10 Things Moon Knight Season 2 Needs To Have If It Happens

10 Things Moon Knight Season 2 Needs To Have If It Happens

If the first season of Moon Knight was an introduction to an entirely new mythos through the eyes of a highly compelling hero, a possible season 2 has a lot of stories left to develop. The series explored some heavy themes regarding mental health and introduced Egyptian gods to the MCU in a six-episode arc. Although a second season of Moon Knight is not guaranteed, the first season left several open threads to explore in a future project.

Moon Knight follows Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac), who shares a body with mercenary Marc Spector, as the two attempt to reconcile their identities and trauma while dragged into a conflict of gods. The Disney+ series left its ending extremely open-ended, teasing several future plotlines, even as the MCU’s current timeline indicates no plans to continue this hero’s journey. All hope is not gone, however, and if there is a Moon Knight season 2, it has a lot of questions to answer and arcs to explore.

10 Things Moon Knight Season 2 Needs To Have If It Happens


Moon Knight’s Ending Explained (In Detail)

Moon Knight episode 6 brings Marc Spector’s story to a close while setting up his MCU future. Here’s Moon Knight’s ending and post-credits explained.

10 Marc Spector’s Mysterious New Alter, Jake Lockley

Khonshu’s Secret New Avatar

Jack Lockley looking back from the front seat of a cab in the Moon Knight finale

The Moon Knight season 1 finale shows Marc and Steven losing their Moon Knight powers as they stop serving Khonshu. However, their seemingly peaceful conclusion is immediately marred by the reveal of a third alter in the post-credits scene: Jake Lockley. The most intriguing part is that neither Marc nor Steven seem aware of Jake’s existence — or the fact that he still serves Khonshu.

Clearly, the Lockley reveal sets up season 2’s premise, as Marc and Steven will not be allowed a harmonious life as long as one of the identities remains Khonshu’s “fist of vengeance.” The character is a killer, like Marc, but far more ruthless and, apparently, the reason for Khonshu’s interest in Marc at all. Hopefully, a second season can further develop the character and depict his motivations. Either way, Jake Lockley will be the driver of any action for our hero in any future appearance.

9 Layla As Scarlet Scarab

The First Egyptian Superhero In The MCU

Layla El-Faouly (May Calamwy) demonstrated her heroism throughout Moon Knight long before she gained superpowers. Nonetheless, her transformation in the season finale is hugely significant both for the future of the show and for the MCU in general. Upon becoming the goddess Tawaret’s Avatar, Layla gains superhero powers of her own, placing her at the very beginning of her superhero journey.

One of the more moving moments of the finale is Layla’s realization that she is, in fact, a hero. When asked by a little girl if she is an Egyptian superhero, she responds that she is; the look of awe on the girl’s face is a testament to the importance of representation. A second season of Moon Knight would be perfectly set up to explore her hesitation upon trusting Tawaret and coming into her own as a hero. Whether or not Moon Knight returns for a second season, it is clear that Layla El-Faouly’s journey must continue.

8 More Egyptian Gods And Conflicts

Prominent Gods From The Comics, Like Seth And Osiris

While season 1 of Moon Knight revolves around Khonshu’s conflict with the even harsher and more ruthless goddess Ammit, a second season would have opportunities to explore other gods and conflicts. It’s important to introduce more of the world and mythology as the show progresses, especially due to the fact that there is no Moon Knight without the gods! The show has the potential to further develop some of the gods that have already been introduced, like Tawaret, as well as introduce entirely new characters.

There is potential to bring several conflicts from the comics to life on the screen in Moon Knight season 2. Among these is Seth, who has historically been an opponent to the other Egyptian gods in the comics, particularly Osiris. The leader of the Ennead Council makes a brief appearance in season 1but has not yet been explored at large. Season 2 of Moon Knight would provide a valuable opportunity to delve much deeper into this intriguing world of gods and the ways their conflicts bleed into the lives of humans.

Moon knight khonshu Anubis


Moon Knight’s Other Trapped Gods Explained

Moon Knight episode 4 hints that Khonshu has been trapped alongside several other Egyptian gods from the MCU. Who could the other victims be?

7 Lockley Versus Steven As Marc Spector’s Alters

The Two Coult Represent Opposing Aides Of Marc’s Psyche

A split image of Jake Lockley in Moon Knight promotional material and Moon Knight in a Marvel comic

The introduction of Jake Lockley adds a lot of dimension to the fracturing of Marc Spector’s identity. The audience is originally led to believe that Steven is a concentration of everything Marc perceives as good to protect him from what he believes to be his true nature — but Marc’s really not a bad person in the first place. On the other hand, Lockley could demonstrate a killer instinct that goes against everything Steven is and represents to Marc.

This potential push-and-pull dynamic would be fascinating to explore, particularly given the history of how Steven came to be. Season 1 provides catharsis and healing as Marc confronts the trauma that led to the creation of Steven and reconciles the latter as a part of him that he loves and accepts. Could the Lockley alter ever be similarly accepted? Given that Lockley is likely the “anti-Steven,” there are sure to be some interesting conflicts between the three identities to explore in Moon Knight season 2.

6 Bushman As A Key Villain

Marc Has A Personal Grudge

Oscar Isaac as Marc Spector in Moon Knight and Raul Bushman in Marvel comics

While there is a whole roster of Moon Knight villains in the comics, Bushman is not only one of the most prominent. However, he has already been teased on the show. Episode 5 confirms that the villain is a key part of Marc’s backstory as his former commander as a mercenary, responsible for the death of Layla’s father, among other innocents. Name-dropping Bushman in the series and presenting a personal grudge on a silver platter practically begs for a second season appearance.

