crossing series, and their stings can be painful if they aren’t avoided.


Fishing Is Much Calmer Than Many Think

It’s Meant To Be Peaceful

For years, many have misunderstood the calm and tranquil nature of the fishing mechanics in this cozy game. Fishing in ACNH is designed to be a calm, meditative way to slow down and enjoy a stress-free moment of peace, yet for many it is the exact opposite. To many players, fishing is an adrenaline-filled burst of energy as they frantically press the A button as soon as the fish bites. However, that is not necessary and, in fact, really isn’t doing anything.

As soon as a fish bites the lure in the game, all that a player needs to do is simply press the A button once, and the game will do the rest. One simple touch of the button is much calmer and simpler than frantically pounding the button, as many have previously thought.


CJ from Animal Crossing holding up a fish and winking. The background is another CJ catching a fish,


Animal Crossing Players With 500 Hours Playtime Are Only Just Realizing How Fishing Really Works

After four years and over 500 hours, Animal Crossing: New Horizons players are finally discovering how fishing really works in the game.


Gyroids Can Be Wall Decorations

Shelves Will Automatically Appear

Gyroids are a silly and fun dynamic of the Animal Crossing games and come in a huge variety to collect, even being able to be customized to multiple colors. While it is a challenge to collect one of every gyroid in the game, it can be a fun and unique form of decorating one’s house, as well as the rest of the island. The musical and dancing little objects can be fun to have around, and the bright colors and plethora of designs make for wonderful artwork.

What many do not realize is that when placing gyroids in the player’s home in ACNH, they are not limited to the floor or tables. Putting a gyroid up on a wall will automatically create a little shelf for the gyroid to sit on, giving even more possibilities for decorating designs.


Brewster Has A Special Gyroid: The Brewstoid

And It Coos Like A Pigeon

Perhaps the best and most one-of-a-kind gyroids in Animal Crossing: New Horizons is a special reward that can only be gifted to the player by the barista pigeon, Brewster. Brewster’s unique gyroid, the Brewstoid, can only be gained once and is gifted after the player buys 51 cups of coffee at The Roost.

The special gyroid known as the Brewstoid looks like a miniature doll of the coffee-loving pigeon, and not only will it dance in a wobbly fashion like other gyroids in the game do, but it will coo like a pigeon in an adorable fashion. This is the only gyroid that can not be customized, so it will always look just like Brewster himself and is a loving symbol of the players’ support for the coffee shop.

animal crossing brewster


Animal Crossing : How To Get All Of Brewster’s Gifts

Animal Crossing’s Brewster gives players gifts for buying coffee and for regularly visiting The Roost. These are all the rewards ACNH players can get.


The King Tut Mask Will Make Players’ Trip

No Running Allowed For Pharaohs

The craftable golden item, the King Tut mask, is a hilariously oversized wearable mask that can work great for a Halloween costume to look like a pharaoh or just for wearing around for fun. The recipe requires five gold nuggets to make, which can be learned while picking up some of the gold that has been knocked out of rocks.

One hilarious feature of this giant hat is that if the player runs while wearing the King Tut mask, they will frequently trip and fall on their face, even leaving large skid marks in sand or dirt. If any villagers are nearby when the player trips, they will often look shocked or worried, sometimes even running over to see if the player is okay. Thankfully, nothing happens other than a little stumble, and even the marks on the ground disappear fairly quickly.


Aliens Are Trying To Communicate

Every Week, They Hack The Game

There are more than just the friendly villagers and other common NPCs wanting to chat with the main character in ACNH; in fact, there are weekly communications from extraterrestrial lifeforms. This event is not one that is likely to be stumbled across inadvertently, as it requires the exact right timing and situation to see, but it can absolutely be a fun or scary reason to watch the television.

Animal Crossing New Horizons Aliens


Animal Crossing: New Horizons – How to Have an Alien Encounter

Animal Crossing: New Horizons has a hidden show broadcasting from inside the game. Here is the exact time and place to find this alien encounter.

Every Saturday morning at exactly 3:33 AM, there will be some static on the in-game television set, followed by an alien figure who seems to be trying to talk. The entire encounter only happens for one minute, and by 3:34, players may be wondering if they really saw what they just saw. A similar event happened in New Leaf on Sundays and Mondays at 3:33 AM and is a very fun Easter egg to see carried over into Animal Crossing: New Horizons as well, although so far, no aliens have actually landed on the island, at least that anyone knows of.

Animal Crossing New Horizons

$51 $60 Save


Animal Crossing


Nintendo Switch


March 20, 2020


Nintendo EPD







How Long To Beat

68-600 hours


Nintendo Switch

$51 at Amazon