10 Things Reddit Fans Hope To See In Fantastic Beasts: Secrets Of Dumbledore

10 Things Reddit Fans Hope To See In Fantastic Beasts: Secrets Of Dumbledore

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets Of Dumbledore, set to hit screens on April 15, 2022, is one of the most anticipated films of 2022. This is not only because the released materials tease a detailed history of one of the wizarding world’s best characters – Albus Dumbledore – but also because Potterheads hope to finally receive some answers to the questions they were left with back in 2018.

The second installment in the Fantastic Beasts series, Crimes Of Grindelwald, contained an abundance of plotholes, continuity errors, and disappointments that fans of the Harry Potter series could not help but criticize. From another alleged Dumbledore sibling to characters being name-dropped for the sake of it, fans have made it clear that The Secrets of Dumbledore has quite a few explanations to provide and high expectations to uphold.

Flashbacks To What Happened With Ariana

10 Things Reddit Fans Hope To See In Fantastic Beasts: Secrets Of Dumbledore

One of the biggest revelations in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was the fact that Albus Dumbledore had once been close to the wizard supremacist, Gellert Grindelwald. Harry also learned that the reason Dumbledore hesitated to face Grindelwald for so many years was that he feared facing the truth about whether or not he had killed his sister, Ariana.

Redditor trogaroony hopes to finally receive the full story around Ariana, including “confirmation of what happened (is she an obscurus?),” along with “the whole duel” involving Albus, Aberforth, and Gellert. While readers of the series were given snippets about the situations regarding Ariana, they are never given the complete details and fans are hoping this film will change that.

Nagini’s Transformation

Nagini in Human Form in The Crimes of Grindelwald

Lord Voldemort’s trusty pet and Horcrux is brought back in Fantastic Beasts: Crimes Of Grindelwald. However, rather than the ruthless snake of the Harry Potter series, viewers were introduced to a kinder, human version of Nagini. The film explained that Nagini is a Maledictus, a carrier of a blood curse that gives her the ability to transform into a snake until the day she will not be able to turn back.

But Redditor Worm_Scavenger is still curious to see “how Nagini ends up meeting a young Tom Riddle and why she decides to join him in his crusade of dominating the Wizarding World.” While offered a legitimate explanation for a human Nagini, fans are still waiting to see her change in demeanor from compassionate, loving, and anti-Grindelwald to Voldemort’s merciless right-hand snake.

Queenie Redeemed

Queenie at a party in Fantastic Beasts 3

Queenie’s innocence and elite skills quickly made her a fan favorite in the first Fantastic Beasts installment, with her blossoming romance with Jacob becoming another highlight. This is why one of the most tragic elements of the second Fantastic Beasts film was when sweet, good-hearted Queenie gets manipulated into joining Grindelwald’s army.

A testament to Grindelwald’s ability to influence and control, Queenie’s decision to ultimately leave with Grindelwald was both shocking and heartbreaking for fans. Reddit user lifewithmyfurbabies “hated that she followed Grindelwald” and are “still hoping they end up together,” an eventual reunion that must first be driven by Queenie’s redemption.

Newt & Tina Together

tina goldstein and newt scamander fantastic beasts

The protagonist of the series, Newt Scamander, has not had the best of luck when it comes to romance. While his first love, Leta Lestrange, married his brother and was eventually destroyed by Grindelwald, his ongoing chemistry with Tina Goldstein keeps being put on the backburner in favor of saving the day.

Redditor AprilShowers97 hopes to see the upcoming film “flesh out the side characters and relationships,” with the quirky duo finally culminating their love with a “Newtina kiss.” Although Tina and Newt are meant for one another – her eyes remind him of salamanders, after all – fans are waiting to see their cute, awkward flirtations develop into something more meaningful on-screen.

Credence’s Actual Family History

Ezra Miller as Credence in Fantastic Beasts 3 Secrets of Dumbledore

Credence has been a focal point of the Fantastic Beasts series, ever since it was revealed that the mistreated orphan was the out-of-control Obscurial terrorizing the town. Having survived his alleged demise in Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them, he spends most of his time in Crimes of Grindelwald searching for his family and true identity.

