10 Things You Didn’t Know A Facebook Portal Could Do

10 Things You Didn’t Know A Facebook Portal Could Do

Facebook has released a new product called a Portal whose main purpose is to help families connect through video chat. It has so many great features that customers are raving about as it allows them to communicate in new and exciting ways. Some are expected, while others are new concepts that the company itself came up with.

We have compiled a list of the best features this product has to offer. Many will find themselves ordering a device after reading about how great it truly is. Keep reading to learn about 10 things you didn’t know a Facebook Portal could do!

Comes Equipped With A Smart Camera

10 Things You Didn’t Know A Facebook Portal Could Do

The smart camera included in this device makes it super easy to talk to your friends and family, while still performing other tasks. It will follow you throughout the room, and even pan out if more people enter the conversation.

This device is the perfect thing for families with busy lives who don’t have the time to sit for an hour and talk to their loved ones who are miles away. It might not seem like a huge deal, but the next time you have your hands full on a call, it will leave you thinking of this amazing device.

Calls People Who Don’t Have A Portal

whatsapp logo on a gray background

The one misconception is that a portal is required in order to call someone, but this is simply not true. It works through both the Facebook Messenger app, as well as the WhatsApp for those without a profile on this site.

This is a great little trick as it makes it more cost-effective and simple for loved ones to use. It takes out the need for extra software, or even for loved ones to buy this product, as often their phones suffice.

Has Several AR Masks


This product, like many apps out there, has added AR masks to spice up any call with your friends. It has photo booths so you can take funny pictures with friends, or play interactive games that feature a variety of AR masks.

It adds a sense of fun and a way for users to create their own sense of flair during a call. Some may never use the feature, while others will get a kick out of the many different things they can become with the click of a button.

You Can Call On Alexa

Amazon Echo Dot with Alexa virtual assistant

Amazon’s Alexa is a part of this product and can be called upon by users when they need her assistance. A simple sentence can set a timer or add items to a grocery list as she is always at the ready awaiting your commands.

It even connects to the rest of your smart home devices, as well as some of Amazon’s specialty apps. This is one reason why many choose to buy this product as it has all of the features of an Alexa-based product, but in a tablet form with a screen.

The Camera And Microphone Can Be Disabled

One issue many people have with Facebook is their willingness to breach people’s privacy. Luckily, the portal can be disabled from listening or watching your everyday conversations with the touch of a button.

It is on every portal device and it ensures that no one can see or hear whatever is happening in your life in a single given moment. This adds a sense of privacy and security that many Facebook users are generally wary of.

There Are Different Sizes And Styles

The Portal is not a one size fits all device, and comes in a variety of styles to suit every need. There are three with displays, and one without, with screen sizes of 8, 10, and 15.6 inches. It can be difficult to choose, but it really depends on your budget, and what size view you want on the screen in front of you.

Each has an HD display, while the Portal TV connects directly to a television screen. The products range in price from $129 to $279 and the appealing features make it well worth it.

The Microphone Will Minimize Background Noise

We all can agree with the sentiment that when on the phone, sometimes background noise can detract from a conversation. Luckily, this device minimizes the noise and makes it easier for the person on the other end to hear you.

This is great, especially during events when things can be a bit chaotic around the house. It might not seem like a great perk now, but when the time comes it will be one of the best things about this device.

It Can Act As A Picture Frame


When this device is not in use, it doesn’t sit there and detract from the rest of your decor. Rather, it turns into a digital picture frame when not in use.

Users can pick and choose certain albums or pictures for the device to cycle through. Many love how it uses their newer posts as it stays up to date with the most recent events in their lives.

A Phone Can Be Connected Using Bluetooth

This device truly does it all as users can connect their phones by using Bluetooth. This feature is mainly used to play music through your phone, as some find it easier to navigate their phone apps rather than those on the Portal itself.

Also, photos can be sent directly from a phone’s camera to the device through a special app made specifically for this. It allows users to stay up-to-date with their most recent pictures so the display is always as current as possible.

Story Time Is Great For Families

Families love this device, especially those who travel a lot and have small children back home. It has a feature that allows parents to tell select stories through the device. Each one is accompanied by an AR mask for the screen that transforms the teller into the storyteller of their kids’ dreams.

It was an exceptional idea that deserves to be recognized as so many people could take advantage of this. The ability for kids to watch their favorite stories come to life is something out of a dream that many never would have expected to come true.