Bushman would be a great villain for not only Marc, but Layla, too, given his role in killing her father. This would authentically tie in a role for Layla in Marc’s conflict for the season, giving her a clear purpose and arc that connects to the main plot. Furthermore, if it wasn’t for Bushman leaving him to die, Marc wouldn’t have been saved and forced to serve Khonshu, fueling further resentment against the villain. It just makes sense for Bushman to reappear in Marc’s life in Moon Knight’s next appearance.

Oscar Isaac as Marc Spector in Moon Knight and Raul Bushman in Marvel comics


Moon Knight Episode 5’s Bushman Tease Supports Major MCU Villain Theory

A passing reference in Moon Knight episode 5 supports a widely-held theory that Marvel’s Raul Bushman could debut as a future MCU villain.

5 More Supernatural Settings Like Duat

The Egyptian Underworld Was A Welcome Addition To The Show

 Taweret, Marc, and Steven stand on a boat in the sands of Duat in Moon Knight season 1

Duaat in Egyptian mythology is the realm of the dead; in Moon Knight, it is an astral dimension serving as an underworld among many. Episode 5, “Asylum,” is the best-rated episode of the series for a reason: it blends internal conflict with the fantastical setting of Duaat. The setting is extraordinary not simply because of the fantasy and mythology surrounding it, but because it serves as a perfect vessel for Steven and Marc’s backstories, inner conflicts, and healing.

Given the success of the episode, a second season should consider upping the fantastical ante with more supernatural settings, as long as they’re rooted in strong storytelling. Leaning into the rich vastness of Egyptian mythology and the MCU’s more supernatural elements is the way to go. “Asylum” left viewers craving more unconventional settings like Duaat; if there ever is a second season, the writers should take note.

4 The Status Of Marc’s (And Steven’s) Relationship With Layla

The Complex Dynamic Isd A Loose End In Moon Knight Season 1

Steven and Layla smiling at each other in Moon Knight.

Layla is Marc’s ex-wife in Moon Knight and has a complicated history with him before he disappears from her life. Even through her anger toward him and the walls he puts up, it’s clear the two still have a lot of love for each other. Upon meeting Steven, things become even more confusing for Layla, as she gets to know and accept this entirely different man as a part of Marc. Moreover, she finds herself drawn to Steven as his own person.

This “love triangle” between two identities of the same man and the woman they both love is far from resolved by the end of the first season. Understandably, the finale focuses on Layla’s hero arc over her romantic relationships, but that doesn’t mean that a second season won’t explore the dynamic. It may even be further complicated by the introduction of Jake Lockley and potential developments with Bushman, the man who murdered her father.


Moon Knight: 10 Best Relationships From The Show

From Steven and Marc to Khonshu and Harrow, there are some fascinating relationships on Disney+’s Moon Knight. Which are the best ones?

3 Marc And Steven Finally On The Same Page

The Two End The Season At Peace With One Another

Marc Spector And Steven Grant Share A Hug In Moon Knight Episode 4

A major arc in season 1 of Moon Knight is Marc and Steven coming to accept, even love, one another. They’re often at odds, a physical manifestation of their inner conflict, reaching the climax of their discord when Steven realizes that he is, in fact, the alter and not the original identity. The season finally concludes with them at a place of peace with one another, only to throw a wrench into it with Jake Lockley’s introduction.

Although Moon Knight season 2 is sure to bring more conflict and inner strife to the screen, it would be nice to see the two act as a more united front for once. They could attack the problems they face together, even as their different personalities shine through. While the whole season doesn’t need to shy away from conflict between Steven and Marc, at least a brief taste of their togetherness would be appreciated.

2 Wider MCU Connections

The Relatively Self-Contained Show Has Potential For Tie-Ins To The Larger MCU

Moon Knight in front of promotional art featuring dozens of MCU characters

Overall, Moon Knight is pretty far removed from the MCU at large, focusing more on developing its characters and plot alone. This strategy works well in season 1 as the audience is introduced to the characters and mythology, but it would not fare too well as the show grows and expands as part of the MCU. A second season would need to lean into links to other stories that are hinted at in the first.

The Ennead Egyptian gods are reminiscent of the Asgardians’ representation of Norse mythology and the Eternals as god-like figures that refrain from interfering in human affairs. That begs the question: do these histories ever intersect? In Duaat, Tawaret explains that the Egyptian underworld is just one example of an afterlife and offers the example of the Ancestral Plane from Black Panther; another tangible link to the rest of the MCU. Hopefully, a second season can explore such connections and make the series feel more integrated in its larger universe.

1 More Mental Health Representation

The Show Stands Out For Its Representation Of Trauma And Its Impacts

A split image of Steven Grant in civilian clothes and his Moon Knight outfit

When the fantastical conflicts and gods are stripped away, Moon Knight is at its core a story of trauma and healing. Marc/Steven represents a superhero with DID, which has also been explored by the DC show Doom Patrol, but unlike the latter, Moon Knight‘s TV-14 rating forces the show to be creative to keep heavy topics family-friendly. Nonetheless, the show doesn’t flinch when it depicts the horrific emotional and physical abuse Marc received in his childhood that led to the creation of Steven Grant.

With the inclusion of Jake Lockley all but a guarantee if a second season manifests, there is sure to be more inner turmoil for the characters. Marc accepting and loving Steven is deeply cathartic and healing, but accepting Jake Lockley might present more of a challenge. How can an identity that seemingly represents Marc’s worst qualities ever be reconciled? And how did he even come to be? These are questions for season 2 of Moon Knight to answer.

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