Fans were shocked when Grindelwald declared Credence a member of the Dumbledore family, Aurelius, with the phoenix to prove it. The Harry Potter books or movies never mentioned this detail – hence why it is so crucial to have it unpacked. As Reddit user, ThatPanWitch mentions, Credence has now been labeled as “Barebone, Lestrange, Dumbledore,” so seeing him “getting a good life and maybe identity would be nice.”

McGonagall’s Cameo Explained

Minerva McGonagall holding a wand in Harry Potter

Professor Minerva McGonagall was loved by Harry Potter readers and viewers alike. With her witty remarks, fierce loyalty, and care for her students, McGonagall was easily one of the better adult characters and someone that fans would have loved to see on-screen again – as long as it was canon. Sadly, Crimes of Grindelwald did not deliver this.

Although fans got a glimpse at a younger Professor McGonagall, the events in that flashback are assumed to take place before Minerva was born, making the cameo more confusing than anything. While Redditor still_floatin states they would like it if the films “solved the McGonagall timeline” since they do “like having her there,” others, like Krahnarchy, are skeptical as to “how that timeline can be fixed without retconning the books.”

Grindelwald In His Youth

Young Dumbledore and Grindelwald on a picture

One of the delights of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was getting a glimpse into the life of a young Tom Riddle. It showed that part of the reason he was so successful as Lord Voldemort was due to his youthful charisma and cunning. Just like Tom, Gellert Grindelwald is portrayed in the books as having a similar alluring power to him.

Redditor IamJanTheRad states they would like to “see how Grindelwald was doing as a student in Durmstrang until he was expelled.” Since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows mentioned that Grindelwald was just as brilliant as Dumbledore – albeit infinitely more domineering and wicked – it would be interesting to the student version of him in Secrets of Dumbledore, before his rise to power.

More Newt Scamander & Co.

Newt Scamander, Tina Goldstein, and Jacob Kowalski in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them succeeded in part due to its fresh faces and new storylines. While fans of the original series got their fix of callbacks and connections, the film still opened the wizarding world up to new characters and possibilities. Fans were especially taken with the protagonist, Newt, and his relationships with the others.

However, it appears he and his friends have taken a back seat in the series for the Dumbledore/Grindelwald storyline. Redditor LucillePepper states that they “really loved Newt, Jacob Kowalski, Queenie and Tina in the first movie,” and “wish the series was more about them, their adventures and the fantastic beasts.” Like them, many fans hope to see the series re-focus on Newt and his friends.

Unabashedly Gay Dumbledore

Dumbledore looking serious in Fantastic Beasts

Rowling affirmed years ago that Dumbledore is gay. However, fans speculated whether this was true or a queerbaiting technique. With the release of Crimes of Grindelwald, the hope was that Dumbledore would, at last, reveal the true nature of his relationship with Grindelwald. Instead, he delivered a meek “we were more than brothers.”

Redditor InfectedLegWound hopes that it is stated “as explicitly as possible that Dumbledore is gay and was in love with Grindelwald,” and do not want “any euphemism or things that easily can be hand-waved away with ‘brotherly love’ or friendship.” Although the connotations are undoubtedly there, fans want a direct, inarguable confirmation of his sexuality from Dumbledore himself.

More Actual Fantastic Beasts

An Occamy coming out of the darkness in Fantastic Beasts

As the title of the series suggests, Fantastic Beasts should feature fantastic beasts at their forefront. While the first film brought many beloved new magical creatures, the second did not directly introduce as many. Instead, they were put into the background – displayed but not honed in on, such as the Matagots – guard cats – within the French Ministry of Magic.

Albeit not the focus of the films anymore, fans still hope the series will live up to its name and present at least a few new magical beings. Redditor emo_skewer enjoyed the first film because “underneath the main plot there was this whimsical story of friendship between both the characters and the beasts,” and the series could benefit by revisiting those roots.